Thermal imaging is turned on.

Qin Feng saw a large ball of heat in the dust, rushing towards him at high speed!

"bring it on!"

Qin Feng turned on the switch of the saw chain sword and bent his knees slightly.

The moment the mutated tiger rushed over!

He jumped up!


Under the reaction force, the ground under Qin Feng's feet was trampled and cracked with cracks!


The moment when the mutated tiger bursts out of the ashes.

Qin Feng jumped up!

He was leaping over the head of the mutated tiger in a forward somersault!

The saw chain sword suddenly downwards!

The alloy steel saw teeth rotating at 4,600 rpm instantly saw a huge wound two meters long and 20 centimeters deep on the mutant tiger's back!


Feeling the injury on his back, the mutant tiger let out an ear-piercing roar!

Immediately afterwards, a giant tail as thick as an adult's arm swept across and landed on Qin Feng who had not yet landed in the air!


Just hear a loud noise!

The echoes continue to ripple in the tunnel!

Qin Feng, who had no time to dodge in the air, was swept by the tiger's tail. He flew backwards like a cannonball and hit a wall of the tunnel heavily!


The cement coating on the tunnel wall was directly hit by Qin Feng, making a big hole!

But the next second,

Qin Feng jumped down from the wall as if nothing happened.

Then he dodged to the side without looking back!


Just as the front foot flashed, the giant tail of the mutant tiger suddenly fell down!

Where the giant tail was whipped, a long gully was made on the cement floor!

"I have to find a chance to saw off its tail!"

Qin Feng said with a solemn expression.

As soon as he finished speaking, the mutant tiger's next attack followed!

The huge body of nearly seven meters had no impact at all in the tunnel. He quickly turned around, and with a tiger pounce, he rushed towards Qin Feng. Feng rushed over!

As a cat, the mutant tiger not only has terrifying power, but also extremely fast speed!

In the air, the mutant tiger opened its palms, and its sharp claws pierced out from the flesh pads, carrying strong wind, towards Qin Feng Slap him on the head!

"Turn on the speed increase mode!"

At the critical moment, Qin Feng's consciousness issued an order to the nanosuit through the neural operating system.

In an instant...

Countless nanofibers pierced Qin Feng's body like needles!

Each nanofiber is producing a tiny amount of electrical reaction!

Accelerate the blood flow of Qin Feng's body!

Provide more oxygen to the brain!

Stimulate muscle tissue!

Stimulate highly abnormal nerve reflexes!

Under the stimulation of the nanosuit, Qin Feng's thinking, neural reactions, and dynamic vision have all been improved, and everything in front of him instantly became slow motion!

The mutated tiger that came over seemed to be stopped in mid-air, moving towards him little by little!

"ten seconds..."

The moment the prompt sounded, Qin Feng disappeared from the spot almost instantly and rushed towards the mutated tiger that was rushing towards him.

The burly figure showed amazing flexibility at this moment!

The moment he dodged the mutated tiger's claws, the chain sword in Qin Feng's hand slashed horizontally and landed on the mutated tiger's left forelimb!

The tiger skin was instantly incised!

Even muscles can't stop the saw teeth that spin at 4,600 rpm!


But at the moment when the tiger bone was sawed, there was a harsh click sound of grinding teeth from the saw chain sword!

"It’s truly a tiger bone!"


As soon as Qin Feng let out a sigh, the mutated tiger roared in pain, opened its huge mouth, and bit Qin Feng who was very close at hand!

Qin Feng did not dare to neglect, and quickly pulled out his chain sword, and ducked around the mutated tiger. Left side!

During the process of dodging,

Qin Feng did not forget to use the saw chain sword to cut a huge wound about one meter long under the armpit of the mutant tiger's left forelimb!

"nine seconds..."

At this point, it only takes a second!


The mutant tiger was in pain, and quickly used the power of its tail to slam into Qin Feng with one side of its body!


The huge size showed its advantage at this moment.

Qin Feng, who had flashed to the side of the mutant tiger, had already lost In the dodging space, he was hit by the mutated tiger's side and squeezed against the wall on one side of the tunnel.

The terrifying force made Qin Feng unable to move!


This time, Qin Feng in the nanosuit felt a huge impact. The defense and buffering capabilities of the nanosuit in speed mode will be significantly reduced!


While Qin Feng was squeezed against the wall, the mutated tiger turned its head, opened its mouth and bit Qin Feng!

The feline's flexibility was fully demonstrated at this moment!

"Draft it?"

Seeing that there was no way to hide, Qin Feng cursed angrily and slashed directly at the mutated tiger's bloody mouth!


The huge mouth fell!

Qin Feng retracted his arm at the critical moment and activated the leg reflex assist of the nanosuit. Thruster!


With the blessing of the booster, Qin Feng exploded with extremely terrifying jumping power! He was instantly out of the control of the mutant tiger! He hit the roof of the tunnel!

But the chain sword in his hand was stuck The mutated tiger's bloody mouth, with its rotating saw teeth, saw directly into the mutated tiger's jaw!


The mutated tiger began to shake its head crazily, trying to throw out the saw chain sword stuck in its mouth.

But it shook it for a long time, only throwing out a lot of hot blood!


The mutant tiger became more and more manic, and the pain in his mouth made his simple mind extremely furious!


At the same time, Qin Feng also pulled out his head from the top of the tunnel and dropped it to the ground.

"Turn on power amplification mode!"

Qin Feng, who was bare-handed, said coldly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the nanosuit composed of countless nanofibers immediately changed mode. The muscle-like nanofibers shone with faint red charged ions! The nanofibers in the inner lining were deep. Deeply penetrated into Qin Feng's body!

The hydrogen battery in the artificial spine of the suit began to output energy crazily!


In less than half a second, Qin Feng's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes due to congestion!

It was as if he had been on stimulants! He became extremely manic!

The bionic muscle-like nanosuit was glowing with light red, and each fiber The tiny nanofibers are like an external muscle fiber, matching every movement of Qin Feng!

"bring it on!"

Qin Feng roared angrily, jumped up, and the ground beneath his feet instantly shattered!

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