Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1199 Sheeping Sheep

Wen Zhongjiu entered the door and said in a very exaggerated tone.

"Wow, it's so fragrant...what about people?!"

This situation can be said to be quite embarrassing, just like Huang Dashan finally walked out of the sadness of being immersed in the functional death of the big waist, suffocating enough energy and desperately trying to add drama to himself, but the whole process was cold.

Wen Zhongjiu even felt that he was more socially dead-he did not often have Huang XX's iron-skinned face to carry out such activities.

"No one saw it~" Wei Qingyu said with a secret smile.

No one watches your performance, which means that no one understands your embarrassment.

"Uh," Wen Zhongjiu forgot to look at the sky, "Qing Yu, you never comfort people."

Wei Qingyu smiled slightly, and took Wen Zhongjiu's shoulders. The height difference between the two prompted her to look back at Wen Zhongjiu's gradually rounded jaw like a little girl.

"My old lady's whip is very good, do you want to try a professional one?"

Who is a warm wine, of course, is not used to using words in exchange for tickets to be beaten up like Huang Dashan.

"Can I choose a location?"

Wei Qingyu rolled his eyes and looked good.

"It looks average, but I think it's pretty beautiful."


Behind the kitchen door, Leng Han, who was wearing an apron and carrying a soup spoon the size of Su Yourong's head, kept tasting the soup, but the soup in the spoon had been poured on his own feet.

Leng Han's eyes stared at Wei Qingyu and Wen Zhongjiu, as if the referee sitting on the referee's bench was looking at the posture of the gymnast below-and then trying to give scores with the huge spoon in his hand.

Lin Chou's mind also buzzed.

However, it seems, seems, probably nothing surprising?

Leng Han was full of resentment with the words "My No. 1 dog-headed sergeant was robbed by a stinky man", and he seemed to have the urge to extinguish the warm drink on the spot.

Wen Zhongjiu was embarrassed and suddenly inspired,

"Qing Yu, why do you think I have the illusion of stealing Hanhan's girlfriend?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Wei Qingyu smiled like a flower, "Little ice cube~"

Leng Han was cold-eyed,

"It's hard to guard against house thieves by day and night."

Wen Zhongjiu: "???"

Leng Han threw away the spoon, and the cold voice spread outside the small hall.

"Huang Dashan, shoot Wei Uncle on the radio, saying that his brother robbed him of his daughter."

Wen Zhongjiu: "???"

It’s not a wait, Comrade Leng, calm down, you should have known this a long time ago!

Not to mention, Huang Dashan, who was filling the pangolin with warm wine to give him the good wine, really yelled back.


"It's not good, it's too direct."

"How about this?"

"I treat you as a brother, but you want to be my son-in-law?"

"After Master Wei saw it, he felt that he would be able to write a 10,000-character essay."

Leng Han: "Yes."

Gritting his teeth with warm wine and hatred,

"Dog thief, also daddy's wine..."

Huang Dashan’s loud laughter gradually became rampant,

"Wow hahahaha~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~


After Wei Qingyu let out a soft cough, Huang Dashan's voice outside suddenly turned into a sheep's barking.

"Hanhan, come with me."

The two sisters ran behind and whispered.

Lin Chou was confused,

"Under what circumstances, Qingyu Big Sister learned to change sheep?"

Wen Zhongjiu nodded painfully.

"She ran to find the warlock and didn't know what benefits she had promised. Then she heard that the warlock had captured a few dragon vein wizards from outside the domain and came back, and they had stripped out their various and fancy sheep-changing techniques and grafted them into Qing Yu. On the body."

Lin Chou shuddered and patted Wen Zhongjiu's shoulder sympathetically.

"Then... are you okay?"

"No, I'm not good!" Tears flickered in the corners of Wen Zhongjiu's eyes, "It's terrible, well, she won't let me say, do you know what she did after turning me into a sheep?"




Lin Chou was speechless--

Why is Master Wen so sad? Isn't it just shearing wool? Is there anything weird in it?

Lin Chou didn't know what to say, so he kept a standard expression of sympathy.


Unexpectedly, Wen Zhongjiu's eyes fell on Lin Chou like a torch like a knife.

"You, why do you know? How do you know so much?!"

Lin Chou: "???"

Wen Zhongjiu said to himself,

"Oh, yes, you have a dog, and there are even several boss ladies..."

Lin Chou said,

"Wait, I..."

"Don't ask, ask is that I love her!"


The ghost knows what Wen Zhongjiu has gone through, in short, Lin Chou doesn't want to know anymore.

"What are you talking about!"

Wei Qingyu came in with Leng Han, secretly making an expression to Wen Zhongjiu, whispering,


Wen Zhongjiu suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

Leng Han's expression was still weird, and he said to Lin Chou sullenly,

"I still feel weird."

Lin Chou immediately stated that he was on Leng Han's side, and that he had just stood on the commanding heights of morality and severely criticized Master Wen Zhongjiu with a vision of extreme justice and the core values ​​of Five Stresses and Four Beauties of Socialism.

"Sneer~" Leng Han smiled, "liar."

She said anxiously again,

"Zhao Er is like this, the old man is like this, Qingyu sister is still like this, I feel that we have a good Losing face."

Lin Chou didn't dare to pick it up at all.

You guys are so good to wear a pair of pants. Xue Zhen, Aunt Lin, and Niu Lanqi’s troubles have just come to an end. Let Mingguang take a break from the Eight Trigrams tabloids and give Jill a vacation, okay?

Warm wine to break the embarrassment,

"I brought good things—see what this is!"

Wen Zhongjiu took out an oil paper bag like a treasure, and slowly opened it with the music of "Dangdangdang".

"Ha, an extremely beautiful mallard with delicious and tender meat!"

Lin Chou: "!!!"

Wen Zhongjiu said with a smile,

"I took a lot of effort to take this duck, see if it is not, the third-order advanced, it may be the fourth-order soon!"

The white and fat ducks that have been processed lay obediently in the oil paper bag.

Wen Zhongjiu looked at Wei Qingyu expectantly, Lin Chou cocked the duck dumbfounded, and Leng Han looked at Lin Chou cautiously.


Wei Qingyu was a little confused,

"You guys, what are you looking at—and, the surname is Wen, you mysteriously said that you want to surprise me and give me a duck?"

Leng Han became more cautious.

"Lin Chou... are you... okay..."

Lin Chou gritted his teeth with a smile on his face.


Taking advantage of this surname Wen not paying attention, first give him a pan, then summon the big shovel to play a set of fancy shoveling methods, and finally use the sun to make a bow. It should be dead, right?

Everyone said their own things, and no one paid attention to what other guys other than the person in their own eyes said, what expressions were on their faces.

The words "gentle" are vividly interpreted by those who are careful about the words and deeds of the wine,

"Recently, the weather is very hot, Qingyu, you are always careless, and you have pimples on your face. Laoyatang is a warming and tonic thing. Let me add my breath. The next day I will go to the alley to grab one for you. Side medicine, you must remember to take it."

Wei Qingyu has nothing to say, like a blush.


Wei Qingyu glanced at the warm wine softly, and then said to Lin Chou,

"Go, simmer the duck."


Since when, Lin Chou was able to offend Qing Yu Big Sister, he still thought it would be better.

Hehehe, I really hope that Qingyu Big Sister will trick him into sending him to the shooting range as a breeder.

Lin Chou said to Leng Han,

"This thing is so oily, you should go in and stay in the house, and the fish soup will be ready soon."

Wei Qingyu's eyes lit up.

"And fish soup?"

She is not really looking forward to what Laoya soup, although the sour smell of love can occasionally deceive the appetite, but it does not mean that she does not want to try the fish soup?

Leng Han's gaze immediately passed,


"Little girl still learns to protect food?"


"It’s in vain that my old lady urinates and feeds your little girl’s film. Others still say that I’m better than your real mother. My old lady and a big girl recognize it, so how can you be so ruthless with little ice cubes? Ungrateful, oooooo..."

Leng Han: o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)

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