Chapter 366: Preparing to Attack the Mechanical Kingdom

Star Territory.

After the battle, Su Ye, Eve, and Banas 3 returned here.

At this moment, we are discussing the matter of attacking the Mechanical Kingdom.

According to Banas, the structure of the mechanical kingdom is like this.

There are six leaders.

The big leader John Chris, this guy is the real ruler of the mechanical kingdom, and he is very powerful. There are about tens of thousands of troops of the ninth rank and ninth.

That’s right, you heard it right, it’s tens of thousands.

After all, he is the leader of a race. If you say that he is not strong, you probably won’t believe it.

John Criss, the leader of the mechanical kingdom, the supreme ruler, the number of ninth-tier 9 mechanical arms under his hands is close to 10,000, or even more than 10,000.

This Banners is also not sure.

After all, he has left the Mechanical Kingdom for more than a year. God knows if John Criss has… take advantage of this time to strengthen his power.

In addition to the tens of thousands of 9th rank and 9 arms, there are also many other rank arms of John Kris.

Eighth-order, seventh-order, sixth-order, add up to about 20,000 to 30,000:.

Put aside John Criss, the great leader of the mechanical kingdom.

There are five other leaders of the Machine Kingdom.

They are Haymon, Jonah, Thurn, Benners and Martingale.

Among them, Jonah and Cerne have been killed by Su Ye and Banas successively.

The position of their leader is vacant.

However, Banners predicted that with John Cleese’s habit, he should dispatch someone he trusts to take over the positions of the two leaders as soon as possible.

The two leaders, Haymon and Martingale, are very powerful and have never shown up yet.

“Just tell me, how many troops does the Mechanical Kingdom have now?”

Su Ye was straightforward.

He felt that this was the most important thing.

Anyway, he was fighting an entire mechanical kingdom, not a certain leader.

Hearing this, Banas was silent for a while before saying: “Conservatively, the number of troops is no less than 150,000, of which the ninth tier and 9 arms are between 10,000 and 20,000, and the eighth tier is the main force, and the number is seven or eight. , Wan, the rest are the seventh- and sixth-order arms.”

Hearing this, Su Ye rubbed his chin.

Fortunately, it was almost as expected.

So, with his current strength, is it okay to conquer the Mechanical Kingdom? The answer is, it should be possible.

As long as the training of this wave of giant dragons is completed, Su Ye will have 5,000 giant dragons that can be mobilized.

And there are more than half of them, and the level is not low.

On the other hand, looking at the mechanical kingdom, although the number of their troops is quite large, it is another fatal drawback.

That’s a question of rank.

Su Ye once privately asked Benas.

According to Banas’ explanation, their mechanical arms are all pseudo-arms.

Like the doomsday mecha, it has powerful strength, but cannot be upgraded.

This kind of pseudo-arms has been maintained in the same state since it was manufactured.

Cannot be enhanced by killing enemies.

The only way to enhance it is through transformation, or fusion of special power stones or something.

Therefore, the 150,000 units of the Mechanical Kingdom are actually not as terrifying as they imagined.

Even if they have more than 10,000 ninth tier 9 arms.


“150,000, if it’s only 150,000, you can fight!”

Su Ye said, this is his confidence in his own strength.

Banas seemed to have expected Su Ye to say this, and immediately asked, “Then when do we leave?”

Su Ye stood up from the throne and walked out of the hall: “Before leaving, I need to do some preparations, wait for my news!”With Su Ye’s answer, Banas was relieved.

Followed and left the hall.

Like Su Ye, he also needs to make some preparations before leaving.

You can’t rely on Su Ye for the entire war! He plans to increase the production speed of the production line, and produce more doomsday mechas before the war.

Leaving the hall, Banner went straight to his laboratory.

Then he closed the door tightly, closed in it, and worked in full swing.

Su Ye on the other side went to the Dragon’s Nest.

The training here is still going on.

Even if he has a god-level cooldown, it is not easy to train thousands of dragons.

Which requires a lot of time as a foundation.

Glancing at the training progress, there are probably 1,500 giant dragons that have not been trained.

There is no other way but to wait! Taking advantage of the waiting period, Su Ye rode blazingly and went to the various secret realms he occupied to collect resources at the resource points.

Before preparing to set off again, train another wave of storm spirits.

In the previous battle, the spirit of the storm had already proved his strength to Su Ye.

Really strong.

The damage is not cheap, and what is more important is that… the wind riding skill is even more useful.

I believe that it can play a very important role in the future wars.

For the next ten days, Su Ye and Banas will spend their preparations.

ten days later.

Su Ye took out the unit training scroll at the bottom of the box and used it to train the dragon.

Forcibly summoned the more than 100 giant dragons that had not been trained in the end.

At this moment, the number of giant dragons gathered in the Star Territory exceeds 4,000.

In addition to the four thousand dragons, there are three thousand storm spirits, one thousand mountain-shaking giants, and two thousand dragon hunters.

These are the main force of Su Ye Xingyu Territory.

It’s almost enough to calculate the time.

Su Ye went straight to Banas’ laboratory.

It has been brightly lit here for ten consecutive days.

It can be seen that the old guy Benners is also working hard to get rid of John Criss.

Su Ye knocked on the door of the laboratory.

After a while, the door was opened.

Banas, covered in greasy stains, walked out of the laboratory.

“Are you ready to go?”

Su Ye didn’t talk nonsense and asked directly.

Banas nodded solemnly: “Any time.”

Hearing this, Su Ye snapped his fingers: “Well, it’s not too late, it’s today.”

Banners has no objection.

He walked out of the laboratory with a large number of newly built doomsday mechas.

There are quite a few, there are 1,500 heads.

In addition to this, Banners also made tens of thousands of Burst Two 2s and stored them in his secret space

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

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