Doomsday Outbreak: I Extract Abilities And Upgrade Crazily

205 Revenge! A Large Number Of Sea Giants Attack

Just after the twenty-three giant beasts on Ah San Kingdom all died.

In the depths of the ocean hundreds of kilometers away from the land of the Three Kingdoms.

One is the same as the space crack under the misty lake that Su Yu encountered in Baiyunling before.

Under the sea surface, there is also a space crack in the middle.

And beside this space crack, there is also an undiscoverable energy that blocks all the surrounding sea water.

Make these sea water unable to penetrate into the world of this space crack.

In addition to these special energy guards, there are one after another powerful ocean monsters wandering around this space crack.

These behemoths are terrifying behemoths with a height of nearly two hundred meters.

Like the 23 giant sea beasts that just landed in the Three Kingdoms, the powerful aura emanating from them made other sea creatures in the surrounding seas dare not approach them at all.

There are tens of nautical miles around the entire space crack.

Except for these giant sea beasts, there is no other sea creature to be seen.

Moreover, the number of giant sea beasts around this space crack is extremely large.

Looking down, there are no less than a thousand heads.

All of these ocean monsters are lying around the space cracks under the ocean with their eyes closed.

It seems that 12 is still guarding this space crack.

Compared with the giant sea beasts that set foot on the Three Kingdoms before, there are undoubtedly many more sea giant beasts here.

Apparently, the sea monsters that A Sanguo had come ashore to take revenge on before were only a very small part of them.

After all the 23 giant beasts in the Three Kingdoms were killed, there was a slight fluctuation in the space crack.

It seems to have noticed that the behemoths that came out of the space rift and set foot on the land are dead.

And as his fluctuations spread, thousands of sea monsters around were all shocked, and all opened their eyes.


After these sea monsters opened their eyes, they all received the slight shock wave from the space crack.

And it seems that they have analyzed the specific content of this kind of vibration, so they all let out angry roars.

In an instant, 500 giant beasts swam towards Ah Sanguo together quickly.

In front of these 500 giant beasts.

There are also more than a dozen monsters with extremely large statures.

These monsters have reached more than 300 meters in length.

The aura on his body is undoubtedly much stronger than those sea monsters with a height of about 200 behind him.

However, the previous behemoth was already close to the peak strength of level 5 at more than 180 meters.

Now the strength of these 300-meter-long behemoths will only become stronger.

There is no doubt that the 13 giant beasts in front are all terrifying existences with 6-level strength.

And the 500 sea monsters at the peak of the fifth level behind them swam towards Ah Sanguo under the leadership of these sea monsters that had reached the sixth level.

Their speed is very fast, even though there are hundreds of nautical miles away from Ah San.

But at their current speed, it is estimated that it will not take more than an hour to arrive.

At the same time, on the Three Kingdoms.

According to Su Yu's order, the mecha fighters from Iron Finger Mountain began to search for evolved zombies whose strength had reached level five in the whole territory of A Sanguo.

Under the search of these 1,000 mechs, within half an hour, most of the territory of the entire Three Kingdoms was searched.

It is estimated that it will take less than an hour to search all the territories of the three countries.

Moreover, during his half-hour search, more than 400 of the 1,000 mecha fighters also harvested new evolved zombies.

At this speed, the entire territory of the Three Kingdoms will be searched.

They should be able to gather a full 2000 evolved zombies.

These evolved zombies plus Long Kingdom's own evolved zombies reached 5,000.

5,000 level 5 evolved zombies, what kind of power is this?

Moreover, these evolved zombies are still able to rapidly grow their own strength by devouring flesh and blood.

Maybe there will be more than 5,000 level 6 evolution zombies in the future, and level 7 evolution zombies can also appear!

There are so many powerful evolutionary zombies, and they really have to reach the strength of all members of the seventh level. Just thinking about it makes people excited!

It is also based on this that all the fighters searched harder for the evolved zombies.

same moment.

The more than 50 mech fighters who stayed before also directly controlled the more than 1,500 evolved zombies that ate up the corpses of the 23 huge sea monsters in place, and fell silent.

At the same time, they began to move towards the coastline of the Three Kingdoms.

According to the plan, they want to control these evolutionary losers and garrison troops in the Three Kingdoms.

The purpose is for these evolved zombies of the Three Kingdoms to be able to fight against the ocean behemoths that may have appeared in the space cracks of the different worlds near the sea area of ​​​​the Three Kingdoms.

In the course of the battle from these sea giants, kill all these sea giants, devour their flesh and blood, and gain strength growth.

In their view, these evolved zombies in the Three Kingdoms are their wealth.

Their garrison is entirely for themselves, in order to improve the strength of these evolved zombies in the Three Kingdoms in their hands.

This is why under the arrangement of Su Yu, these evolved zombies are led to garrison on the land of Kingdom A.

But the old immortals of the Three Kingdoms and those Abanmen think that they want to station troops here to protect the Three Kingdoms.

Su Yu, I don't have such a big kindness yet.

He only needs to ensure that the survivors of the Dragon Kingdom can survive well in this last days.

As for the survivors in other countries, life and death are his business.

Besides, he didn't like the land of the Three Kingdoms at all.

Now his strength can easily crush all countries in the entire world.

Destroying the survivors of all the countries in the world at once, and allowing the Dragon Kingdom to dominate the world is all he can do in a single thought.

It can be done easily.

Garrisoning troops in the three countries is not to control the three countries.

But it is entirely for the development of one's own strength.

There is no need for him to do what the beautiful country did before.

Since his rebirth, his target has always been those monsters from other worlds.

The threats from other countries were simply not taken into consideration.

He doesn't even pay attention to the evolved zombies and mutant creatures on the earth.

"Boss, our satellites have detected huge fluctuations in the waters of the Three Kingdoms."

"Moreover, on the life energy detector invented by Professor Ye and the others, powerful life energy fluctuations were also detected!"

"Judging from the above detection data, the huge figure on the ocean should be a large number of ocean monsters!"

"This time, the number of these sea giants is huge, there are about 500 or so 930 sea giants!"

"The life breath detection of each giant sea beast is around the peak of level 5."

"And the most terrifying thing is that there are 13 life breaths in front of them that have exceeded the threshold of the fifth-level peak, and they should be the oceanic beasts that have reached level 6 in the Central Economics!"

"The direction of these sea giants is exactly where the remaining 1,500 evolutionary losers of our troops in the Three Kingdoms are rushing to.

"These behemoths are likely to be sensed after we killed 23 sea behemoths before, and this is for support!"

"Boss! Are we going to withdraw?"

Just then.

The all-weather global combat monitoring center on Iron Finger Mountain suddenly provided Su Yu with a message.

The information immediately caught Su Yu's attention.

"Thirteen six-level ocean monsters, it seems that the strength of these ocean monsters is not low. I don't know how much of the Zerg's strength the world behind the space crack is compared to the Zerg's world!"

After Su Yu heard the report, his eyes flickered, and he said a word.

Immediately, he waved his hand towards the reporter beside him and said:

"There's no need to retreat, let them fight there, there are more than 500 marine beasts!"

"It's a big meal for those evolved zombies. Maybe after this battle, we will have a batch of sixth-level evolved zombies in our hands.

"As for the thirteen six-level sea monsters, I will personally take care of them.

Hearing Su Yu's calm voice, the reporter nodded immediately.

He no longer had any worries in his heart.

With Su Yu taking action himself, he knew that the end of those sea monsters was coming!

"Yes! Chief!".

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