Chapter 239 Does it hurt to be bitten by a giant dragon? (Second update for subscription)|Lord of the Last World: Starting with the tenth-order arms|Lord of the last world: Starting with the tenth-order arms Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

Beg Huahua, ask for tickets, ask for everything! “I’m afraid Lord Duan is not here this time for this!”

Fang Yunyi pointed out.

Duan Qinglian’s face changed slightly, and she gave Fang Yun a white look: “Well, I can’t hide anything from your Fang Yun’s eyes. I have something to look for Su Ye, you take me to see him!”

“What’s the matter”

Fang Yun asked.

“It’s inconvenient to tell you, you can take me to see him anyway.”

Duan Qinglian Road.

Fang Yun frowned, Duan Qinglian is a bit difficult to deal with! After thinking about it, Fang Yun still chose to refuse: “If you don’t tell me what you want to do, I dare not let you in, in case you want to plot against the leader, then me”

Before Fang Yun finished speaking, he was interrupted by Duan Qinglian: “Hehe, you are so unconfident in your clan leader, with my ability, you can’t do anything to him at all, didn’t you see it last time?”

Hearing this, Fang Yun thought about it.

Before he could speak, Duan Qinglian’s voice came again.

“Fang Yun, I’ve known you for a long time. Don’t you trust me at all? If you really don’t want to, then I’ll leave!”

After saying that, Duan Qinglian turned around and left.

Seeing this, Fang Yun called out: “Okay, I’ll take you to see him, but you’d better not have any crooked thoughts, otherwise, you won’t be able to get out of the cloud territory.”

Duan Qinglian shrugged with an innocent look on her face.

Fang Yun waved his hand and ordered the city gate to be opened.

Duan Qinglian walked in from outside the door with Duan Yuhe and Li Yan.

This is the first time Duan Qinglian has entered Fang Yun’s cloud territory.

There are tens of thousands of troops stationed inside, the momentum is huge, and it is really powerful.

Also just as Fang Yun said before, if Duan Qinglian really has any bad intentions, he will definitely not be able to get out of this cloud territory.

As soon as he entered the city, Fang Yun had already come down from the city wall and stood in front of Duan Qinglian.

Duan Qinglian looked at the expressionless Fang Yun and giggled: “As I expected, you still let me in!”

Hearing these sarcastic words, Fang Yun snorted coldly: “Don’t tell me this, be serious.”

Duan Qinglian stuck out her tongue: “Okay, where is Su Ye, take me to see him.”

Fang Yun turned to lead the way, Duan Qinglian quickly followed.

Soon, a group of people appeared in front of the private house where Su Ye was resting.

“It’s inside, you go in!”

Fang Yun pointed to the private house in front.

Duan Qinglian glanced at it, her face was weird, and she was a little pale, that was an expression of fear.

She didn’t know whether Su Ye was in the house or not, but it was true that there were three giant dragons entrenched outside the house.

At this moment, the three-headed dragon was lying on the grass, the huge dragon’s eyes were half-open and half-closed, watching the situation here.

“Are you sure Su Ye is inside”Duan Qinglian asked weakly.

Fang Yun nodded: “I will let you in, and I will let you in. Su Ye is inside. If you want to see him, just go in!”

Duan Qinglian was speechless, why did she just let herself in now?

So it’s all planned! The three-headed dragon is probably Su Ye’s bodyguard, responsible for his safety.

Don’t say Duan Qinglian, even Fang Yun himself, I’m afraid


Don’t dare to enter the private house under the eyes of these three giant dragons! Therefore, he expected Duan Qinglian to do the same.

Will be afraid of dragons and dare not approach.

“Otherwise, you call him out”

Duan Qinglian looked at Fang Yun.

The latter shook his head: “Have you seen these three giant dragons? They only listen to the words of the leader. If we shout, we will alarm them. If they are regarded as a threat, you know the consequences.”

“Then what to do”

Fang Yun shrugged, looking helpless, “Two options, first, wait for the leader to come out here with peace of mind, and second, take the risk to pass through the dragon guard and enter the private house.”

The corners of Duan Qinglian’s eyes twitched, this Fang Yun is giving herself a problem! Does she really have to wait for this, no no, in order to show her sincerity, she must see Su Ye as soon as possible.

After hesitating for a moment, Duan Qinglian swallowed a mouthful of saliva: “You said, if you were bitten by a giant dragon, would it be very painful?”

Fang Yun was speechless, Duan Yuhe and Li Yan were speechless.

It still hurts. If I bite into it, the corpse will be gone! When the voice fell, Duan Qinglian took a deep breath and walked towards the private house.

Fang Yun’s face changed slightly, but he didn’t stop it.

On the other hand, Li Yan and Duan Yuhe’s expressions changed greatly, and they dragged Duan Qinglian back: “Sister, let’s wait here for a while!”

Duan Qinglian shook her head: “No, I want to go in right away.”

Li Yan, Duan Yuhe looked at each other and still wanted to stop.

But Duan Qinglian shook her hands away.

Then, under the gaze of the three of them, they walked towards the gate of the private house step by step.

Outside the private house, the three-headed giant dragon headed by Blazing raised his eyelids, but there was no other movement.

This made Duan Qinglian a lot more courageous and walked forward step by step.

The steps were light, as if he was afraid of angering the dragon, he swallowed himself.

And Duan Yuhe and Li Yan at the back both mentioned their hearts in their throats, so they didn’t dare to let out the air.

Fang Yun looked at Duan Qinglian’s back, and secretly admired it.

This woman has courage.

The fact that she can calmly pass the three-headed dragon guard is enough to prove that she has no intention of doing anything bad.

Otherwise, to be a thief, Duan Qinglian would never dare to pass through here.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yun felt relieved, but still did not dare to leave.

Soon, Duan Qinglian had reached the door of the private house.

Reach out to open the door.

With a crunch, the dragon’s eyes of the three-headed dragon suddenly opened.

The huge faucet looked towards Duan Qinglian.

Duan Qinglian’s face changed greatly: “Fuck,.”

Then the door closed, and quickly ran upstairs.

When the three-headed dragon saw this, it didn’t chase after it, but just wailed a few times.

Then it crawls into the grass again

On the other side, Duan Qinglian has already entered the private house.

Deng Deng Deng went up to the second floor, and finally found the room where Su Ye rested.

The door was unlocked, Duan Qinglian pushed open the door and entered.

I saw Su Ye lying on the bed, still fast asleep.

Seeing this scene, Duan Qinglian was speechless.

Damn, the old lady came to see you after death threats, but you asshole turned out to be here: Sleeping, Feilu reminds you: 3 things to read, collection, push

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