Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 997 Bazhen Fried Rice Uncompleted Version (Part 1)——Thanks to Girlfriend Xiaolu for the rewa

Generally speaking, deer blood is counted as a precious Chinese medicinal material, and the price is calculated in grams. It usually refers to the blood of sika deer or red deer. When slaughtered, the blood is taken and air-dried into brown-purple slices for use. Such precious things naturally have deer embryos. Blood, antler blood, heart blood and other gimmicks you can imagine and unimaginable will double the price.

The significance of the existence of deer blood is to replenish deficiency, harmonize blood, collapse... and unilaterally affect prices and increase inflation...

However, since Lin Chou took out all of this stuff, it proved that it must have been classified into the range of ingredients.

Wu Ke hesitated for a while,

"Brother Sorrow...Don't say you want to give us the whole blood tofu with this stuff... We are really not wandering demons and mountain masters... I can't accept it..."

Not to blame for Wu Ke's ugly face that "changed his color suddenly."

In fact, there are only a few evolving people who can accept blood products, such as the ambitious ambition of few orderers, and the pig blood soup that uses economical prices to support sales.

The raw blood tofu flavored with chili and coriander that Huang Dashan ate last time was of course excellent, but the special raw smell alone made almost 99% of people discouraged from smelling it.

Su Yourong is holding on to the small head of the croissant who has eaten enough rice and started to yawn,

"Wet Tiger, I really want to eat this stuff... It feels so fishy..."

Big breasted sister urged,

"Let the Lord Blood God try first, Lord Blood God will definitely like it!"

Lin was so sad,

"Hey hey hey, what kind of attitude do you all have, this boss is helping you fill up your stomach!"

The resentment is a bit full.

Although the painstaking effort of Waste Chailu is not uncommon, the things he wants to do are very rare, extremely rare.

Before I started doing it, I complained loudly. Boss Lin doesn't want to face him? ?

Wu Ke coughed and said,

"Brother, Brother Sorrow, let's replace it with something normal, such a capitalist extravagant raw material, if it is said, it will affect the roots of the eighth generation of poor peasants in the Wu family."

Lin Chou cursed back,

"roll roll roll!"

Wu Ke was speechless. Under the threat of Lin Chou's murderous eyes, he made a spineless choice to compromise, and dogleg helped to gather firewood and add fire.

Lin Chou took out a rough tile that almost no one had ever seen before—the kind of old-fashioned wavy tile that was half the size of a panel and was gray and gray, which was often used to build houses in the 1960s and 1970s.

Well, big tiles, not small red tiles.

Lin Chou smiled and said,

"Have you seen it, let you increase your knowledge today, and see what we can do with this deer blood."

A large piece of tiles lay obliquely on the fire, and the gradually rising flame licked the tiles, and occasionally there would be a crisp sound from the tiles that made people worry about breaking at any time.

Lin Chou grabbed a handful of rice from a certain bag and sprinkled it on the tiles. With the other hand, he pulled out a small broom from nowhere.


There was no gap between the left and right hands, and the rice swept from one wave up to the next wave on the tiles, and no one fell.

Wu Ke: "???"

What kind of Sao operation is this!

Su Yourong asked curiously,

"Master, master, is going to give us popcorn to eat~"

Lin Chou didn't answer, the movements on his hands were very rhythmic:

Whenever the top rice grains start to jump and fall, add another broomstick. After a few rounds, the surface of the rice turns from a light beige to a nice burnt yellow.

This year, the fragrance of new rice comes out of the rice husk, which is particularly appetizing.

Lin Chou saw that the frying process was almost complete, so he gathered the rice on the tiles into a dustpan and said,

"It's not rice crackers, it's fried rice."

The rice in the dustpan was rubbed with my hands, and the husks burst and fell off, revealing brown rice with brown color inside. As for the husks that didn't come off, just don't need them. Either the rice is too wet or not mature and full.

Unrefined brown rice has a stronger fragrance than polished rice, but the appearance is not so beautiful.

Lin Chou likes the taste of brown rice. When he was a child, he occasionally ate the brown rice porridge cooked with chicken fat and mixed with mustard and amaranth pickles. If there is a drop of sesame oil and sesame oil, it can be a lifelong enjoyment.

Sift out the residue with a dustpan, and stir with deer blood while it is hot.

The green rice, which was originally green with brownish yellow, immediately turned purple and black, and a strong smell of deer blood radiated, steaming.

Wu Ke opened his mouth wide,

"Damn! I heard that there was an elementary school text before the cataclysm, what is called Steamed bun fried rice porridge, this..."

After frying rice several times with tiles, the overwhelmed tiles finally completed their mission and shattered to the ground, while Lin Chou had accumulated a dustpan mixed with deer blood of green rice.

The fried rice is a bit swollen, on the verge of exploding into popcorn but not exploding.

At this time, the rice is the most water-absorbing, and deer blood can easily melt into the rice grains. It takes no effort to dye the rice grains from the inside to the outside.

Lin Chou carried a dustpan and sifted it over the fire, drying the rice grains with heat.

The unhealthy smell of deer blood gradually faded, and the deer blood that was roasted and roasted "semi-cooked" began to exude a very inconspicuous sweet and heavy taste, even a bit similar to musk.

But this kind of scent is limited to people with sensitive smells like Lin Chou. As for Su Yourong, he probably won't be able to smell it in his life.

After the sound of the rice grains bouncing in the dustpan changes from dull to crisp again, the rice in this dustpan is basically declared to be dried.

Lin Chou took out a piece of dry wild ginseng that a certain evolutionary casually threw to him, crushed it several times, and sprinkled it in a dustpan.

Wu Ke crooked his mouth directly,

"Ginseng, didn't you eat candied ginseng last time? It has a strange smell and is not delicious."

If these words were placed before the cataclysm, it is estimated that Wu Ke would be owed by those who spent huge sums of money to buy wild ginseng for life-saving or life-saving, and then torn into pieces with the film method.

In the era of cataclysm, wild ginseng was really not a good thing—at least it had to be of the same rank to be taken a high look by the evolvers.

As for ordinary ones, they are not as good as radishes. Why do you want them?

Lin Chou didn't say anything. There were abalone, sea cucumber, shellfish, fish maw and other lightly dried seafood in the bag that needed to be crumbled.

After sprinkling these chopped bits, pour the deer blood again and continue baking.

Wu Ke muttered,

"Brother Chou, what are you going to do? Don't betray you, we don't have any outsiders now."

Lin Sorrow smiled,

"Bazhen fried rice, it's pirated, and the materials are not complete."

At least Lin Chou doesn't have the most important seasoning-Hericium erinaceus.

Hericium can only be replaced by the remaining pine tree stalks, but the hairy mushrooms are not good. The "heavy metal" smell of the thing will obviously exceed the standard value.

Lin Chou carried a dustpan and smelled it carefully.

"Well, the taste seems to be almost the same, prepare fried rice!"

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