Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 978 Extravagant Toys

Time: a few minutes later.

Wu Ke opened his mouth wide and could not close it for a long time, tears flowed across his eyes, and he muttered repetitively.

"Life winner of Cao Teme... Life winner of Cao Teme..."

What did the Queen say just now,

"Is it good to borrow your hut for a day?"

It’s not good... Ma Maipi heard it... not good! !

So Mrs. Queen’s royal meal will not worry the boss of Laolin — perhaps what Yeluan really wants to eat should be her Prince of the Left Bank.

Lin Shou Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, watching the Queen of Night holding her Prince Huang Dashan gracefully swaying down the mountain,

"Would you like to be so unscrupulous..."

Wu Ke is still cursing: "The winner of Cao Te's life!"

Suddenly, a small croissant Loli pulled Lin Shou’s trousers.

"You are the dining room!"

Lin Chou was stunned.

Dining room?

Using the croissant way of thinking, if you go to the Imperial Character... it seems that it should be called that...

"Yes, but we call it a restaurant here." Lin Chou nodded.

"Oh, so you are a pantry, you can cook!"

"I'm hungry, I want to eat fish!"

"I like eating fish!"

Of the four women, two are directly the Queen of the Night, and the remaining two have just accepted the "bribery". Of course, they have no objection to coaxing children to get caught-not to mention that Su Yourong is also a Loli. There is no generation gap with croissants.

But this is not the point. The point is why he wants to bring a baby to Queen of the Night, has this handsome promised...

It's okay to eat now, but what if you need to drink water later, what if you want to hush, what if you want to sing the little star as a lullaby?

Lin Chou shuddered and rubbed his forehead.

"Didn't you just eat fruit..."

Boss Lin occasionally feels that he is still a baby, and he has natural resistance to such things as having children.

These two little Loli’s IQs, converted into panel attribute intelligence, might be higher than him!

Uh... not right...

Su Yourong manages a Su family at the age of ten, and his intelligence attribute point is definitely beyond the level. It is inevitable that he is higher than Lin.

The croissant's eyes widened, and he said every word.

"I ate fruit, but I didn't eat!"

It makes sense for Lin Chou to think about it, ha...

It makes sense! How can such a tiny little girl have such a big appetite!

Big breasts sister and Su Yourong both smiled, so Lin Chou was irritated.

"Didn't you just agree, she is hungry!"

Big breasted sister was silent.

Su Yourong said quickly,

"Yes, I agreed with Chizhi Big sis-but we can't cook."

Lin Chou: (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

Lin Chou thought for a while and felt that he shouldn't give in, so he asked with a smile.

"Then, do you have money? This is a restaurant. If you don't give money, you won't have food!"

The croissant bit his lip and bit his finger for a while, then looked back at Ye Luan Ye Feng and stared at Lin Chou in a daze.

I don't know why, Ye Yu and Hei Pi Ye Feng haven't spoken, they just watched quietly.

The little girl whispered to herself,

"Oh... that's right... Mother said that..."

Lin Chou saw at a glance that this little doll didn't look like he had brought money, and continued to smile.

"Would you like some more fruit?"

The croissant pouted and moved reluctantly, as if he was about to give up.

Lin Chou smiled with satisfaction. Although there is suspicion of the ups and downs of the little baby, but...

"Huh? Why are you back again?"

The croissant raised his head,

"But I'm hungry, I don't like fruit, I like fish!"

Lin Chou: "..."

The croissant continued to pouting, digging and digging in his clothes pocket,

"But I don't have money, I don't need money at home..."

Lin Shou's face was sullen, but serious.

The croissant did not speak anymore, digging and digging.

Finally, she reluctantly took out her little hand from her pocket and clenched her fist.

"I... give you the hopscotch dice, okay... I like it very much... the one that has been used for a long time..."

[Poor Baba.jpg]

The croissant braided a square thing into Lin Chou's palm, a little bit awkward.

Lin Chou immediately felt the contemptuous and playful gaze of everyone present, and couldn't help but slander.

(This little girl, almost...)

(Forget it, forget it, I'm unlucky.)

"Forget the dice, the boss will show mercy to... Eh??"

Lin Chou's eyes straightened when he saw what was in the palm of his hand.

"Fuck... trough..."

The dice were of normal size and there was nothing wrong with it, but its material shocked Lin Chou.

Made of pure gold!

The points on each surface of the golden dice are not recessed and then painted with colors, but are cut and inlaid with five-level source crystals that are more shining than diamonds and come with a "star ring" flowing endless light.

The source crystals on the dice are not large, but they are extremely regular and the colors of the source crystals embedded on each of the two sides are exactly the same.

This is too extravagant. For this dice, I cut three Tier 5 source crystals? ?

Isn't this a toy used by the croissant girl to hopscotch? Why do you make it so shiny, in order to prevent you from finding it when you hopscotch at night!

You know that even Tier 5 strange beasts will not 100% brew the source crystal...

Lin Chou stared at him and counted for a long time, the number of faces of each source crystal absolutely exceeded 88+

It's not that Lin Chou's math is so bad that it can't count numbers above 88, but that his eyes have been dizzy.

So what, depending on the brilliance of this thing, shouldn't it be the legendary 200-sided cut?

One dice, eight hearts and eight arrows.

Stunned, it was made into a legendary artifact by inlays and cuts.

Only the size of a normal dice, but its halo swells to almost half a meter in diameter, which is extremely gorgeous.

The croissant braid reluctantly said,

"Is it okay to mortgage, A-niang will come to redeem it."

The croissant thought for a while, and then explained.

"My mother made this for me. It can't be given to others..."

Lin Chou was speechless, admitting his fate,

"Forget it, you can take it back."

The little girl is not an evolutionary. If you want to eat fish, you can only eat ordinary fish from the back mountain, but the rule of the dog beep system is that dishes made with ordinary ingredients cannot appear in the restaurant-unless Lin Chou doesn't charge money!

In other words, if Lin Chou really let the system trade off this stuff, the little girl would have to go hungry or give up eating fish and gnawing a salt-baked chicken.

The croissant pushed Lin Chou's hand away and refused to accept it.

She said very seriously,

"No, A-niang said before she took me out. You must pay for eating and taking other people's things, otherwise you won't take me out next time!"

Lin Chou was so embarrassed that he turned righteously.

"Your mother and I are friends. How can we collect money when we eat at a friend's house!"

Fleeing into the kitchen in a panic.

I can't beep anymore. If I beep again, Gou said that his system is afraid to jump out and accuse Lin Moumou of not making money.

In case of a punitive deduction of intelligence worth or something, Boss Lin is afraid that he will have a nosebleed again.

Lin Chou looked sad,

"It shouldn't be... Didn't you read the almanac when you went out today... It seems it's time to get yourself a pot of crock pot chicken Ascension for luck!"

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