Chapter 345 Summoning the Tenth-Tier Arms: Heaven Guard

If that’s the case, what’s the point? Before Tom Wright entered the third block, he swore that he would find Su Ye and beat him out.

The current situation is that he has only completed half of this task.

Su Ye found it.

But it wasn’t Su Ye who made shit, it was Tom Wright.

This is so funny and dramatic.

“Bastard, no matter what today, I will make you pay!”

Tom Wright said fiercely.

Immediately, he took out several forbidden spell scrolls from his lord’s space.

These are his secret weapons.

Su Ye’s giant dragon is really difficult to deal with, so he had no choice but to use these things.

Otherwise, waiting for him is definitely not a good thing.

Tom Wright’s small gesture of using the Forbidden Curse Scroll fell in Su Ye’s eyes.

But he didn’t panic.

Although forbidden spell scrolls are very scary things, as long as you pay attention to precautions, you can also avoid them very well.

After Tom Wright took out the Forbidden Curse Scroll, he immediately started to use it.

These are all very common skills such as fires coming into the world and freezing thousands of miles.

Su Ye quickly escaped with the dragon.

Until Tom Wright took out the fifth Forbidden Curse Scroll.

The situation has changed.

The fifth Forbidden Curse Scroll, the whole body is golden, and it also exudes a golden light, which makes people know at a glance that this must be an extraordinary thing.

A trace of pain flashed in Tom Wright’s eyes, looking at Su Ye in the sky: “Sheet, you forced me.”

Saying that, Tom Wright opened the scroll.

The next moment, a dazzling golden light emerged from the top of Tom Wright’s head.

A portal slowly formed.

Immediately afterwards, a chilling air came from the portal.

One after another, figures are walking out of the portal.

It was a humanoid creature with a height of more than five meters.

Wearing golden armor, shining brightly.

As soon as these guys appeared, they were suspended in mid-air, and the array spread out.

Tom Wright was quite straightforward. After seeing these guys coming out, the corners of his lips raised a radian: “Taste the power of my heaven guard!”

Afterwards, Tom Wright issued an order to attack.

A total of one hundred heaven guards, armed with spears, charged towards the dragons.

Su Ye, who was sitting on Blair’s back, watched the scene here.

After seeing the guardian of heaven, he quickly threw out his detection skills to check.

[Heaven Guard] Level: Tenth Level Level: 10 Health: 800,000 Attack Power: 3.

Ten thousand defense: 3.

10,000 Speed: 48 Skill: Heavenly Light: Heavenly Guards’ innate skills, their bodies, and their equipment are protected by the Holy Light. After taking damage, they will recover 5% of their health per second after leaving the war for one minute. Value, their weapons protected by the Holy Light can deal double damage to the dark troops.

Golden Armor: The Golden Armor of the Heavenly Guards is made of heaven’s unique ore. The defense is very powerful. When necessary, summoning the Golden Armor can increase the defense by 30% for a short period of time for two minutes. .

The power of holy light: Summon holy light, condense it on the weapon, and charge the enemy, which can cause huge damage to the enemy. This skill can ignore 50% of the enemy’s power, and can only be triggered once within a minute.


Djinn’s Wrath: After the HP drops to the last 10%, there will be an 80% chance to trigger this skill and become a Djinn, the HP will be restored by 50%, and all attributes will be increased by 20%. It is in its original state and enters a weak state, and all attributes are reduced by 20%.

Description: The guardian who lives in heaven, has been shrouded in the holy light all the year round and eroded, and gradually becomes an existence that can control the holy light, which is very powerful.

Seeing this attribute information, Su Ye sighed.

Damn, it turned out to be a tenth-order unit.

It seems that this Tom Wright is also a son of luck, there are such things.

However, it can be seen that this should be summoned from the summoning forbidden spell scroll.

In other words, Tom Wright does not have such a soldierThe model of the arms of the species cannot be trained.

At best, he only has the 100 units of heaven guards in front of him.

If that’s the case, then Su Ye doesn’t have to be afraid at all.

You only have 100 units of Tier 10 units.

Lao Tzu has five hundred, oh no, it should be one thousand.

Who is strong or weak, you can see at a glance.

At this moment, at Tom Wright’s order.

The guardians of heaven are rushing towards this side.

Su Ye was not polite and ordered an attack directly.

Five hundred warlike dragons met their opponents for the first time, and they were all excited.

Soon to fight with the guardians of heaven.

In an instant, the sky was filled with swords, lights and swords.

Various attacks emerge one after another.

It is not difficult to see that the Heavenly Guard is a typical meat shield type of troops.

Most of the skills are used to save lives.

Insufficient damage dragon.

And the giant dragon has hard scales, plus various shields and healing of the holy dragon.

And the most important number is crushing.

In a short period of time, he successfully gained the upper hand.

Suppress the hundred guards of heaven.

This makes Tom Wright very uncomfortable on the ground.

What the hell! Is he so unstoppable? In desperation, he had no choice but to order other long-range attack troops to provide some support to the heavenly guard.

But with little success.

Tom Wright had some doubts about life, and at the same time began to give birth to the idea of ​​retreat.

No way! He didn’t know what would happen if he met Su Ye.

But what he knew was that Su Ye was difficult to deal with.

If you touch it, I’m afraid it will result in a lose-lose situation.

And this, Tom Wright doesn’t want to see it.

Just kidding, this is an event secret.

There are lords of other countries everywhere.

God knows if there is any…

Just when Tom Wright was thinking about whether he should retreat.

Suddenly in the valley behind him.

Another army appeared.

The scale is not small, at least seven or eight, the kind of ten thousand arms…

Seeing this scene, Tom Wright was a little embarrassed.

Could it be that it was a leak? After thinking about it, Tom Wright made up his mind.

He suddenly had an immature idea.

He didn’t know who appeared behind, and who was it.

But surely one of the top twenty lords

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