"Chief, I have confirmed again and again that there is indeed no support from Shencheng.

Hearing Lin Yang's roar, the correspondent could only repeat helplessly.

"His grandma, call me that bastard Li Qiangjun right away, I want to talk to him personally!"

Hearing what the correspondent said, Lin Yang couldn't sit still any longer, and spoke directly.

Hearing this, the correspondent also ran back immediately, and according to his instructions, dialed the number of Li Qiangjun in Shencheng.

Soon, the highest commanders in the two survivor bases exchanged phone calls.

"Li Qiangjun, what do you mean? Now we are in urgent need of support. You are the closest armed force to Lincheng, so you just don't want to save them, right?"

As soon as he got on the phone, Lin Yang immediately complained to Li Qiangjun.

But Li Qiangjun was not polite at all when he heard that he was just a meal of accountability when he came up.

"What nonsense are you kidding, I'm not as miserable as you think!"

"Don't help me? Where did you see it?"

"Let me tell you, there is already a person from our side who has come to support us, so you just need to guard your own Lincheng and wait for the good show!"

The one-person support that Li Qiangjun mentioned was naturally Su Yu.

And it is not false to let Lin Cheng enjoy the show.

Su Yu's strength, as the commander of the Shencheng army, he knows best.

He can say with absolute certainty that Su Yu alone is stronger than a division of super soldiers they sent out from Shencheng.

One person can reach thousands of troops!

However, Lin Yang was completely unaware of this point.

When he heard Li Qiangjun say that only one person came to support him, his first feeling was that Li Qiangjun was playing him.

"Alone? Are you fucking kidding me!"

"Forget me 437, please, for the sake of the lives of more than 400,000 people in Lincheng, send troops to help us.

Although he thought that Li Qiangjun was playing tricks on him, Lin Yang, who was angry in his heart, suppressed his anger and begged in a low voice.

"I have already said that there are already people on our side to support you. As for sending troops, we haven't figured it out yet, so don't even think about it.

"Don't worry, believe me, the person who supported the past is a powerful awakener, and he will definitely surprise you!"

"That's it, I still have something to do here, hang up first!"

Regarding Lin Yang's plea, Ji Jun did not let go.

Su Yu asked him not to send troops, and anyone's orders and entreaties would be useless.

Even if the highest leader of the Dragon Kingdom personally ordered it, he would not dispatch a single soldier.


As the phone is disconnected, listen to the disconnected sound coming from inside.

Lin Yang slammed the microphone in his hand to the ground with a snap, breaking it into pieces.

An old face was flushed with anger.

"A person, no matter how strong the awakened person is, where can he go!"

"In the face of a wave of more than eight million zombies, what kind of waves can one person make!"

"Li Qiangjun, you wait, wait until I report the situation to the superiors, and you wait to receive punishment!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yang was furious that Li Qiangjun did not send troops to support him.

However, that being said.

But he didn't really make a report.

The most important thing now is to immediately organize the evacuation of all survivors in Lincheng.

Although the Western Wolf Army he is leading now has not encountered a tide of corpses like the Shencheng garrison.

Weapons and ammunition are still sufficient.

But when they rescued the survivors, the soldiers lost a lot.

Today, Lincheng, where more than 400,000 survivors are located, has less than 12,000 armed people.

Facing the horde of more than 8 million zombies, it is simply powerless to resist.

Even if reinforcements from other directions are rushing here, the defenders on Lincheng's side may not be able to last until then.

For the safety of more than 400,000 survivors in Lincheng.

He had to order the transfer of survivors in the city.

"Send an order to let the survivors in the city be transferred immediately, and be escorted by the Awakened team and a regiment.

"The rest of you, defend Lincheng to my death, and buy time for the retreat of the 400,000 survivors!"

"Yes! Chief!"

The communications soldier who collected the order immediately issued Lin Yang's order.

Immediately, the entire forest city fell into panic.

It is known that the corpse wave composed of more than 8 million zombies has come to a place 50 kilometers away from Lincheng.

Every survivor desperately squeezed into the vehicle arranged by the military to retreat.

On a street in Lincheng, there were more than a dozen buses and several troop carriers.

A group of armed soldiers was arranging for the evacuation of survivors from houses on either side of the street.

"Don't crowd everyone, everyone queues up in an orderly manner, and everyone can go up!"

"Woman, children get on the troop carrier first!"

"Don't jump in line, don't be crowded! You're going to be slower like this!"

The soldiers kept reminding with loudspeakers that their voices were already hoarse, but they still couldn't stop the frightened crowd.

"Don't crowd me at the back of the fuck!"

"Let me go up first, I'm an economics professor from Guizhou University!"

"Fuck your economics professor, there's no point in this apocalyptic world! Get the hell out of here!"

"Oh! Step on me to death! My waist!"

"I know your platoon leader Zhang, I am his brother-in-law, let me get on the troop carrier!"


There was confusion among the crowd.

Some shouted and cursed, and some wanted to build relationships and gain privileges to get on the personnel carrier.

Everyone crowded into the car frantically, for fear that they would not be able to get on (bcaf) the car if they were too slow.

Even the doors of some buses were blocked by the crowd, and they could not get on for a long time.

Elderly people also fell to the ground "There was a stampede.

There was no order at all.

"Damn it! You can't go on like this!"

Looking at the scene becoming more and more chaotic and disorderly, some old people have even been trampled to death.

The platoon leader of the unit that came to evacuate the survivors frowned, and finally drew his pistol.


Without any warning, he fired a shot at the craziest person in the crowd crowded at the door of a bus.

Kill it directly.

With this gunshot, the noisy crowd fell silent for a moment.

Especially the one who watched at the door of the bus that the most crowded person was shot in the head and his body fell limply on the other survivors around him.

They screamed one by one, and hurriedly retreated backwards.

What's more, his legs went limp in fright, and he sat down on the ground.

And this sudden shot not only made all the survivors around quiet down.

Even the other soldiers who were struggling to maintain order were taken aback for a moment.

He looked at his platoon leader in disbelief.

"What are you looking at! If this goes on, we won't be able to leave!"

"Listen to me, all of you! Everyone obeys the army's arrangements, and if someone disturbs the order, this will be his end!"

"Don't be dumbfounded, and immediately continue to organize the evacuation of the crowd!"

"Anyone who keeps arranging disturbances and delaying the evacuation will be executed on the spot!"

Looking at the gazes from around him, he put away the gun in his hand and shouted angrily.

After hearing his words, although those soldiers were hard to accept.

But they all know that this is the best and quickest way to stop the chaos from continuing.

All the soldiers took a deep breath, and then re-entered the evacuation work.

But this time, with the lessons learned from the past, all the survivors became more peaceful.

No matter how flustered he was, he was afraid that the zombies behind would attack the city.

They dare not be crowded anymore.

After all, the zombies are still some distance away from Lincheng.

But the dark muzzle of the gun in front of them could fire bullets that could kill them at any time.

The imminent deadly threat forced them to settle down.

And the effect of the shot just now was also highlighted.

The crowd who settled down evacuated in an orderly manner under the arrangement of the soldiers.

The speed of getting into the car was several times faster.

The same thing doesn't just happen on this street.

The same is true for other places in Lincheng.

Under the shock of death by force, the survivors who were originally panicked and crowded also evacuated in an orderly manner.

At the same time, the rockets of the wolf army in the west of Lincheng also flew towards the army of corpses dozens of kilometers away with tail flames.

It wasn't just the troops on Lincheng's side that fired rockets.

In other directions, long-range missiles were also fired at the horde of more than 8 million zombies outside Lincheng in those bases that had initially established a foothold.

These are all large survivor bases in several provinces near Gui Province.

Each base houses military units from a province.

A succession of hundreds of conventional missiles fell towards the tide of corpses one after another.

Each one carries 500kg of high explosive.

The killing radius of a missile is as high as forty or fifty meters.

Capable of destroying a football field.

The fierce missile bombing wiped out millions of zombies in just a few minutes.

The wave of more than 8 million zombies approached less than 20 kilometers away from Lincheng.

The quantity has been cut in half!.

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