Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1172 Little Butterfly

After enjoying the paws of a saber-toothed bear in the sixth-order forest, the big bosses of the base city, who were obviously able to prostitution, but had to be comfortable with crowdfunding, left with contented expressions.

At least on Face, it is necessary to give due respect to a black-hearted boss, which can reduce the probability of being emptied of wallet next time.

As for whether he left with resentment, curiosity, etc., it is really not enough for outsiders.

Did they figure it out? Everyone is also a bigwig. Why is the gap between people so big? Or is it that foreign monks are good at chanting?

"Hey!" Huang Dashan rolled his eyes and looked at the group of people, "Apart from the big guy in Shigao, which one is a foreigner? These guys, why don't you wonder if you are going out and stepping on shit... "

Sikong snorted and laughed,

"I said Lord Shan, I'll tell you that stepping on shit is luck!"

Huang Dashan: "Huh?"

Wen Zhongjiu nodded very seriously,

"The boy pee and step on the shit, the two great tools on the mahjong table look like what was the name of the grand thief in the blast furnace ten years ago, the train? I slapped me when I was holding the little baby, and when I turned around, it was called a big kill. Almost won Qing Yu's dowry, Fatty cried at the time!"

The fat man groaned disdain from his nostrils.

If Shan Ye tasted warm wine,

"If the family doesn't talk about two things, then the dowry will be yours sooner or later..."

Fatty's eyeballs almost didn't break directly on Huang Dashan's face.

"Thief Sun, you are dead, do you know..."

Regardless of Huang Dashan being chased down, Lin Chou refers to the potted plants hanging on the treetops and the silver flame beauty who sits on a chair and looks at the sky.

"These two..."

Sikong took a glance nonchalantly.

"Uncle Warlock will be able to pack and take away."

The warlock quit,

"My den is occupied by an iceman, this one is still playing with fire, and the green-headed one is also playing tricks with me, what's the matter?"

Uncle Sikong Chong warlock blinked,

"I don't know anything about it. It's good to change the taste occasionally, Life would like to come."

"Why am I so weird when I hear this..."

Sikong coughed.

"Uncle, you have to take good care of this big beauty, um...or even if the base city doesn't find you, Sister Qing Yu should be fine with you to talk to you."

The warlock was immediately depressed,

"Nie Yuan... It is said that the uncle owes the money... How come this warlock is the other way around..."

Lin Chou thought for a while,

"Maybe people can afford it, but you can't afford it?"


Leng Han originally wanted to join in the fun here, but was dragged away by Wei Qingyu's clothes.

"How did I tell you before, do you know if you want to catch it?"

"Look at your little breath, your eyes can't wait to stick to that kid..."

"How did my old lady teach you such a wicked person, it's too shameful."

There was also a vaguely whispered defense from Leng Han.

"I, I just haven't eaten enough... I want to ask him where he put that piece of ham... so greedy..."

The remaining few people looked at Lin Chou with a smile.

Lin Chou didn't know what was muttering in his mouth,

"Ah, the weather is good today..."

"No," Si Kong said in agreement, "This green light filled the sky, it is surprisingly peaceful and peaceful..."

Lin Chou said angrily,

"This stuff is endless, right? When will it come down?"

Hanging in the air, eyes tightly closed, a potted plant containing an elf and opened one eye,

"It's coming soon, what kind of reminder!"

"Fuck you, you are awake!" Huang Dashan came back from where he was haunted, "has the fat man gone?"

The potted plants put up the pergola and looked into the distance,

"I'm gone, I can't see the shadow of the car anymore."

"Oh~" Huang Dashan immediately relieved his heart, and poked his finger at the illusory energy body giant tree, "I said the surname is basin, let me explain it honestly, what's wrong?"

The energy giant tree trembles,

"Don't poke, itching!"

The potted plants pouted against the forest in sorrow,

"Isn't the master looking at the sky? You ask grandma what she is doing-how pitiful auntie is, she has saved her dowry for a lifetime, and in the end it is not cheap for this black-hearted maggot."

Lin Chou pouted,

"Your account is wrong, right? Your business experience is comparable to robbery, but that's not just a drop in the bucket. Besides, I've said it a long time ago. A treat today, a big banquet, you took the initiative to give it~"

The potted plant glared at Lin Chou, and his eyes were green.

"Fuck!" Sikong patted his thigh, "How many times have you eaten?"

Si Kong's hands trembled, "It's true that you are together..."

"Time traveler." Sgao, who hadn't spoken for a long time, pointed to the potted plant. "A young time traveler, a first-level observer."

Sikong's hands continued to shake, his expression was very hideous, and his tone was quite sad and angry.

"Okay, you use this ability...sell instant noodles?"

"This son is really... the blind old man's lost eyes are really not worth it. A bunch of big guys are actually naive to think that you, the green head, really have a great mission, and think that if you disturb you, you will change history. Progress, I babble!"

"You... just resell instant noodles??!"

The potted plant is grinning,

"Why do grandma loves? What's the matter with you? Grandma not only resells instant noodles, but also enamel jars, PSP, Dabao SOD honey, and... well, how do you spit foam? It''s a mess..."

The frail and sickly Young Master Sikong finally fainted and was very angry.

"I can't be the man behind the scenes that changed history." After Bonsai fainted Sikong, he looked at Lin Chou, Wu Ke, and Warlock and Huang Dashan with unprecedented seriousness. Finally, his eyes fell on Sikong. Gao Yi said, "As he said, I'm just an ordinary lucky person, a time traveler, a most primitive observer, walking alone in a closed loop tremblingly, with nothing about the future. As I know, I repeat the past time and time again, and the past will not change for me even the tiny ripples of a butterfly flapping its wings."

"Even to pay a price I can't afford!" At this point, her tone seemed to be gnashing her teeth.

"Look at it~"


Everyone: "???"


Is this a syllable that humans can utter?

The listener is extremely depressed and uncomfortable, and vaguely feels that he is empty in his heart, and that he has lost something.

Bonsai sighed, "Even if the past is repeated, I can't tell anyone--"

Then her eyes became gloating again,

"Those who just heard that sentence have at least ten years of life, except for the black-hearted boss."

Huang Dashan was so hung that no old blood came out,


Wu Ke was even more confused.

"What does it have to do with me? Who am I to offend?"

He is just an ordinary person here, um, that is, theoretically the one with the shortest life, and he has suffered a lot.

Potted plants pouting,

"Well you, don't lose, who let you @%¥……@#"

It was a familiar and strange syllable again, and everyone suddenly said:

"Fuck it, please don't say it!"

"Grandma Auntie!"

"F*ck daddy doesn't want to die here on the spot..."

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