"It's done! Su Yu, I now know the specific frequency band of the brain waves that the corpse king summons all zombies!"

"The next step is to continue to watch how this corpse king directs the battle of those zombies!"

When Su Yu was looking at the zombies in the distance, Ye Ziyun behind him suddenly cried out in surprise!

"The frequency band for summoning zombies? It was analyzed so quickly, it really is a super brain!"

When Su Yu heard this, he turned his head and said with a smile.

Thinking of the things on the instrument in Ye Ziyun's hands, he couldn't help but admire Ye Zilayer's ability.

"Next, what do I need to do?"

After praising Ye Ziyun, Su Yu spoke again.

He knew that Ye Ziyun should have her own plan to verify and record the frequency band of the brainwaves used by the corpse king to control the zombie battle.

"Well, I need you to anger the corpse king, and then rush to the tide of corpses below..."

"You have no problem?"

Ye Ziyun looked at Su Yu with a trace of uncertainty in her extension.

"Let me anger the corpse king alone, and then rush to the zombies below?"

"Do you want this zombie king to command the zombies below to attack me alone?"

Hearing what Ye Ziyun said, Su Yu immediately understood what Ye Ziyun wanted to do with this arrangement.

Looking at Su Yu, Ye Ziyun also nodded seriously.

However, even though he knew that Su Yu had the record of blocking the tide of 4 million zombies by himself.

But she finally said to Su Yu:

"Su Yu, if I'm not sure, I can think of other ways to 467.

She cared more about Su Yu's safety than the experiment.

"Haha, don't worry, don't talk about the tens of thousands of zombies below.

"Even a million zombies are not enough for me to kill!"

Su Yu looked at the worry on Ye Ziyun's face, but smiled heartily.


He put his gaze on the corpse king on the console next to Ye Ziyun.


The corpse king saw Su Yu looking at him.

She also suddenly became more frantic and restless.

He kept yelling at Su Yu.

A pair of scarlet eyes flashed fiercely, if eyes could kill.

Su Yu has died countless times.

Obviously, this corpse king still has memories of Su Yu who captured it.

Its wisdom is not low, and it knows that it has fallen into the current situation, which is completely caused by the human being in front of it!

"It's quite fierce. It seems that you haven't forgotten the festival between you and me."

Looking at the restless and crazy corpse king, there was a disdainful smile on the corner of Su Yu's mouth.

Then he walked slowly in front of it.

Stretching out a finger, a ball of flame burst out and landed on it.

The power of the crimson flame is terrifying.

Even this corpse king has great strength.

Su Yu also suffered huge damage immediately under this flame.

Su Yu wanted to use his own flames to instantly kill this corpse king, but it was easy to do.

But it didn't kill the corpse king immediately.

Instead, he controlled his own flames, controlled the power well, and continuously left scorched scars on the corpse king's body.

Although this corpse king has the appearance of a human being, and also the appearance of a top-notch beauty.

But no one here will buy it for the appearance of a corpse king!


It is completely different from other zombies, when it was burned by Su Yu's red flame.

The corpse king actually let out an extremely painful roar.

It has a sense of pain that other zombies have never had!

"Ho Ho Ho Ho ~!"

Hearing its screams, the zombies gathered outside the high wall of Iron Mountain became crazy one by one.

The zombies who were constantly hitting the high wall below, without any effect, have now started to pile up the wall of corpses!

At the foot of the high wall in Su Yu's area, zombies one after another stepped on the bodies of the zombies in the inner layer and climbed upwards.

This scene immediately attracted the attention of the soldiers guarding the edge of the high wall.

"Su Yu, those zombies below have already started crowding towards us!"

"It's time to start attacking, we can't let these zombies rush to the wall!"

At this time, Tang Zihan not far away saw the movement of the zombies below, ran directly to Su Yu's side, and reminded him.

The movement caused by this experiment will not be small.

As an awakened powerhouse who is second only to Su Yu in Tiezhishan's strength.

Tang Zihan also went up to the high wall together and guarded it together.

"Su Yu, the brain wave just released by this zombie king has more than a dozen new wave bands, it seems that this is the reason for the riot of zombies below!

"I've recorded it!"

Just as Tang Zihan finished speaking, Ye Ziyun on the side immediately stared at the device in her hand and said in a startled voice.

The meaning is also very clear.


Hearing what the two said, Su Yu also nodded, not continuing to burn the head of the household with his own flame.

I didn't see him let his defenders open fire.

He just disappeared from the sight of Tang Zihan and Ye Ziyun.

next moment.

Su Yu's figure appeared at the foot of the high wall (bcdh).

Looking at the zombies who are constantly hitting the high wall, preparing to rush to the city wall in the way of arhat.

He didn't pause.

Reach out and wave.

A red flame giant palm of more than 30 meters appeared.

The pitch-black night sky was suddenly illuminated by a crimson red light.

With a wave of his hand, the huge flaming palm that appeared out of thin air directly slapped a pile of zombies that was already more than 20 meters long.

With a sound of 'bang', the entire palm of the flame was as solid as it was, and all the hundreds of zombies were sent flying out.

Every zombie's body was covered with Su Yu's flame, and it burned quickly.

Burn wildly with the air while flying out.

From a distance, the zombies that were shot out with crimson flames flew around like flaming meteors.

The flames burning from the scattered zombies illuminated the darkness around Su Yu.


At this moment, the corpse king on the city wall seemed to have received the feedback, and roared to the sky.

All of a sudden, the thousands of zombies around Su Yu seemed to have found their targets.

Frantically, he rushed towards him and bit him.

The ones rushing to the front are always speed-type evolutionary zombies.

However, apart from the zombies hundreds of meters away from Su Yu, the zombies in other places still continue to use corpse sea warriors.

He kept stepping on his companion's body, built a wall of corpses, and climbed towards the top of the high wall.

Su Yu glanced at the group of other zombies that were still climbing towards the city wall in the distance, with a cold expression on his face.

This corpse king is indeed not low in intelligence.

He actually knows that the focus now is to let the zombies rescue him!

Only a part of the zombies were sent to kill him.

"Unfortunately, just one or two thousand zombies are not enough for me to squeeze between my teeth!"

He glanced at the evolved zombies rushing in front of him with indifferent eyes.

Su Yu snorted coldly.

Terrible thorns suddenly burst out from the ground under the feet of the zombies that attacked him.

In an instant, the bodies of these zombies were pierced.

This time, the density of ground thorns has increased significantly.

Almost every zombie was pierced by several ground thorns.

"Kill evolved zombies, experience +120!"

"Kill ordinary zombies, experience +1!"


More than 90% of the zombies had their heads pierced.

Even if there are zombies who have escaped the fate of being pierced in the head by chance.

It was also in the next step that Su Yu controlled the thorns that regrown and pierced the head.

In the blink of an eye, all the zombies that hit Su Bao's side were killed by Su Yu.


However, after these zombies were killed by Su Yu, another zombie roared and charged towards him immediately.

Farther away, some zombies gathered, and they did not rush forward to deal with Su Yu, nor did they charge towards the high wall.

These are obviously the arrangements of the corpse king.

It seems that it knows Su Yu's strength is very strong, and it will use these zombies to hold Su Yu down wave after wave.

"There are a lot of frequency bands!"

"These are the brainwaves of the corpse king commanding the zombies below!"

"Xiao Li, all the pictures taken by the drone you control must be saved for me, don't screw me up!"

"We will compare and analyze the wave band emitted by this zombie king and the actions of those zombies afterwards!"

On the city wall, Ye Ziyun was constantly monitoring all the movements of the corpse king, and excitedly said to another person beside her.

"Understood! I'm recording everything!"

"Our leader's strength is really strong, he wiped out thousands of zombies in just one move!"

On one side, the young girl Ye Ziyun called Xiao Li immediately answered.

When saving the picture taken by one of the drones, it was also shocking. .

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