Chapter 70: Canghai Territory, Battle Heaven Territory

Su Ye rode blazingly and, with the help of the night, hovered over the territory without being found.

Looking down from the sky, Su Ye felt a little upset when he saw a large area with thousands of green lights swiftly roaming the territory.

It seems that he still underestimated the number of Dryads in this territory.

In addition to expressing regret, Su Ye felt a little distressed in his heart.

Every tree demon was a precious resource in the late lord era. To put it bluntly, it was all money! But now, a large number of tree demons have died under the attack of the giant dragon. How can Su Ye not feel distressed.

“Looks like we need to speed up.”

Su Ye secretly said in his heart, “He looked at the lord’s hall in the center of the tree demon territory.

That building is very recognizable, and it is usually built in the center of the entire territory. Secondly, the lord’s hall is where the facade of the entire territory is located, and it will definitely be the most stylish building in the territory.

So Su Ye quickly recognized it.

As for the next step, it’s actually quite simple.

That is to change the owner of the territory. As long as Su Ye can become the lord of this territory, then he will have the ability to command the tree demon.

At that time, even if Su Ye brought a large army into the tree demon territory, they would not be blocked by the tree demons.

Seeing that most of the Dryads in the Dryad Domain were attracted by the battle ahead, they ran to the front to fight the giant dragon.

This just created an opportunity for Su Ye.

“Go down!”

Su Ye ordered.

Blazing and humane nodded, and as soon as his wings were retracted, he landed in front of the lord’s hall in the Dryad Domain with a swooshing sound from Su Ye.

As soon as they landed, Su Ye and the blazing figure were discovered by the tree demon stationed here.

Those guys made strange screams that they couldn’t understand, and charged towards this side with their weapons in hand.

“I’ll give it to you, stop them.”

Su Ye patted Blazing on the back:.

The latter understood, and rushed up with a hoot.

And Su Ye found the opportunity to slip off Blair’s back and quietly ran towards the lord’s hall.

Dryad is an auxiliary unit, and its combat effectiveness is not strong.

And because of their attributes, these guys are very afraid of flames.

A fiery mouthful of dragon breath spurted out, instantly causing several tree demon guards here to scream in fright.

But the enemy is in front, and they can’t retreat, so they can only bite the bullet.

Phew! With extremely high temperature flames from the blazingIt spewed out from the mouth, and instantly swept the several tree demons that rushed over.

The tree demon’s crown head was instantly ignited, turning into a big fireball, and the health value fell down.

In just a few seconds, several dryads here were burned to ashes.

Before they died, they made a few special sounds, attracting many other tree demons to rush here.

Blazing was ordered by Su Ye to guard the door.

And he himself, rushed into the lord’s hall

Just when Su Ye was in full swing in the Dryad Domain.

A certain territory more than ten kilometers away from the Dryad’s territory.

Several human survivors patrolling the city wall suddenly stopped, pointing in the direction of the Dryad’s territory and exclaiming.

“Fuck, what happened over there”

“It seems as if someone is attacking the dryad territory”

“The attack is not good, go and report to the lord.”

Saying that, a human survivor ran down the city wall,


The house where the lord lives.

Without further ado, push the door open.

On the big bed in the private house, a middle-aged man was sprinting.

Suddenly the door was pushed open, and the bottom immediately softened.

“Damn, didn’t your mother teach you to knock on the door?”

The middle-aged man scolded.

The survivor who pushed in the door sneered, and then said, “Lord, something happened, it seems that someone is attacking the dryad territory.”

As soon as these words came out, the middle-aged man instantly became energetic, jumped up from the bed, and put on his clothes: “Attack the tree demon territory, c’mon, who is so unruly, didn’t you say you shouldn’t move now? Is it Zhantian? Those bastards in the territory”

“I don’t know, Lord, what should I do now?”

The middle-aged man’s face was dark and he waved his hand: “Don’t worry, bring our people and troops and go take a look.”

With that said, the middle-aged man quickly ran out of the private house.

Started to gather his subordinates and troops.

The middle-aged man’s name is Zhang Canghai, who used to be the owner of a steel factory.

After the era of lords came, he happened to be in the factory, and when he saw something was wrong, he took a dozen workers to hide.

Until the stored food was eaten up, these people left the steel factory under the leadership of Zhang Canghai, and tried to kill monsters, and then became job transferers.

Later, I discovered this territory, certified as a lord, and learned the secret of training troops.

As for the Zhantian Territory that Zhang Canghai mentioned just now, it is a territory slightly larger than his Canghai Territory.

The lord is called Li Zhan, and his strength is not weak.

Because of the particularity of the Dryad’s territory, the Canghai Territory and the Zhantian Territory have been secretly competing in secret, trying to conquer the Dryad’s territory.

Of course, apart from them, there are several other smaller territories also coveting the resources in the Dryad territory.

It’s just that the tree demon’s territory is a fourth-level territory, and there are thousands of troops stationed there. Even if Zhang Canghai and the others join forces, they can’t attack.

Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, Zhang Canghai, Li Zhan and several other lords discussed it, and decided that no one can take action without authorization until they are not strong enough to take over the Dryad’s territory.

Otherwise, this lord will be jointly sanctioned by several other territories.

But now, the sound of battle came from the direction of the tree demon territory, and the first thing Zhang Canghai thought of was Li Zhan.

Because only this guy has the strength to provoke the tree demon.

At this moment, in the Canghai territory, twenty or thirty people, like human transferees wearing various armors, appeared in front of Zhang Canghai.

At the same time, there are more than one hundred Goblin and seventy or eighty, elf archers.

This is all the power of the Canghai Territory.

“Everyone set off with me, you’re a jerk, Li Zhan, the bastard, actually took the lead in attacking the tree demon territory behind our backs, go and fuck him.”

Zhang Canghai roared.

The two, three, and four human survivors who were standing in front of him showed anger and gritted their teeth.

“Set off!”

Zhang Canghai gave an order and rushed towards the tree demon territory with a large force.

At the same time, there are several other directions of the Dryad’s territory.

The lord here also discovered the mutation of the dryad territory.

With the idea of ​​not being able to see the good of others, these territories began to send troops to rush to the Dryad territory.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

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