Doomsday Master

Chapter 500 One Person One Sword

Chapter 500 One Person One Sword

The two-headed serpent beside the warrior-level sea lion shrank its dark and cold eyes slightly, and looked at Ji Dong in surprise.

How could a tiny human have such terrifying power?

You know, among the two of them, the warrior-level sea lion beast is ranked first in strength, and it is stronger than it. Although the claw just now underestimated the enemy and did not use all its strength, it is not something that a small human being can do. Resistant!


The warlord-level sea lion beast felt the severe pain in the palm, and its natural ferocity was immediately aroused. Its whole body stood upright, and the bones in its body were beating violently like beans. Its body seemed to be faintly majestic. , roaring and stomping his foot on the ground fiercely, the lion's claws were raised back high, tearing it off with all the strength in his body!


The sharp lion claws tore through the air, making a sharp buzzing sound and a sonic boom!

There was a substantial cold light in Ji Dong's eyes, and his feet flicked suddenly. The whole body turned into a pitch-black fuzzy phantom, and the speed soared to the point of surpassing the speed of sound. The moment the claw fell, orange light suddenly appeared on the legs!

Speed ​​increase!

Speed ​​transmission!

Create shields!

kill! !

Lin Yi soared into the sky. Roaring, the blood-devouring sword imbued with super speed force was driven, and it slammed towards the huge lion claw!

There was a loud bang.

The cracks on the water surface under the feet of the warrior-level sea lion rapidly expanded. The seven or eight-meter-high upper body leaned back, and on the lion's paw that could easily shatter a few centimeters-thick homogeneous steel plate, a three-foot bloodstain was split. Steely skin sprayed out!

The warrior-level sea lion shrank its hands in pain. Under the brutal power of the blood-devouring sword, its entire arm was numb and numb from the shock.

Under the force of the shock, Ji Dong flew backwards and landed firmly on the ground. A murderous look filled his face, this time the power of the lion's claw was far greater than before, almost doubled, otherwise, his shot could directly break its claw, instead of causing bleeding damage!

This is also the reason why the warrior-level sea lion beast is standing on the water, unable to use all the power in its body, otherwise his sword may not be able to achieve the benefits.

Moreover, under the force of the shock, the other bones in his body that were not protected by the shield and entered were throbbing. Although it still has the upper hand as a whole, behind this warrior-level sea lion beast, there are endless waves of monsters and the peak warrior-level two-headed serpent staring at it!

A quick decision must be made to save energy!

The two-headed serpent in front of the herd was once again shocked by Ji Dong. They didn't expect that this time the warrior-level sea lion was in a real state, and it displayed its natural ability [power]. He doubled his strength, but he still lost to Ji Dong. Instead, the injury was even worse!

How could such a terrifying power be contained in this tiny body?

They have never landed on the mainland, and they don't know that there is such a thing as breaking the gene lock, or they have not been exposed to such things as the gene lock.

"Ho Ho!"

The warlord-level sea lion roared violently. The severe pain in its claws stimulated its nerves, and the ferocity of the beast in its body exploded completely, completely losing its mind. The mutated sea lion itself is a violent and irritable creature. Although the warrior-level sea lion has evolved intelligence, this kind of Its ferocity was also strengthened along with its physique. Its eyes were red like blood, it roared furiously, its aura was vigorous and strong, and it rushed towards Lin Yi again, sinking the water surface into a very large puddle.

In the berserk state, the warrior-level sea lion's strength grew again, and it was no longer afraid of pain. Its crazy anger overwhelmed the signals of all organ systems. It just wanted to kill the human being in front of it, and killed him desperately!

Ji Dong's eyes were murderous, he didn't keep his sword fighting skills anymore, the blood-devouring sword in his hand seemed to be glued together with his five fingers, connected by blood!


The Blood-devouring Sword buzzed, as if something sleeping inside had been awakened, and a monstrous and strong evil spirit emanated from the Blood-devouring Sword!

"The Art of the Four Swords" - Bodhidharma Sword!

Lin Yi let out a long cry, and the Blood-devouring Sword in his hand erupted into a true sword fighting style. The Blood-devouring Sword shook at an overclocked speed, as if forming an invisible spear light on the tip of the sword. The embodiment of perfection!

The sword is like the law of Zen, vivid in stillness, quiet in movement, grasping the moment, and meditating on the mystery, this is the essence of Dharma sword.


The human sword is like lightning, turning into an extreme afterimage and shooting out violently!


The warlord-level sea lion roared and roared, and the huge lion claw was torn off on the head, and the claw turned into a black afterimage so fast!

With a bang, a large piece of blood splashed out, a rotating blood hole appeared on the huge lion's claw, flesh and hair splashed and scattered, and the blood-devouring sword in Ji Dong's hand was like an electric drill, completely destroying and strangling the muscles and tissues inside!


The warrior-level sea lion roared angrily, as if it didn't feel any severe pain, it raised its other lion claw and tore it fiercely. At the same time, its abdomen full of scales suddenly split open, revealing a Zhang ferocious giant mouth!

Second mutation!

The sea lion without this mouth went through a second mutation, and this mutation allowed it to have this ferocious giant mouth, which made it even more ferocious.

If it is an ordinary person, he will definitely be bitten by this giant mouth if he is caught off guard, but Lin Yi noticed it from the very beginning, but he couldn't guess what it was before. Stomped on the chest of the warlord-level sea lion beast, smashed the shoes on its feet, and rushed straight to its head with its strength!


The warrior-level sea lion didn't dodge, but opened its mouth ferociously and bit at it, as if wishing that every scale on its body could attack.

Dharma Sword - Stab Sword!

The blood-devouring sword in Ji Dong's hand erupted into dazzling air waves again, and under the violent power of his right hand, he stabbed fiercely!


The point of the sword was on the bridge of the warrior-level sea lion's nose. Compared with its nose, the sword tip was so small that it was almost negligible, but the moment the sword tip touched it, it suddenly exploded like a missile, and the entire warrior-level sea lion exploded. The beast's head shook!

The crazy rotating power came out, as if there was an invisible transparent sharp blade cutting the face of the warrior-level sea lion, and a huge blood pit was blasted out with a sword, completely smashing the five senses of the warrior-level sea lion, Even the face bone in the flesh and blood was pierced with a hole, and the tip of the sword penetrated straight in, crushing the brain tissue inside in an instant!

The warlord-level sea lion didn't even make a roar. Before the raised lion's paw touched Ji Dong's back, it stiffened and then fell down. Its huge body about ten meters collapsed down like water, Shaking the sky-shattering waves.

The surrounding ripples became more violent.

Ji Dong turned over and jumped, still walking in the air. The blood-devouring sword was blood-red, and the blood dripped into the sea water along the tip of the sword. He stood holding the sword and looked at the remaining peak warrior-level double-headed soldiers with fierce killing intent. Big snakes, and the endless servant-level mutant sea beasts behind them.

One person with one sword, facing the entire sea. !

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