"I was careless. Wang

Lei lowered his head and said.

He did not hide his mistake, because this was the bitter result of his excessive expansion!

He himself survived by luck.

But Lao Diao...

Everyone on the two bombers died because of his expansion!

Seeing this, Qin Feng didn't bother to say anything, just grabbed Wang Lei's collar and flew into the air.

Soon they caught up with three other bombers.

"Open the hatch!"

Qin Feng carried Wang Lei like a chicken, flew to one of the bombers, and shouted through the public channel

"Captain Wang Lei?!"

Hearing the voice on the channel, the pilot turned his head and took a look.

When he saw Wang Lei in Qin Feng's hand, he opened the rear cabin door without saying a word.

"Hello, the rear hatch is open!"The pilot said.

After hearing the reply on the channel,

Qin Feng immediately slowed down, came to the rear of the bomber, and threw Wang Lei in through the open rear hatch.

"How many cluster bombs do you have left?"

After throwing Wang Lei, Qin Feng asked in passing.

Although he did not see the scene during the bombing, the two burning seas of fire on the ground had proved the results of the bombing by Wang Lei and his team.

Qin Feng estimated that Wang Lei Lei and his team blew up almost one-fifth of the zombie tide!

That's close to a million zombies!

If they still have cluster bombs, the pressure in the next battle will undoubtedly be reduced a lot!

"The spreaders are gone, but we still have some conventional bombs, and we can still carry out bombing missions if you need them!"

Wang Lei shouted loudly.

His voice was much muffled by the sound of the bomber's engine, but his unswerving will could still be heard.


"That's okay, you can figure it out yourself."

When he heard that there were no cluster bombs, Qin Feng said no more and turned around to fly towards the ground.

"Is it so realistic?"

Wang Lei was stunned for a moment.

After speaking, he shook his head, manually closed the rear hatch, and quickly ran into the cockpit.

"What should we do, captain, do we need to return?"

Seeing Wang Lei walking in, the bomber pilot quickly asked

"Report your fuel situation!"

Wang Lei thought for a moment, picked up the communicator and said

"less than half"


"I have a little more, I have 60 left%"

In the channel, the pilots of the three bombers reported one after another.

"I decided to keep bombing!"

After learning about the fuel situation, Wang Lei said firmly without saying a word:""

"When the fuel reaches 35%, we will return!"

Wang Lei said with a firm look.

They must leave at least 35% of the fuel to ensure the safety of their return.

At the same time,

Qin Feng on the other side also discovered that the three bombers did not leave, but turned around and flew back.

It looks like he still wants to continue bombing!

"I never thought there would be such a person in the apocalypse..."

Qin Feng was somewhat impressed.

After saying that, Qin Feng flew directly towards the construction site, which was the main battlefield he prepared.

Although Wang Lei and the others blew up one-fifth of the corpse tide!

But the remaining four million zombies have to be dealt with by themselves, and they can’t count on anyone! boom!

Flying at supersonic speed, Qin Feng quickly returned to the sky above the construction site.

Viewed from a high altitude, the current construction site defense point looks like a small boat struggling to support itself under the tsunami!

Millions of corpses are coming from all directions!

On the sentry tower, the mechanical dog and the poisonous spider exchanged rounds after rounds!

Dozens of light and heavy machine guns fired continuously, and the barrels were red!


But it still couldn't stop the tide of corpses coming from all directions!

Boom boom boom boom...

Whenever the tide of corpses gets closer and closer, the mechanical dog will jump onto the sentry tower!

Use the miniature 9-link missile launcher mounted on the shoulder to give a large wave of fire suppression!

Don't look at it. These missiles are about the same size as a pen.

But their power is not inferior to the airborne missiles on the Wang Lei fighter plane!

The violent sound of explosion.

Attracting the attention of more zombies!

Gradually, this small construction site became the first line of defense against zombies!

From a satellite perspective, you can see that the black waves composed of corpses seemed to have hit a small rock the moment they touched Silver X City!

But it was this insignificant reef that blocked the tsunami-like tide of corpses! at this time.

Jarvis reports bad news

"Sir, the mechanical beast is running out of ammunition."

"How long will it take for supplies to arrive? Qin Feng asked

"The transport plane will arrive in 7 minutes and 24 seconds. Jarvis replied.

The helicopter has returned to the villa. With the help of the five poisonous spiders staying in the villa, it has loaded the remaining ammunition and is on its way back.

If these ammunition are used up again, the mechanical beasts will only You can now fight zombies in close combat!

"7 minutes, right?"

"Okay, you let the mechanical beasts go to the sides, and I'll guard the front!"

Qin Feng said, falling directly from a high altitude and landing in front of the densest corpse tide!

Although there were corpse tides in other places, the pressure was much smaller!

After Qin Feng fell, the poisonous spiders and mechanical dogs who received the order immediately Jump off the guard tower and move from the front battlefield to the side and back

"Why? Why are they gone! ?"

Seeing this scene, Sister Yan, who was also guarding the main entrance, asked quickly.

But while speaking, she did not stop controlling the flames!

Two fire dragons were charging across the area dozens of meters in front of her!

Any zombies touched by the fire dragon will be ignited in a short period of time, and will be burned into charred corpses within a short period of time.

However, due to excessive use of the ability, cold sweat was already covering the woman's forehead.

"They're out of bullets"

"I'll keep the front!"

Qin Feng said and jumped directly from the sentry tower.





Seeing Qin Feng jump down, the tide of corpses became more violent and rushed over with a roar! The sounds of tens of thousands of footsteps overlapped together!

Even the ground shook slightly, and even Qin Feng felt a rumbling in his ears!

"The momentum is quite terrifying...."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he was all fired up instantly!

The already burly and domineering war machine suddenly seemed to be in combat mode!

Gatlin on the left shoulder!

The nine-link missile launch nest on the right shoulder!

Two-handed F2000 rifle!

Pulse particle cannon in the palm of your hand!

The whole person is like a furious lion, showing off all its fangs and claws!

"bring it on!"

Qin Feng finished speaking.

All weapons fired together!

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