Doomsday Outbreak: I Extract Abilities And Upgrade Crazily

139 Take Back The Arsenal, Misty Forest!

"This, this is the power of the nuclear bomb strengthened by the leader!"

"This is horrible!"

Looking at the implementation image transmitted by the space satellite, everyone in the Kyoto Survivor Base who watched the image stood up in shock.

In the picture, the nuclear explosion exploded at an altitude of more than 2,000 meters, and the radius of the resulting fireball reached more than 3,000 meters.

The terrifying shock wave shattered all the glass on the high-rise buildings more than 30 kilometers away!

This kind of power is only slightly worse than Mao Xiong's most powerful Tsar's quilt!

However, the one launched into the sky above the White Palace in the Beautiful Country was nothing more than a tactical nuclear missile from the Dragon Country.

The equivalent is very small.

In fact, it is almost enough to destroy the White Palace.

But in this scene, this tactical nuclear bomb is more powerful than the strategic nuclear bomb they are storing now!

The power has been expanded dozens of times!

Although it is known that Su Yu's strengthening ability can enhance the power of all weapons and ammunition.

But this result completely exceeded their expectations.

"Such a small "four-two-three" tactical nuclear bomb can explode with such a great power. We still have so many nuclear bombs that have been strengthened by the leader. I'm going to drink a jug!"

"That's right, the leader is really a god!"

"Gene potions, enhanced weapons, and the leader's leadership, we will surely survive the end times!"

After being deeply shocked, the generals of the underground fortress looked at the huge mushroom cloud slowly rising on the screen.

Although the images transmitted by the satellite cannot clearly capture the loss of the densely packed bugs on the ground.

Excited expressions appeared on their faces, and they began to praise Su Yu full of praise.

With such power, don't look at it, all the bugs within a radius of ten kilometers from the center of the nuclear explosion are absolutely impossible to escape.

"Cough cough, everyone be quiet, calm down first."

"In addition to tracking and monitoring the nuclear bombs we supported in the past, our satellites have also been monitoring the space crack on the west coast of the beautiful country!"

"Even now, there are still a large number of bugs appearing on the blue star in that space crack!"

"Even if we have the nuclear bomb strengthened by the leader, we will face the bugs that can continuously come out of the cracks in the space."

"It's not feasible to just rely on the weapons we keep now. We only consume, not produce, and there will be a day when we run out of weapons and ammunition.

"If at that time, the bugs over there have not stopped invading, what are we going to fight?"

"So, what we have to do now is to get rid of all the zombies in the arsenals everywhere as soon as possible."

"Then restart the weapons production in the arsenal!"

"Only when the logistics support is in place, can we continue to fight against the endless bugs!"

Some people are excited, and of course some people are still sober.

Especially the older people, the more thoughtful they think.

Gu Lao is one of them.

Just now, it was he who interrupted everyone's excited words.

"Yes, the chief is right! We must restart weapons production!"

"In addition to conventional weapons, the production of nuclear bombs and bombs must also be stepped up!"

"These powers are much more lethal than ordinary weapons, and they are perfect for dealing with those bugs!"

"Our current soldiers have the genetic medicine given by the leader, and now every one of them is a powerful super soldier!"

"Also equipped with powerful weapons strengthened by the boss, now we are fully capable of wiping out all the zombies in the arsenal!"

Hearing Gu Lao's words, the officers and generals who were listening around nodded their heads one after another.

Approved his decision.

On this point, everyone's opinions are surprisingly unanimous.

Hearing that everyone agreed to take back the arsenal and restart the battle of weapons and ammunition, Elder Gu laughed and said:

"It is not appropriate to disperse the personnel now."

"Then let's choose the Baiyunling arsenal closest to the base first!"

"Wang Jun, just mobilize a group of people from your army to clean up the zombies around the arsenal on the Baiyun Ridge first."

"We use Baiyun Armory as the general production base. After all the threats here are cleared, we will send a group of survivors to participate in production!"

"As for the arsenals in other places, we just need to transport all the equipment to the Baiyun arsenal for centralized production!"

"It is convenient for us to concentrate our personnel to produce together, and it is also easy for us to send troops to guard the safety of the arsenal!"

"What do you all think?"

After he gave his suggestion, he looked at several leaders around him.

Hearing his words, the surrounding people all nodded after pondering for a while.

"Old chief, our current military strength has been greatly reduced, and your proposal to concentrate our forces on one point is very suitable for our current situation! I have no objection!"

"I have no opinion either!"

"I have no opinion!"

"Okay! Then let's do what I just said!"

"Wang Jun!"

Hearing that the people around him did not question his suggestion and plan, Mr. Gu also decided to follow this plan.

Immediately, he shouted loudly at one of the generals.


Hearing his shout, a lieutenant general stepped forward immediately and saluted.

Seeing this, Gu Lao didn't talk nonsense with him, and directly gave the order.

Soon, in the survivor base in Kyoto, there was a force of about 1,500 people.

He left the survivor base in Kyoto with various armored vehicles and tanks.

He rushed towards the direction of Baiyun Ridge, which was more than a hundred kilometers away.

At the same time, I went back to Shanghai to take back the hundreds of thousands of genetic medicines I had just created in my space warehouse, and the strengthened Su Yu had already arrived at the Survivor Base of the Demon City...

This is the largest survivor base in the entire Dragon Kingdom except for the survivor base in Kyoto.

There are also more than 30,000 troops stationed here.

Su Yu also gave priority to improving the strength of the fighters here.

Just like in the survivor base in Kyoto, he also found the commander inside and took out enough genetic medicine.

At the same time, the weapon strengthening work in this base was also carried out.

While he was busy strengthening all the weapons in the Survivor Base of the Demon City.

He also received the news that the Kyoto Survivor Base sent troops to seize it and restart the Baiyun Arsenal.

But he didn't care about this, and let them let go.

As for the safety of the soldiers of the regiment he sent out, he didn't care.

Because he believed in the power of his genetic medicine.

The regiment that is now out of Kyoto.

All are three-level strengthened fighters, equipped with his strengthened weapons.

And all kinds of armored vehicles and tanks have been strengthened by his hands.

The combat power of this army has been greatly enhanced.

If it is a battle, even if it is an enemy of a division, it is not enough to kill them as a group.

Sending this group of people to deal with the zombies and mutated creatures in the Baiyun Arsenal and the surrounding areas will not cause any major problems at all.

With his strengthened armored vehicles and tanks, even if this regiment encounters a wave of corpses in the millions, it will be able to crush them all the way safe and sound.

I told Mr. Gu to work hard and not to disturb himself.

Unless the other party has encountered some difficulties, then contact him again.

After hanging up the phone, Su Yu immediately devoted himself to strengthening weapons and ammunition.

Although there are not as many weapons and ammunition in the Survivor Base in the Modu City as there are in Kyoto, they are still quite a lot. It will take him about two hours.

1.7 Now the beautiful country is completely popular, and the Zerg will return to cross the ocean and set foot on the land of the dragon country in a short time.

He also wanted to strengthen the weapons in the hands of the soldiers in all the bases of the entire Dragon Kingdom, but he didn't have the time to accompany him to the Baiyun Arsenal.

Such a small matter is enough to be handed over to the soldiers who have been strengthened by the genetic medicine.

In Baiyunling, Wang Jun personally brought one of his regiments here.

However, now they all stopped outside Baiyunling.

Did not continue to drive forward.

Baiyunling, Tianshi has an impression.

This is a virgin forest with dense vegetation. It is said to be a ridge, but in fact the altitude of the whole place is not high.

The average altitude is about 80 meters, which is relatively flat among the many barren mountains.

This is also the reason why the arsenal was chosen to be built inside.

But now, in front of them is a forest completely shrouded in mist.

You can't see anything inside, just like the thick dew that enveloped the entire Blue Star when the end just broke out.

That's why they didn't rush in. .

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