Chapter 302 Killed all, not one left

That’s why Banas didn’t have a conflict after seeing the army of Sern.

Instead, he left the drawings and a disk that could record his coordinates and left.

This is to protect the safety of gold mines.

At the same time, it is also for Su Ye to save himself.

In the end, it was Benners who did things all the way, peeing and procrastinating.

This is to buy time for Su Ye.

As long as the speed of Cerne’s army is slower, the probability that Su Ye can find Banas is higher.

Then, it has been delayed until now.

After seeing that Su Ye had set off, Banas was relieved a lot.

Compared to Eve, he is more willing to believe in Su Ye.

As long as this guy takes action, there will definitely be a way to save him

The back of the mechanical army.

Su Ye rode blazingly all the way.

Even if the dragons are very fast.

But Cerne’s mechanical army has been gone for nearly twenty hours after all.

It is not an easy task to run the twenty-hour journey.

However, the distance between the white and red dots on the disk is shrinking rapidly.

This makes Su Ye extremely happy.

Just like that, Banas dragged the time all the way, and Su Ye led the dragon to chase him all the way.

Finally, a day later, the two sides met in a canyon.

At this moment, at the end of Su Ye’s field of vision, an army of machines appeared.

The mighty gallops forward.

And the scene of his Su Ye’s appearance was also successfully spread to the mechanical army’s camp.

Banas leaned on the battlefield and looked back. When he saw hundreds of giant dragons in the sky, the corners of his lips twitched slightly.

“finally come!”

Cerne also found the giant dragon behind him.

The car lights-like eyes flickered uncertainly, and some were uncertain to pay attention.

It’s seen those dragons where Banas lives.

See you again now, could it be the chasing soldiers? “Leader Thane, the giant dragons behind us have been with us for a long time, please tell us what we should do”

A flying robot flew to Cerne and asked.

Thern clenched his fists and glanced at Banas on the battlefield.

This guy was expressionless and couldn’t see any reaction.

“Speed ​​up and leave them alone.”

Then ordered.

The surrounding robots nodded, speeding up the legion and galloping forward.

Su Ye’s giant dragon followed closely behind, keeping the same distance from the machine.

The previous high-intensity and high-speed flight caused the dragons to lose a lot.

Before the battle, Su Ye wanted to restore the stamina of the giant dragons.

In this way, the dragon’s battle has improved a lot.

Until twenty minutes later.

Su Ye made all preparations, and with an order, all the giant dragons accelerated and flew to the front of the mechanical army of Cerne, blocking their way.

When Cerne saw this, he quickly slowed down and finally stopped.

Stepping out of the army, he looked directly at Su Ye who was blocking the way.

“Who are you?”

Sean asked.

Su Ye didn’t answer immediately, but looked down at the mechanical army camp.

Watching Banas’ every move.

this little


The old man is very treacherous.

At this moment, seeing Cern’s attention was attracted by Su Ye.

He jumped out of the chariot again, and ran out of the mechanical army camp under the pretext of urinating.

Several flying robots followed.

but they, how can you see that Banas just came out of the mechanical army camp.

Banas threw a few balls at several flying robots.

At the same time, he also opened a propeller on his mechanical leg.

Accompanied by the sound of Explosion No.2 2, Benas rose into the air, flying towards Su Ye like a rocket.

There was an explosion behind him, and Cerne turned around quickly.

Then, when he saw Banners flying over his head, he was furious.

“Fuck, Baners ran away, let me catch him.”

With an order, tens of thousands of mechanical armies moved in unison.

Ten thousand flying machines soared into the air and charged in the direction of Banas.

Banas shouted in fright: “You bastards, ah, lord, save me!”

Su Ye covered his forehead and was speechless.

I had to snap my fingers and order the attack.

The army of giant dragons hovering in the air can’t wait.

At this moment, after receiving the order of Su Ye, Xiu Xiu fell from the sky and rushed towards the flying robots at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, a fierce battle broke out! The flying robot immediately.

was attacked.

What dragon breath, ice crystal, lightning, you don’t need money to greet me.

The first batch of flying robots that bore the brunt was instantly scrapped.

Although they are mechanical beings, they are also endowed with various attributes after the world is digitized.

From the attribute analysis, these flying robots should be the seventh-order arms.

But in front of the giant dragon, he has no resistance at all.

The health value was cleared in minutes, and then turned into scrap metal and fell from the air.

It fell to the ground with a bang, with sparks and thick smoke.

Banas has returned to Su Ye’s side, looking back at the battle situation in the sky.

But when he saw that the dragons had already taken down thousands of flying robots with a single charge, Banas danced with excitement.

“Hahaha, good fight, keep going!”

Su Ye did not refuse Bannas’ suggestion.


Order, let the dragons launch a fierce attack.

And Banas, already riding another giant dragon, flew side by side with Su Ye.

“I knew that the lord would definitely understand what I meant.”

Banas laughed.

Su Ye gave him a white look: “You should be glad that I came back today. If it were two days later, what would happen to you, don’t you know?”

Banas shrugged: “Don’t worry, I have planned everything for a long time. As long as you can come back within ten days, you will definitely catch up with us. If it exceeds ten days, it will be a bit difficult.”

Su Ye was a little surprised when he heard the words.

In his heart, he secretly thought that Banas was so awesome that he could think about things so comprehensively.

“Okay, don’t talk about this, talk about how to deal with them!”

Su Ye said, and also pointed to the mechanical army led by Cerne below.

As soon as these words came out, Banners didn’t even think about it, and said bluntly: “Kill them all, kill them all, and leave none of them.”

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