Chapter 414 Lan Lan’s Visit, Mysterious Mark

Third: Ren’s book records some small details. He said that when the Protoss fought against the demons, they accidentally opened many portals, and many Protoss were swallowed by the portals and then went to other worlds.

So the question is, is there still a living Protoss to this day? Fourth: Demons have destroyed the realm of the gods. Will they one day attack a plane like Earth? If so, when will humans resist the first Five: Ren said that when summoning the Titans, you need to make sure that you are strong enough, otherwise you will be unable to resist the demons. Does this imply that the demons have been monitoring all the planes? If so, the demon planes are too Be strong! The most important thing is that only Su Ye knows about this thing, and 99% of all human beings are still kept in the dark.

Difficult! Just when Su Ye was thinking about it, the thunderous snoring behind him stopped.

Vulkan turned over and saw Su Ye sitting by the window, he couldn’t help but be a little puzzled.

“Lord, what are you thinking about?”

Su Ye woke up and patted the iron book: “I have finished reading this book.”

Vulkan’s eyes lit up, and he ran over quickly: “How about it, what is it about a more sophisticated forging method?”

Su Ye shook his head: “No, this is just the diary of a Titan named Ren.”

“Oh oh, so what exactly is written here?”

Vulcan asked.

Su Ye didn’t speak, just handed the iron book to Vulkan.

The latter hurried to the results and began to read.

Su Ye sat aside, thinking about the five 55 questions that he had just sorted out.

He felt that the world was still invisible to him.

Even as powerful as he is now.

“Need to get stronger!”

Su Ye clenched his fists.

At the same time, there is such an intuition in his heart.

The advent of the era of lords is probably not a coincidence.

It should be someone who is behind the controls to advance all this.

Even his own rebirth is not accidental.

So who is the person who controls and promotes all of this, whether he is an enemy or a friend, why do you want to do this, and what is the purpose? It is a whole new wave of questions.

The most terrible thing is that Su Ye still has no clue.

Reluctantly, he shook his head and put the mess in his mind to the back of his mind.

Su Ye took a deep breath and simply thought about it.

With this spare time, it is better to think about how to improve the strength.

When the strength is strong enough, the answer will naturally emerge.

After waiting for two full hours, Vulkan finished reading the entire iron book.

Looking at his eyes, full of confusion, there must be many questions to ask.

And Su Ye was the first to say: “Don’t ask anything, this matter is kept secret, only you and I know.”

Vulkan’s old face turned red, and finally, under Su Ye’s gaze, he closed his mouth.

Return the iron book to Su Ye, who keeps it carefully.

Then he stood up and stretched, the bones in his body were like popping beans, making a crackling sound.

“Okay, now it’s time to talk about our business.”

Su Yedao, look


To Vulkan.

The latter nodded and motioned Su Ye to continue.

“We have to go back earlier, on the other side of the earth, I can’t worry about it.”

Su Yedao.

It has been nearly a month since I left the Star Territory territory.

Su Ye is really worried.

Vulkan seems to have the same idea. After listening to Su Ye, he also got up: “It’s not too late, we’ll go back tomorrow, and I just happen to deal with some of my own affairs today.”

Su Ye nodded, he was not a dictator either.

After Vulkan thanked him, he left his residence.

Neither does Su YeKnowing where he went, he was too lazy to care.

Just when I was about to find a place to sleep again, there were footsteps outside the door.

Su Ye thought it was Vulkan who came back, so he didn’t care.

But the voice that came out later made him frown.

“It’s here!”

“It should be, Vulkan’s home, Su Ye is also here.”

Hearing the sound, Su Ye suddenly opened his eyes, why did he feel that the sound was so familiar? Isn’t it Lan Lan and Gwens, “Damn, this little girl still doesn’t give up”

Su Ye was a little speechless.

He was about to get up and leave, but was caught by Lan Lan.

“Where do you want to go in a hurry?”

Lan Lan asked, crossing her chest with her hands.

Su Ye shrugged, sat down again, and glanced at Lan Lan: “It’s not right for you to trespass the house like this.”

Lan Lan snorted softly: “Don’t talk about this with me, I’m here to tell you that I’m going back.”

“Oh, if you please, you don’t need to tell me.”

Su Ye said lightly.

Lan Lan gritted her teeth angrily and glared at Su Ye: “Don’t you think you owe me something?”

Su Ye glanced at Lan Lan: “If I didn’t touch you, I didn’t touch you, what do I owe you?”

Lan Lan blushed pretty, and glanced to the side: “If you didn’t tell me about the agency when you discovered it, would I only be able to go to the second floor of the Holy Mountain?”

Su Ye was amused when he heard this, and knocked on the wooden table: “Little girl, we are competitors. If you found out the agency first, would you share it with me?”

Just this sentence made Lan Lan shut up.

I didn’t say a word for a long time! Seeing this, Su Ye waved his hand: “Okay, let’s go, I don’t care about you.”

Lan Lan gritted her silver teeth, and stepped forward to reach out to Su Ye: “However, it is fate to meet here. If there is a chance in the future, maybe we can meet again.”

Looking at Lan Lan’s little white hand stretched out, Su Ye reached out and shook it symbolically.

However, as soon as he held it, Su Ye’s palm felt a tingling pain.

The stinging pain was fleeting, and when Su Ye quickly pulled his palm back, he found that there was an extra fingernail-sized mark on his palm.

It seems to be a mysterious pattern, it looks very strange, but I can’t detect anything abnormal.

On the other hand, Lan Lan smiled and blossomed.

“You can’t get away with these, just wait, when you get back to Earth, I’ll come to you, hee hee”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

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