Doomsday Master

Chapter 511 Experiment

Chapter 511 Experiment

Made of Light Shield, combined with the Dharma Sword of the Four Swords Technique.

The sword intent light shield that was shot out was powerful, and the glare swept away with terrifying power, causing a gust of wind in a small area to stir up the entire street. All the things touched by the sword light were scattered.

Under this sword light that occupies the entire street, nothing can stop it from advancing forward, smashing buildings when it meets buildings, and breaking steel when it meets steel. It is extremely sharp, powerful, and invincible.

These fourth-level zombies, even if they have evolved to the fourth level, they still cannot escape their identity as low-level zombies, and they have almost no wisdom. Even if they see this extremely dangerous sword light, they still have the same speed and scarlet eyes. He kept staring at Ji Dong not far away, where dozens of people died, and there was blood all over the ground.

There are also some zombies who set their sights on Ji Dong. Although they don't have much intelligence, their natural strong sense of smell allows them to easily distinguish. The flesh and blood on this human body should be more delicious.

Ignoring the five-meter-high sword light and the destructive power, these zombies showed a bloodthirsty ferocity, like a group of big men who had been starving for several days, seeing a table full of delicious food, hunger has already made them ignore the dangerous sword mango.

Roar! ! !

Roar! ! !

Countless zombies let out hoarse roars, as if they were screaming excitedly, and the deliciousness made them infinitely crazy.

They frantically rushed towards the delicious food in front of them, for fear that they would be robbed of their own delicious food by others of the same kind if they were a second late.

However, at the next moment, when the sword light that traversed the entire street quickly appeared in front of them, the terrifying sword light cut off half of the head of the zombie who rushed to the front in the blink of an eye.

With its head cut off, the running zombie immediately staggered, followed the forward trend, and slammed to the end.

Logically speaking, if the zombies in front are at the end, the zombies that follow will be tripped by the fallen zombies, but not so.

The speed of the sword light flying in mid-air was too fast, just cut off the head of the zombie in front, the next moment, the zombies following it also fell forward one by one.

The power of the five-meter-crossing sword light is too terrifying.

In just a split second, the horde of four to five thousand zombies was wiped out. Even the energy left by the sword light cut the street into a mess, and finally dissipated into nothingness after cutting off the blackened tree surrounded by several people.

However, although the sword light is powerful, and Ji Dong also controlled the height of the sword light, he didn't want to destroy the fourth-order enhanced crystals on these fourth-order zombies. Guys solve them one by one.

"Speed ​​Force's unique ability to create a light shield combined with the four-sword technique is indeed terrifying."

Looking at this scene, Ji Dong couldn't help sighing in his heart. A year ago, he had to turn around and run when he encountered this level of zombie tide, but now, a year later, this fourth-order zombie tide can't hurt him. If he didn't know him at all, even he only needed one move, and he could completely destroy the fourth-order zombie wave that had reached four to five thousand.

It has to be said that time can change many things, including strength and mood.

Next, for the four or five thousand fourth-order zombies that were killed, the strengthening crystals on their bodies needed to be taken out one by one. But with the help of two little guys, the speed is quite fast.

Tier 4 crystals are smaller than Tier 3 crystals, but the energy contained in them is two to three times that of Tier 3 strengthened crystals.

It took half an hour to collect all the crystals, and after careful calculation, including the crystals on these Japanese people, the number of fourth-order strengthened crystals has reached 8,000, which is a very large number.

But Ji Dong still shook his head, eight thousand, this number seems to be very large, but for the amount of crystals needed to evolve to the fourth level, there is no doubt that there is still a big gap. For the fourth level above the third level, each level of evolution needs The quantity is tens of thousands, these 8,000 enhanced crystals are not enough for a first-order evolution.

"Let's go!"

He took two fourth-order strengthened crystals to the two little guys, and the two little guys screamed in an instant. Using the crystals can speed up their evolution.

Even though they belong to super beasts, as Ji Dong's master's strength is getting stronger and stronger, the pressure on the two little guys is also great. If Ji Yi keeps improving his strength at this speed, I'm afraid they won't be able to survive again. Ji Dong couldn't be helped at all.

However, thinking about it, it doesn't seem to help much now.

The two little guys were holding a strengthened crystal and gnawed on it, and the sound of crackling could be heard endlessly.

Seeing the cuteness of the two little guys, Lin Yi burst out laughing, and after they landed on his shoulders, he slowly stepped into the air, glanced at the map that appeared in his hand, set his sights on the direction, and flew forward shoot out.

That direction is the capital city of Wa country.


The capital city of the country of Wa.

Outside the suburbs, in a low-rise factory area.

Several factories here are for processing toys, there are not many sewage drainage pipes, and the environment used to be clean, but now outside the factory buildings, there are all mutilated limbs and dead carcasses. Down below, the air within a radius of ten miles is extremely smelly.

In a certain workshop of one of the factories, the lathe inside was moved out and arranged like a high-end laboratory with a large number of biological experimental equipment, microscopes, debugging tubes, electrocardiographic sensors, testers, etc.

At this moment, on a square table in this laboratory, in the middle of an isolation test tube, there is a mutated mouse with red eyes. From the outside, this is just a mutated ordinary bloodthirsty mouse.

"There is no white mouse in the last days, so I can only use this to make a living. The genetic gap between ordinary mice and humans is three times greater than that of small white mice, and it is also a mutant bloodthirsty mouse. In the information of genetic testing, it is similar to human genes. The gap is still a bit big, and even if it succeeds, there is not much information available." A middle-aged man in a white coat, with disheveled hair and a pair of glasses with deep myopia shook his head slightly, grabbed a syringe in his hand, and said: "First No matter how much, if this mutant mouse can persist for ten seconds, it can be considered to use humans for experiments."

"Didn't you catch a lot of Chinese people, just use them for experiments. Anyway, there are so many people, it doesn't matter if one or two die."

"I told you not to abuse those Chinese men again, but you didn't do it later?" The middle-aged man raised his eyes.

"No, no, we don't dare to mess around with what you ordered. We are all locked up there. I haven't been abused once in the past few days. Now I am alive and kicking. I almost hurt our people just now. I was so angry that I almost pulled them out. He killed."

"If it weren't for thinking that your side is still useful, he would be dead now."

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