Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1207 Canteen Level Meeting

After Zhao Er had experienced the game, his expression dignified and rushed to Mingguang as if he had just lost five hundred circulation points.

In fact, the uncle Warlock was completely unaware of this host, ah no, what an impact this immersive game had caused to Zhao Er.

Zhao Er firmly believes that when he returns to Mingguang with this kind of shock, it will ensure that more than half of Mingguang's senior leaders will be shocked into a silly beep.

This thing is really awesome!

The most awesome thing is that it appeared in the right place at the right time. Let’s not mention whether this thing can perfectly reproduce a virtual beast, even if it’s just a targeted attack on Mingguang that is more threatening. Alien beasts are also okay!

Mingguang’s strength is based on human lives. Of course, it is not very strong compared to Queen City...

Many examples of fighting with alien beasts are unique. Mingguang can’t find a way to shed some alien beasts and exclude them as a garrison and go to the wilderness to scan the map without mentioning whether they can find a suitable target. How much casualties have to be caused? Who will bear this responsibility?

For example, let’s take the neon dragon from the last beast wave as an example. The boss, except for once appeared in the beast wave, normally is that Mingguangren can’t even touch its shadow in the wilderness. God knows them. Where is Life anyway?

Some high-level officials of Mingguang still have lingering fears about the neon dragon. Their threat to Mingguang city defense is too great. Excluding Wei Qingyu and Uncle Warlock, and removing a certain cook, Mingguang has not even found a decent way to stop it. Neon Dragon...

Is this fair?

Of course, this can’t be blamed on Mingguang’s high-level corpse-position vegetarian meal. The main reason is that the neon dragon is too special.

By the way, this thing is really not because God saw that Mingguang people were too leisurely and just squeezed a few neon dragons out to make trouble?

However, if the neon dragon is re-engraved into the biological host, the evolutionary is sent in 24 hours a day, and the single brush is used in a team to brush into a group of brushes, and there are many kinds of awakeners like Mingguang. Ah, let a big wave of bonuses that are neither servile nor overbearing happen, don't you squeeze your head and jump in? Give daddy a try next to each other! I don't believe that there is no reasonable way!

There are simply too many such examples. Opportunities are limited, but people's imagination is endless.

What Mingguang lacks is a chance to come again-

Mentioning this kind of thing is more embarrassing to Gil than a middle-aged man in his 40s who hears "I want more" in his wife's mouth!

want again? If it's not urine, it's fate! Nothing else!

If all the animals that have appeared in the ecosystems and beasts around Mingguang are copied as templates, Mingguang can definitely develop targeted methods to deal with them, without mentioning ordinary people. The garrison thus cultivated is in the beasts. Does the fighting power in China still get?

Zhao Er drove his car all the way and ran into a dozen unsightly evolvers. When his armored car slammed on the gate of the garrison camp, a certain unlucky evolver was panicking and panting. He crawled out between the tires, only glanced at who was driving, and immediately took away the anger on his face and ran away with drooping eyes.


The perpetrator's surname is Zhao...

If you slip slowly, you will be buried directly at the gate of the garrison...

"Gan Liniang!" Zhao Er cursed, and said to the person standing guard at the door, "I'm looking for Elder Ye for a meeting, emergency!"

The young garrison boy looked dumbfounded and hesitated,

"Second, second master, you seem to have crossed the line..."

The garrison is not the private property of the Zhao family. There is no reason for you to hold a meeting when you say that you are looking for the highest level of the garrison.

Zhao Er kicked over with a big kick.

"The more you mother I am, the more I am!"

The young man ran away rolling and crawling,

"Ahhhh, General Ye, another person from the Zhao family demolished the camp and made trouble..."

Zhao Er looked at the sky and mumbled.

"Mother, let Leng Han come, and the difference in treatment is too big."

This guy rushed into the camp unceremoniously, and then plunged into the canteen without a dog.

"I heard that the masters in the garrison canteen are the heirlooms of Mr. Ye. He must be happy to catch one of them and have a meal. Maybe he can save me two meals if he is happy... The old guy is also true. How old is daddy, he gets beaten up at every turn, daddy doesn't need a face!"

So a particularly serious meeting was spread out in the canteen of the garrison.

The atmosphere of the whole meeting was as anxious as the donkey meat pot in front of Zhao Er. The bottom was red hot charcoal fire, and the top was steaming donkey meat. The wrinkles on Master Ye's face were looming in the mist, and his mouth was dangling. His pipe has been extinguished by a huge amount of water vapor because he forgot to smoke it, especially mysterious.

Someone solemnly said,

"A terrible idea! But the warlock...cough... In short, Mingguang definitely can't give up this opportunity, it's horrible, it's just..."

"Who is talking?!" Old man Ye shivered.

So he squeezed a face out of the mist and smiled,

"Old general, it's me."

"Oh, Xiao Zheng," Mr. Ye patted the table speechlessly, "Hurry up and remove those pots for me. It's not okay, who is still eating at f*ck, and the soup is daddy. Son!!"

The pots were all removed, Zhao Erlian reluctantly said,

"You hold your meeting, and you don't let me go when you go, and you don't let me eat when you eat..."

"You shut up daddy! Tap tap..."

Taking advantage of the absence of the two big butlers who had been with Mr. Ye for half his life, the old man lit the pipe pot tightly and tried to take two more mouthfuls.

It didn't matter if Mr. Ye twitched. Which of the table bosses was fuel-efficient, waited, the crackling fire sounded one after another.


"It's obviously a good thing, why do you always feel too risky."

"Oh, at a young age, the acceptance of new things is a bit too weak, this is not possible, so be brave!"

"I'm afraid to be bolder, do you have to turn all the Mingguang Evolutionists into a traitor to the party..."

"You fucking can't speak!"

"Who is the old man scolding?"

"scold you!"

"Fuck, why aren't the people from the scientific research institute and the occurrence committee yet? Is there any priority?!"

It has always been the case for meetings without scientific research institutes. Scolding mothers is regarded as a normal process of the garrison. Only when people from the scientific research institutes come to the conference will this group of veterans and veterans converge a little bit-mainly because they are afraid of embarrassment.

For the elders of the garrison, the scientific research institutes of others are all "literati", and every sentence has three allusions plus two lines of poetry. The gloomy satire is never half a dirty word.

When the garrison and the scientific research institute quarreled, it was not uncommon. The style of painting is roughly as follows:

"Waiting for the rat generation, you are extremely desperate."

"Gan Li Niang!"

"Mother's, sincerity is not pleased by the mother."

"Gan Li Niang!"

"How can you? The ancients sincerely don't deceive me, only villains and women are difficult to raise!"

"Gan Li Niang!"


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