There are so many Zerg nests, if these nests are all fused together, Su Yu can't imagine how powerful a Hive Warrior will be born.

When he was in Cherry Blossom Country before, the strength of nearly a hundred worm nests fused into the worm hive warrior had already reached the sixth level of strength.

He estimated that the strength of a hive warrior transformed from the fusion of the former seat's hive would have the strength of a seventh-level awakener.

What's more, there are more than 90,000 seats between this beautiful country and the Dana country!

It is true that if more than 90,000 insect nests are all fused together, it will definitely be an extremely terrifying force.

I'm afraid, even an eighth-level Chinese fighter can appear!

Grade eight!

This is a very scary level, even Su Yu is not at this level now!

After deciding on his own course of action, Su Yu immediately began to disappear into Iron Finger Mountain.

Immediately afterwards, his body flashed and used teleportation one after another, and it didn't take long to come to the land of the beautiful country.

I took a look at the information on the satellite map I got from Mr. Gu before, and compared it with the mountains, rivers and heavens and earth of the beautiful country.

Soon he figured out where he was.

"It should be less than tens of kilometers away from the nearest Zerg lair."

"Let's deal with the Zerg nest in this area first."

Su Yu opened the satellite map on his mobile phone, and saw the red dot on it.

Looked at the situation below him, and then judged the pile of Zerg nests where he was.

There are thousands of Zerg lairs gathered tens of kilometers away from where he is now.

These 437 will be his primary targets this time.

With a thought, he used his teleportation ability again and directly appeared on a Zerg lair dozens of kilometers away.

"That's right, it's here. It seems that Dragon Kingdom's Tiandou satellite is quite accurate."

Looking at the string of thousands of Zerg nests below, a smile appeared on Su Yu's face.

He is not in a hurry to find the leader of the Zerg now.

The most urgent task is to clean up these caterpillar fungus, and then it will not be too late to find the leader after all these Zerg nests are cleaned up.

Now the threat of these Zerg lairs is far greater than his so-called leader of the Zerg.

He had to clear all these Zerg nests before they merged and became the last Zerg nest warrior.

Without any hesitation, Su Yu displayed his powerful abilities.

These lairs of the Zerg have extremely powerful protective shields.

He needs to use his wind and fire skills to compress it, and then unleash his compressed version of the melting spiral shuriken.

In this way, the powerful defenses of these Zerg lair shields can be quickly defeated.

But he has learned to be smart now, since the last fusion of these Zerg lairs in the Sakura Kingdom.

As long as these Zerg lairs are in danger, they will definitely become war kings at the last moment.

So this time Su language did not talk about the breach of these Zerg lairs as before!

Instead, twenty powerful compressed versions of the melting spiral shuriken were distributed at once.

Now his strength has been further improved.

When dealing with the Hive Warrior, he increased his level 7 magnetic field manipulation ability.

Now he possesses four level 7 abilities of ice, fire wind, and magnetic field, and his overall strength and mental power are even stronger.

There are also more wind escape spiral shurikens that can be controlled, and their power is even greater than when they attacked the Zerg lairs in the Sakura Kingdom before.

With these twenty melting spiral shurikens appearing.

Su Yu had a thought.

The next moment, these twenty attacks rushed directly to the outside of the Zerg lair below.

The terrifying power instantly dented the protective shields of these Zerg lairs.

And the protective shields of these Zerg lairs, when faced with these attacks, could not hold up for just a moment of resistance, and they all shattered.

The fireball following Su Yu bombarded the Zerg lair inside the protective shield.

All these Zerg lairs collapsed in an instant.

The huge movement caught the attention of all the Zerg below.

After discovering that their Zerg lair had been blasted away, all the bugs screamed crazily.

These Zerg lairs and are the bases of their production.

Suddenly encountered a severe blow, and lost twenty seats in an instant.

It's also what makes him have the rage that all our Zerg warriors can't help themselves to.

He frantically looked at Su Yu who was manipulating fireballs in the air.

All the Zerg who were able to launch an attack for a while and attacked Su Yu launched an attack.

All the firepower was directed towards Su Yu's coverage.

Insects with high long-range attack capabilities, such as the flame meat worms below, all fired their own flames and other long-range attacks.

As for the green beetles and other flying insects in the surrounding air, they also frantically attacked Su Yu.

Facing these attacks, Su Yu sneered.

"This lowly bug is nothing to be afraid of."

As his voice fell, his level 7 magnetic field ability erupted again.

The same scene as before at the (bcej) Modu base reappeared.

All the green beetles and other flying insects that were flying towards him in the air stopped in the air.

Immediately following Su Yu's thought, a terrifying magnetic force erupted.

All the corpses in the blue armor that were stagnant in the air exploded one after another.

It turned into countless fragments and bloody water, and swayed down.


"Boom boom boom!!"

At this time, Su Yu eliminated all the flying bugs in the sky that were about twenty kilometers away from him.

Below, the shields of twenty huge Zerg lairs were blasted by him.

The powerful flame power erupted again, and also bombarded all the Zerg lairs that had lost their protective shields to pieces!

His experience has also grown rapidly.


Facing another explosion of twenty insect nests, they were buried in the flames.

The rest of these bugs started to have the original rage and gradually became frightened.

These bugs have never seen such a terrifying enemy.

Just relying on his own strength, he can easily break through the powerful protective shield of his Zerg lair.

Of course, the attacks of those long-range attacking flame meat worms still did not stop.

Instead, it sprayed its own fireballs, corrosive acid and so on towards Su Yu more quickly.

Now these bugs are trying to prevent Su Yu from continuing as much as possible.

But in the face of the powerful Su Yu, the attacks of these bugs are meaningless at all.

Before getting close to Su Yu, Su Yu's people had already disappeared where they were.

Appeared in an instant near several Zerg lairs that were closer.

Beside him, twenty Dao Rongdun spiral shurikens hovered rapidly.

With his finger.

It continued to shoot towards the new twenty nests below.

The speed is so fast that even the naked eye cannot capture it.

Boom boom boom!!!!

Boom boom boom!!!!

Boom boom boom!!!!

In this short period of time, Su Yu blasted two hundred huge Zerg lairs one after another!

And since he will come to this place at the beginning, up to now, he has destroyed 240 huge Zerg lairs that are thousands of kilometers away.

But it took less than ten seconds!

The speed is so fast that it is more than a hundred times faster than when it was in Sakura Country!


Just when Su Yu broke through the shields of twenty Zerg lairs again and wiped out all the Zerg soldiers in those Zerg nests below.

All the remaining Zerg lairs also shook.

Looking at this situation, it is exactly the same as Su Yu encountered the last remaining Zerg lair with less than a hundred seats in Sakura Country.

"Did you react so quickly? It's much faster than when you were in Sakura Country!"

Seeing the changes in these remaining Zerg lairs, Su Yu's eyes flashed.

Although the response of these Zerg lairs was much faster than when I was in Sakura Country.

But it still takes a lot of time to fuse into a unique protective shield and successfully fuse into the Hive Warrior.

He can completely clean up some Zerg lairs again during this period of time!

The next moment, his figures flashed one after another.

Waving again, twenty melting spiral shurikens erupted.

Boom boom boom!!!!

The rumbling sound kept ringing.

Zerg lairs were destroyed under his hands!.

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