Just when everyone thought these planes were coming to bomb.

In the bomb bay.

Those complex folded mechanical bodies!

They were released in batches! up in the air.

These complex mechanical bodies are deployed one after another!

Only then did everyone discover.

What the plane dropped was not an aerial bomb at all, but a series of folded beast-shaped machines!

Dong Dong Dong Dong...

Every time a mechanical beast lands, it will make a dull impact sound!

Simple and practical four-legged design.

Allowing them to easily withstand the impact of falling from high altitude!

One hundred poisonous spiders landed directly under the high wall!

Behind Andre and his party, the five poisonous spiders formed a group!

The light and heavy machine guns opened fire together!

Forming a fierce crossfire!

Compared to the conventional bullets in Ddu Base.

These mechanical beasts, for the most part, also use tungsten core armor-piercing bullets!

12mm caliber heavy machine gun.

Paired with tungsten core armor-piercing bullets!

Instantly shattered the myth that the Lord is immune to bullets!

The front row dominates!

The burly body was riddled with holes by intensive crossfire, and collapsed!

Behind the poisonous spider, fifty mechanical dogs were all placed on the high wall of Capital D.

Soldiers on the platform.

When he saw the mechanical dog smashed down, he was so frightened that he quickly moved away.

Dong Dong Dong Dong...

Every time a mechanical dog fell down, there was a loud sound of metal hitting the ground.

Immediately afterwards.

These ferocious and terrifying machines stood upright without any injuries.

They didn't even look at the soldiers around them.

As if he had taken over this high wall, he walked to the platform, fixed his body, and then unfolded the missile launch nest on his back!

18 joints!


The number of missiles has doubled from before!

Moreover, the power of micro-missiles has also been greatly improved!

Fifty mechanical dogs opened fire together.

A moment.

Hundreds of micro-missiles pierced the sky, heading towards the incoming tide of corpses!

Under precise AI calculations.

The impact point of each missile has been strictly calculated and is connected to each other, but will not overlap!

This not only ensures the maximum killing range!

And make sure it has enough power!

Boom, boom, boom...

Accompanied by a series of explosions, the ground shook slightly!

Dense fireballs rose into the sky!

A large sea of ​​​​fire formed!

Cut off the dominant zombie tide that was originally out of touch with the large army again!

Countless ordinary zombies, raiders, and super hunters were torn into pieces in the explosion, and then burned to charcoal by the raging sea of ​​fire.

Only the Overlord can make it out of the bombing range alive!

But they were also covered in bruises and burnt skin, cracked during movement, and separated from their bodies!

Revealing a disgusting body with numerous burned blisters


Seeing the mechanical beast, the changer beside Andre also realized something.

After all, their mission target is Qin Feng!

The roar of the giant bear conveyed a meaning that Andre could understand.

"I know!"

"but not now!"

Andre roared angrily, and knocked down the oncoming master with a tiger pounce. Then, with his sharp claws, he tore open the chest of the master.

Empty the internal organs!

The other master took the opportunity to bump over!


Seeing this, a gray wolf shapeshifter jumped up and rushed over.

It used its wolf claws to tear the throat of the master!

At the same time, a giant bear was surrounded by four masters and died instantly on the spot!


Andre roared and wanted to go over to help.

But more masters rushed over!

Each master had a power that was not inferior to them. Coupled with this crushing number, Andre and his group were instantly surrounded.

Even if the city defense troops on the high wall provide firepower assistance, it will be of no avail.

They use conventional bullets.

The best ones are just steel-core armor-piercing bullets!

They cannot cause fatal damage to the Lord!

In addition, Andre and his team have already Fighting with the Overlord.

In order to avoid accidental injuries, the soldiers on the wall did not dare to point powerful weapons such as anti-aircraft guns at the Overlord next to Andre.


Another giant bear fell!

Just as Andre and his party were locked in a bitter battle, the poisonous spider also under the high wall separated part of it and aimed crossfire at them. The human soldiers did not dare to shoot, they Dare to fire!

Da da da da da…

Accompanied by the roar of the heavy machine gun, tungsten core armor-piercing bullets almost missed Andre and his group, hitting the master who surrounded them.

Although it looked thrilling!

But in the AI Thanks to his precise calculations, not a single shot hit Andre and the others! They were all riddled with holes by tungsten core armor-piercing bullets!

"did you see it! ?"

"We are in this together!"


Andre, who discovered all this, roared angrily, and his huge tiger body continued to kill people on the battlefield.

The other changers also changed their minds.


No mission! No enemies!

Only comrades who fight zombies together!

Even if these comrades are just a group of cold machines that can shoot at themselves!

Buzz buzz...

At this time, the second-generation Quinjet driven by Chu Lan turned back again!

As a floor-licking fiend, she chose to swoop in and shoot without hesitation!

The 20mm cannon mounted on the belly of the aircraft roared again! The master who swept through a line in an instant!

Juggernaut hit by a depleted uranium armor-piercing projectile.

There were holes all over his body, from the front punch to the back!

It’s the size of a fist in front!

The size of the basin in the back!

Under the 6000°C high temperature of the depleted uranium bomb, the hole is instantly charred, and not even a drop of blood will flow out! at the same time.

Two more Quinjets slowly passed over the D capital base. below them.

They all use steel cables to hang a square weight!

It glows with a cold mechanical luster in the sunlight!



The moment they arrived at the battlefield, the two Quinjets cut the cable.

The heavy object fell to the ground with a crash!

The earth trembled!

The soldiers on the high wall felt the shaking!


Amidst the harsh sound of mechanical operation, the giant metal object that fell on the battlefield suddenly folded and unfolded!

Just like the Transformers in the movie!

It's just not that complicated.

The simple and crude mechanical bodies were all unfolded, two behemoths eight meters high!

Appearing impressively on the battlefield!

The height is almost the same as the defensive wall of the D capital base!

The soldiers on the platform were all shocked and speechless by this scene. The height of Titan had already approached the high wall, and they could directly see the back of Titan's head.

Of course, the Titan's head is in the chest.

What the soldiers saw was actually the back of the missile launch nest!

"What is this! ?"

Looking at the Titan standing on the battlefield, Shen Tianlai was stunned.

Now, the situation on the field has long been beyond his control!

He can no longer see the situation clearly!

It seems that...

The battlefield has been taken over by another force!

………… minutes ago.

Just before the mechanical army arrives!

When Shen Tianlai and his party were desperately fighting against the tide of corpses.

The interior of Ddu base.

But a bloody massacre broke out.

The soldiers and survivors who prevented Cheng Fugui from escaping were all brutally killed by Cheng Fugui's mutants using extremely cruel methods.

The airport was dyed red with the blood of innocent people!

The runway was littered with bodies.

Cheng Fugui's Gou Yue Tuizi was moving the corpses aside to clear a runway for them to come out of.

"Move quickly!"

"Get all these women on the plane!"

Listening to the sound of gunfire not far away, Cheng Fugui shouted anxiously.

The backup aircraft had already left the hangar.

As long as the runway is cleared, Cheng Fugui and his men can take these women and escape from the D capital base. Become the only survivor of this zombie wave.



At this moment, the sound of sonic boom sounded.

Quinjets flew over Cheng Fugui’s head!

Under Cheng Fugui’s gaze, he flew to Enter the frontline battlefield where the battle is fiercest!

"these planes..."

"It seems to be a plane from Silver X City!"

As the controller of the D capital base, Cheng Fugui recognized the origin of these aircraft at a glance.

"Huh, you're going to die if you come here!"

Cheng Fugui snorted coldly, anyone who comes to this scale of corpse tide will die!


"Clear the runway! We're leaving!"

Cheng Fugui yelled.

But he didn't realize that not all Quinjets had gone to the front line!

There was a Quinjet with a strange shape that suddenly slowed down when it arrived at the D capital base. The cabin door Open it.

A graceful figure jumps down!

In mid-air, it twists and disappears into the air!....

Still a big chapter, I love you all (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

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