Chapter 489 Enter the eighth floor and win the first place (please subscribe)

The two sides released lightning and flames, and they clashed violently in the air.

It’s a tough fight.

Blazing has changed into a human form again, standing on the top of the mountain, watching Apollo’s battle.

Can’t help shouting: “Hey big man, do you need help?”

Hearing the words, Apollo did not answer, but responded to Blazing with action.

Zi La La’s electric arc flickered, constantly falling on the body of the big flaming bird.

The only remaining health of the flaming bird is rapidly decreasing, and it will be completely emptied in a short time.

It turned into a big fireball and fell from the sky.

At the same time, Su Ye received a system prompt.

“Congratulations, you successfully killed the gatekeeper on the seventh floor, and you will be rewarded with 1.4 million points.”

With a whoosh, Su Ye’s points instantly exceeded 10 million.

The name also jumped from more than ten to the second place.

That’s right, it’s number two.

The distance from the first place Tom Wright is just over a million points.

This scene fell into the eyes of Su Ye, and also fell into the eyes of Tom Wright and others.

A location on the sixth floor of the event secret realm.

Tom Wright is continuously outputting in the tent.

Suddenly a person broke in from outside the door.

“The leader of the alliance, it’s not good.”

Tom Wright was frightened by this and almost wilted.

Get up and put on your clothes, facing the person is an ear scratcher.

“What’s wrong, has your mother died?”

The lord looked aggrieved, got up from the ground, bowed his waist and said, “It’s not the leader of the alliance, it’s the ranking, that… Su Ye, catch up.”

As soon as these words came out, Tom Wright’s face changed suddenly.

“Su Ye, catch up”

Saying that, he quickly opened the scoreboard to check it out.

Sure enough, I saw that… Su Ye, who had been wandering around for more than 20 years, had already rushed behind him at some point.

Even he is only a million points away from himself.

Seeing this scene, Tom Wright’s breathing became: rapid.

“What kind of love is this, how can this guy suddenly become: so fierce”

Tom Wright’s eyes widened.

Because he had lingering fears about the last time he lost in Su Ye’s hands, this time, he specially found someone to keep an eye on Su Ye’s score changes and rankings.

This person is the one in front of me…

It’s called Mars.

After Shirley, another lord who got soup.Also equivalent to Tom Wright’s assistant and secretary.

At this moment, Mars looked at Tom Wright, who was in a hurry, quietly took a few steps back, and swallowed: “Leader, I made some records of Su Ye’s points changes, and found that he increased 1.4 million points at one time twice. , so I guess”

Having said this, Mars paused, glanced at Tom Wright, and after seeing that the latter did not change his expression, he continued: “I guess, Su Ye should have entered the seventh floor and had already killed the seventh floor. Guarding the gate, or both.”

“On the seventh floor, there are gates at both ends, it’s impossible, he can’t have such a fast speed.”

Tom Wright couldn’t believe it.

Mars twitched the corners of his eyes and continued: “If this is not the case


, then it should be a point transaction, Su Ye killed other lords and plundered a lot of points.”

Hearing this, Tom Wright’s expression softened and clenched his fists: “It must be like this, it must be like this, this bastard, luck is better than I imagined, now pass my order, the whole army attack, must take me The first place is stable, if you can’t stabilize, none of you will have good fruit to eat.”

When Mars heard the words, he dared to be angry and did not dare to speak.

I had no choice but to nod to step back and pass on Tom Wright’s order.

On the other side, Bang Bang Guo Kim Soo Hyun.

That is the original second place.

Now it has become the third place.

Seeing Su Ye who took his place, Jin Xiuxian’s anger was different.

“It’s this Xia Guo bastard Smecta again, who can tell me what happened to Smecta and why this bastard suddenly got more than three million points Smecta.”

The lords gathered around Kim Soo-hyun looked at each other, and they were all dumbfounded.

After all, who would believe that Su Ye is the one… the lucky son who solved two gatekeepers in a row? The odds are 1 in 100,000, and the chance to meet them is to burn high incense.

The same doubts also occurred in the territory of Jinsong under the Sakura Country, and the territory of Ali Gaga, the God Oil Country.

These people are all confused and confused.

Very puzzled by Su Ye’s current honey juice operation

As for Su Ye, now he has arrived at the eighth floor with his large troops.

Unlike the previous layers, the area on the eighth floor seems to be an ancient battlefield.

You can see many skeletons that have been corrupted into bones.

At this moment, Su Ye and others appeared.

Immediately wake up those skeletons that have been sleeping for a long time.

A crunching, sour voice sounded.

A bunch of skeletons suddenly stood up, and inside the hollow skull, a glamorous soul fire flashed.

Needless to say, the monsters encountered in this eighth-level world are undead! And they are still eighth-level undead.

It already poses a huge threat to some units on Su Ye’s side.

“Ready to fight!”

Su Ye gave an order coldly.

Everyone concentrated and looked around.

However, he found himself surrounded by an army of undead.

That number, at least there are more than 100,000.

“Kill! Kill all, and fight quickly.”

Su Ye continued to order.

As soon as the voice fell, the giant dragons took off first, agitating their wings, dragging their huge bodies into the sky instantly.

Then it scattered, entered the battlefield, and began to launch a fierce attack on the undead.

Blazing and Apollo are no exception, and they have turned into dragon forms and entered battle mode.

In addition to the giant dragon, the other troops and the spirit of the storm brought by Su Ye also put on fighting stances.

The undead around were awakened and smelled the breath of strangers.

He let out a roaring roar, and rushed towards this side quickly.

The fierce battle is imminent! The dragons bear the brunt, breathing dragon breath, ice crystals, lightning, holy light from the air, bombarding the undead army camp.

In an instant, the undead suffered countless casualties, turned into broken bones, and fell to the ground.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu’s novel

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