
Hong Wu immediately sobered up.

Holding the gun is shooting in the direction of Chen Xi.

It’s just that Chen Xi moved left and right, and every shot was perfectly dodged by Chen Xi.

“You trash! Still watching what to do! Shoot! Shoot! ”

Hong Wu was completely flustered.

Looking at the killing intent in Chen Xi’s eyes.

And his weird speed, Hong Wu is really panicked!

People who have faced death.

You can see the aura of death exuded by others.

There is on this man!

Chen Xi took out the gun in his hand.

His eyebrows sank, and he shot Hong Wu in the head.

Hong Wu’s eyes widened.

Looking at Chen Xi was like looking at a demon.

Finally holding the gun, leaning back.

With a bang, he fell directly to the ground.

And rolled straight down the stairs.

“Old… Top dog! ”

Everyone didn’t expect Hong Wu to die so soon.

Even Hongwu himself did not expect that he would die so soon.

He had just fallen in love with this apocalypse.

Because he can do whatever he wants in the last days, this is simply his ideal life.

And this castle.

It sets off his ideal life to the fullest!

He was treated to the extreme.

But in the end, he was killed by a brat of unknown origin!

He didn’t even know what the other party’s name was when he died.

The fighting continues.

The loyal minions held a gun in their hands and pointed them at Chen Xi.

However, the speed of these people is too slow, and they are not Chen Xi’s opponents at all.

One shot was raised, and another one fell.


Ruyi stick appears in hand.

Before the bullet could be released, someone was killed by an extended wishful stick.

Probably a dozen people.

All of them died at the hands of Chen Xi.


The whole castle hall was in shambles.

Walls and floors were cratered by bullets.

In some places, the floor is directly upturned.

The crystal lamp on the ceiling was partially shattered, and only half of it was lit, making the hall a little darker than when he had just entered.

There are also several gun holes on the sofa, and the high-grade leather blemishes are obvious.

Chen Xi walked to Hongwu’s side.

He directly picked up the earthen rifle in his hand.

This gun is more powerful than this ordinary pistol in Chen Xi’s hand.

These dozen or so people each have a gun.

It is also not known where these guns came from.

But the reason is not important.

It is important.

These things are all his starting today.

Chen Xi did not immediately collect the weapon.

Instead, he walked around the castle with a brain radar.

It is not known how many people there are in this gang.

In case someone hides in the shadows and sneaks up on him, it will be a headache.

And he already took a fancy to this castle.

He doesn’t like hidden dangers hiding in it.

If you bump into someone unrelated.

Either go, or you can only go with Hongwu.

The castle is very big and the rooms are very plethorough.

Chen Xi went to check them one by one.

But he was just there to detect if there were any hidden people.

While walking, he whispered unconsciously:

“If the detection range of this radar can cover the entire castle, there is no need to bother so much.”

For a quick probe.

He didn’t even turn on the lights, and he didn’t see what each room looked like.

It took an hour and finally walked a lap.

Chen Xi couldn’t help but sigh, this castle is really big.

A few cursory inspections are completed.

Chen Xi went downstairs.

He had planned to leave directly.

It was only when he looked sideways that he saw the fireplace in the living room.

There is a row of photos on the fireplace.

The middle photo shows a man and a woman.

They held a little boy and a little girl in their arms.

The little boy wears a small gown.

The little girl was wearing a small white dress.

The two children had great smiles on their faces.

The frame has long been worn out, and it has been stained with a lot of dust.

But the photo is very well preserved in the frame.

There are some other photos on both sides.

There are pictures of little boys and little girls from different periods.

Two seem to be generally large.

They look similar, either brothers or siblings.

The most mature is probably a photo of two people who look seventeen or eighteen years old.

In the photo.

Two stand together.

The boy grew up handsome and smiled and stroked the girl’s head.

The girl has pure black medium long hair.

Her fine bangs were on either side of her forehead, her hair was messy by the boy, and her face was still very happy.

At a glance, you can tell that the two grew up in a loving family.

Put down the picture frame in your hand.

Chen Xi looked around.

There are some bloody handprints on the quaint walls, as well as gunholes.

Presumably Hongwu and they had fought fiercely here, or others had also come in.

As for the people in the photo.

It is not difficult to guess that it should be the owner of this castle.

Family of 4

It’s just a pity.

He accumulated so much wealth before the outbreak of the apocalypse, owning a single-family castle.

After the apocalypse broke out.

Now all this will become his Chen Xi’s possession.

But that’s fine.

Chen Xi finally found a satisfactory place to live.

Take a big stride.

He was ready to go back and pick up Xu Ruoyun and them now.

Just took two steps.

It seems that something has been stepped on under the feet, making a tinkling sound.

Chen Xi was a little strange.

He couldn’t help but lift the carpet covering it.

Immediately, I saw an iron plate.

There is a trace of friction on it.

Probably a random shot.

Therefore, the originally flat iron plate was cocked in one place.

When you step on it, it makes a sound.

Chen Xi reached out and stroked it.

With a gentle push, the upper layer was actually opened.

Followed by.

A combination lock appears in front of you.


PS: Ask for flowers and evaluate all kinds of requests

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