On the way here, Zhong Hui always thought of this, his heart was as hot as a steelmaking furnace.

Longhudou has been occupied by Mingguang officials all the time. There seems to be nothing controversial. Of course, Zhong will not care about Longhudou. There is only one chance for that thing. There are so many people in their team...

How to divide? Who doesn't want his own baby to get ahead~

You have to punch out your brains...

The circulation points are all small bosses. What Zhong Hui really cares about is Boss Lin’s favor. As long as the favor is in place, think about Huang Dashan’s...

Lin Chou coughed twice, but his throat was still a little hoarse.


Zhong Huidao,

"At sea, in the dark sea."

Lin Chou said without hesitation,



The original site of Qinshan.

The top of a towering giant tree that no longer looked like it was submerged in the clouds, the energy fluctuations of the tree of life became weaker and weaker, and it felt that it was not even more deterrent than a roaring first-order living corpse.

On the body of the tree of life, there are several kinds of rattans and rhizomes intertwined vertically and horizontally, densely covered with mahjong like a funny giant egg.

Some of the rhizomes and vines that make up this layer of attachments have dried up, and some are brilliant ** gems are still eye-catching.


Several gray, slender mycelium drilled out from the deepest part of the attachment, and within a few seconds, they gathered into a sphere like a balloon tied to a string.

"Keep chuckle!"

Mao Qiu's "clone" made a sound in the direction of Hei Shen Hai, which seemed to be a little angry.

More hyphae permeated from the inside, and the rhizomes of the unlucky iron tree clinging to the outermost layer were all cut into no more than one inch square. The original brilliant gem-like texture gradually turned into a dull color, completely losing its vitality.


"Damn... come again..."

"How did Lin Chou find this dangerous thing and make it obedient."

"It's coming soon. Every once in a while, Bloody Tribulus will kill a magic plant, and there are four left."

"Soon it will be the end of the tree of life."

"Hey, this is fate, Liu Renjun was taken away by the uncle warlock and cut into sections. The tree of life is here waiting to be dissected and sectioned by the bloody tribulus, tusk."


"Now the bloody tribulus is still the standard fourth-order, do you think it will be the fourth-order if it absorbs the energy of the tree of life?"

"Hiss...Don't make trouble...Also advanced...Don't you find that this bloody tribulus has an IQ to communicate with! According to the pre-catastrophe statement, this thing has become refined! And other demons Zhi is completely different!"

"Kouhu, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, it is not allowed to be refined~"

Somewhere in the Qinshan Blood Lake,


Several beautiful pink crystal-like bubbles burst on the surface of the blood lake, and then a pile of green heads floated up from the surface of the blood lake.

The potted plant carried a bulging bag with a diameter of more than 5 cubic meters, and probed his head with a sad expression on his face.

"Somehow I rescued something, grandma, my house, it's gone..."

The potted plant carried a three-meter-long bathtub from the treasure bag. The total size of the treasure bag was only 5 cubic meters, but there was no change in volume.

The bathtub swayed and floated on the pink lake, the potted plants crawled in, and lay down in the bathtub that was comparable to a swimming pool for her.


The bonsai instantly changed into an excited expression, and almost jumped up and sang.

"It's finally here, ten years in Hexi... hee hee... or the name my grandma thought..."

In another instant, the face of the potted plant collapsed, and even the green hair on the top of his head dimmed a lot.

"Why don't you let my grandma set the price together... Forty million... black heart ghost, why don't you swell to death..."

Count the potted plants with your fingers,

"Forty million, ten million per week... ooh... broke... Auntie's family ah..."

The full bathtub rolls, knocking the bathtub made of unknown material.

It took a long time for the potted plants to stop tossing, and sat up from the bathtub, staring blankly in one direction.

"How will it turn out this time, please... let grandma aunt grow another year..."

Dejectedly, he sneaked a glance at own's chest with his left light, and quickly retracted his gaze as if he had been stung by a bee.

"Well, it's definitely not for the amount of milk produced, absolutely not!"


"Grandma, I just want to grow up like a normal person..."

"Well, grow up, big!"

The potted plant clenched her small fists hard and raised her chest. The expression could even be described as determined, as if Sacred's milky white brilliance rippled around her, injecting real soul into the potted style.


In the dark sea, a speedboat headed all the way north.

Xiao Hong and Zhonghui, who rushed to meet in a hurry, took turns driving.

It was only after getting on the speedboat that Lin Chou found out that the person who sent Zhonghui was Xiao Hong. Xiao Hong had a large sum of money to inform the evolutionists who were mixed in the dark sea to inquire about the news. For example, Zhonghui’s team was Xiao Hong who directly contributed money and effort. Hire the merged sea hunting team.

This special speedboat is powered by Yuanjing fuel and does not require purity. It is specially designed for emergencies.

It is even possible to directly fill the reactor with some source crystals with the common attributes of the original power into the reactor for driving-of course, the premise is that there is still source crystal fuel in the reactor.

Filling the source crystal directly will greatly reduce the fuel consumption of the source crystal and increase the power, but the disadvantages are also obvious. It can greatly reduce the service life of the source crystal engine, and the possibility of exploding at any time is not ruled out.

This was much faster than Lin Chou stroking both legs, and Lin Chou was very satisfied with this speed.

"How far is it?"

The speedboat has been sprinting for two consecutive days and two nights, and the whole reactor is red, and the part in contact with the sea is bubbling with white steam.

Although Zhong Hui was as excited as a wild dog seeing bones, he knew that he could only enjoy all the benefits that followed. He stared at the engine of Yuanjing without blinking his eyes and was ready to jump off the boat at any time.

Xiao Hong replied,

"Probably soon, the space around here is extremely unstable, and I can't determine the exact distance."

After two days and two nights, the surrounding temperature has dropped significantly, only a dozen degrees Celsius. Compared with Mingguang’s hot climate of 30 to 40 degrees, this is simply an air-conditioned room.

Lin Chou asked,

"Void Beast?"

"I don’t know. Sometimes when driving in the sea near here, you can reach an island hundreds of nautical miles away in an instant. Sometimes it takes several hours to drive for an obvious distance. When I first discovered this place, I've been tossed severely several times."

Xiao Hong hesitated.

"Lin Chou, that place is really weird, you are here alone... I mean... we may need to help... a lot of powerful evolutionaries..."

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