Chapter 404: The Moveable Stone Room

Lan Lan glanced at the stone room in front of her, and frowned.

She didn’t know how the noise just now was caused, but she was sure that the stone room in front of her was the one she and Gwens had just visited.

The footprints that have disappeared on the ground,enough to prove all this.

“What exactly is going on”

Lan Lan’s face was full of confusion.

Gwens also had a similar expression, trying to return to that… stone room.

Scanning everything around, trying to find some clues.

Lan Lan also followed, and at this moment, she was already lost in thought.

There are three groups of people who enter the holy mountain.

And these three groups of people should not be separated.

That is to say, three groups of people will be three small dots of 3 actions.

What can be confirmed so far is that three groups of people entered the stone room from the south corridor.

The Stubborn Stone Squad took the lead and headed towards the west corridor, and I don’t know what the result would be.

Su Ye took Vulkan to the east corridor, which Lan Lan saw with his own eyes.

The last north corridor is where Lan Lan and Gwens entered.

But not long after the two walked in, there was a sound in the direction of the stone room.

Under the doubts, Lan Lan and Gwens hurried towards this side.

Then, they saw the scene in front of them.

The stone room is no longer the same… stone room.

So now comes the problem.

What happened to the stone room here? Next, who caused the changes in the stone room here.

In other words, the stone room was making noises by itself, and she was thinking about changing positions when Gwens suddenly spoke up in front of her.

“I guess that just now… the stone room should have moved upwards.”

Lan Lan’s expression changed, and quickly ran to Gwens: “How do you say, what did you find?”

Gwens pointed to a corner of the stone room and said, “Look here.”

Lan Lan looked intently, and sure enough, she found a scratch that moved upwards.

It’s like the effect of an elevator moving up and down.

If the scratch is real, it’s gone.

Just now, the stone room made a noise, which is actually the stone room is moving upwards.

Then, who triggered the mechanism that the stone room moved upwards? Or, who took the stone room and went to the upper floor.

Lan Lan asked.

Gwens glanced at the surrounding corridors, and suddenly her eyes lit up: “You can tell by looking at the footprints, we can be sure that the stone room was moved just now, and the corridors are still there, there should be our footprints in the corridors, You can tell by the number and direction of the footprints.”

When Lan Lan heard the words, she instantly understood what Gwens meant.

The two quickly ran towards the west corridor.

I only saw two rows of forward feet, it was obvious that they were left by the Stone Squad.

There is no footprint of returning, which means that the two dwarves of the Stone Squad have not returned.

After confirming the result, the two ran to the east corridor again.

Here, they found clues.

There are four rows of footprints in the corridor.

That’s right, it’s four rows.

Two rows go forward and two rows come back.

And the eastern corridor was taken by Su Ye and Vulkan.


So that is to say, Vulkan and Su Ye walked a distance into the eastern corridor, and then came back.

Then another mechanism was triggered, which caused the stone chamber to rise.

“This Su Ye, hum”

Lan Lan was a little angry.

She guessed that Su Ye must have discovered something long ago, but she didn’t tell herself.

After he and Gwens entered the north corridor, they returned to the stone room, allowing the entire stone room to climb upwards.

“What now”

Gwens asked.

Although she is a dwarf, this is the first time she has entered the Holy Mountain.

Not only… so, she doesn’t even know what’s inside the holy mountain.

Everything here is unfamiliar to her.

Not to mention Lan Lan, it’s like the second monk can’t figure it out.

Lan Lan didn’t speak when she heard the words, she just stood there and pondered.

Finally, he sighed softly: “Su Ye and Vulkan can make the stone chamber move upwards. It must have triggered some mechanism. Let’s look first to see if there is a mechanism that can be triggered. If not, let’s enter the north corridor!”

Gwens nodded, there was no way out.

So, the two of them began to search in this stone room.

Find the same mechanism that can move the stone chamber upwards.

But will they find them? At the same time, Su Ye and Vulkan have successfully reached the upper floor.

The stone room has not changed, but the surrounding corridors have changed.

“There are only two corridors left, where should we go?”

Vulkan asked, looking around.

only the southand two corridors to the north.

Su Ye looked calm, glanced at it and replied: “Look again to see if there is an agency.”

According to his guess, this is likely to be a screening mechanism.

You can only go up if you find a specific organ.

And the higher you go, the less the number of corridors.

When there is only one corridor left, naturally there is no choice.

Just go directly to that corridor.

With the experience of the next floor, Su Ye and Vulkan quickly searched, not letting go of any corner of the stone room.

Just like that, the two were busy for half an hour.

Finally, Su Ye found out where the little black spot was.

This time it is on the ceiling of the stone room.

There, there is also a Titan statue.

Press the small black dot in the same way as before.

The stone chamber was activated again and moved towards a higher level.

Su Ye and Vulkan squatted down to ensure that their bodies would not fall.

On the other side, where Lan Lan and Gwens were.

The sound of the previous sound came again, causing the two to change color.

“What’s the matter, the stone room seems to have moved again.”

Gwens bent down.

Lan Lan frowned and clenched his fists: “It must be Su Ye, he has found the mechanism again.”

For a while, Lan Lan couldn’t help but get anxious.

Actually, Su Ye’s guess was correct. Lan Lan came to the dwarf kingdom and helped Gwens win the first place in the dwarf forging competition with a purpose.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

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