Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 59 Eyebrows

The bald head looked silly, and the fire was exploded at this point, blushing? ?

"Bring a group of ordinary people out of the city, it's not easy to be so ostentatious, we walked through the dog hole." Yanzi said.

The so-called dog hole refers to the drainage channel and underpass under the light city wall. Compared to the city wall that is often tens of meters high, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a dog hole.

Zheng Huai waved his hand, "I'm a lieutenant colonel of the Mingguang Garrison. Swallows, are you not afraid that I will get a stroke from the Garrison?"


Lin Chou took a shower and changed his whole clothes. He had a headache smelling the faint rust on the chef's clothes.

Without soap, soap and washing powder, clothes are washed too much, and there will always be this very light but obvious smell.

Swallow clearly took out a small bottle, "Jasmine essential oil, very easy to use, one drop relieves all worries!"

You see, this is the woman who comes to hunt in the wilderness without forgetting to bring a bottle of perfume!

Lin Chou couldn't help but think of a certain cold female tyrannosaurus. Leng Han was sleeping with knives, guns, swords, halberds and axes in the base city, right?

Lin Chou sniffed, not interested in perfume, "Everyone, what can I eat?"

"Salt Baked Chicken!"

"Grumpy Tooth Wolf Sashimi!"

"Beef offal soup, a cup of three colors! Let's also have a salt-baked chicken."

"I said, brother, you really should make some pasta! Soup, you should have some steamed buns!"

Lin Chou nodded, "I have this plan."

Yanzi's eyes lit up, "Boss, how about oil and salt biscuits? When I was a kid, when I was still living in the alley, every few days there were shopkeepers who walked along the streets and carried two loads of biscuits to sell. That smell! Let's help. The girl in the alley, seeing Tian'er waiting for Uncle Hai’s yelling, just like the festival... Later, my dad became an upgraded person and he never ate it again, and I never went back."

The bald head said, "What's so delicious about biscuits? I said the boss, I should get some wolf meat or beef buns to eat, the kind that will let you bite! You will drool when you think about it!"

Zheng Huai seemed very interested, and said to Yanzi, "Which alley did you live in before?"

"Dinghai Alley, the one with the longest light." Yanzi smiled, with some aftertaste.

Zheng Huai slapped his face, "Coincidentally, I also live in Dinghai Alley. I'm on No. 3026."

"Yeah, my house is number 109."

"I also grew up eating Uncle Hai’s biscuits. Don’t you know? Uncle Hai’s house lives next door to me. A few days ago, I deliberately went back to see his old man. Uncle Hai’s body is still very healthy and he made it for me personally. Eat biscuits!"

"Really? Uncle Hai should be eighty years old now, right?"



The more they talked, the more speculative, Yanzi went over to Zheng Huai's table over the bald head.

Look at Zheng Huai with the bald head and then at the swallows, scratching Liang Liang's head, "Is this hooked? Foolish! Flirtatious! Moral corruption! Outrageous! Poor bald grandpa, I am single!! "

"Dangdangdang, Dangdangdang..."

The music is cheerful, loud...

The long aria, pinching his throat, came from outside the fence:

"I live in the head of the Yangtze River

You live at the end of the Yangtze River

Thinking of you every day but not seeing you

Drinking water from the Yangtze River

When is this water closed

When has this hatred

I only wish that your heart is like my heart

Sure to live up to


Even Lin Chou was shocked for a while, what the hell?

Yanzi and Zheng Huai had a good chat. When you look at me and I look at you, their faces are hot.

The picture in front of me seemed to jump out:

Facing the confidant who knows the cold and the heat, and the endless river water, my heart is filled with tenderness.

When the two of you, you and me, they use the river water for a long time, and Acacia Yu is endless, and their true love affair comes out of their mouths.

Swallow's eyes are a bit blurred, what a beautiful poem!


There was a huge electric noise, and then the man shouted loudly, "Look and see, the fine enamel jars before the cataclysm...cough the mug, handmade, exquisite and beautiful. Affordable, artistic level, special for couples today! Female model inscription "Comrades have worked hard"! Male model inscription "Serve the people"! Believe my grandma...girl! This water cup is worthy of you!!! "

"Friends on the mountain, why are you still hesitating? Give this lover mug before the cataclysm to your beloved girl! Powerful, vigorous, and accent, she will be deeply impressed by your sincerity..."

"What the hell?"


The voice sounded again, "Big Brother, the soldier in the restaurant, look at the beautiful girl across from you...Is her eyes erratic, her pretty face blushing, her hands pinching the corners of her clothes? Congratulations, and secretly telling you.. .Yes! Just as you thought, she also has a good impression of you!"


Swallow screamed, and hurriedly lowered the corners of his clothes, sweating from the wings of his nose.

Zheng Huai looked at the swallows, then looked at Lin Chou eagerly, "Brother Lin, this is..."

Bai Qiongshou and Huang Dashan's eyes were staring. Seeing the meaning in their eyes, they almost wrote the words "did you do it" on their faces.

Yanzi and Zheng Huai have known each other for less than ten days! Is it a bit rushed? It's interesting, but the two are a little bit younger, right? If you really want to get married, you must be a regular wife! After all, Yanzi is also a first-level upgraded person anyway! Can't be wronged...

So the question is, how much should the money go with? ?

Cough! Huang Dashan's white dome head and a big bald head are distracted...

Well, these are not the main points. The main point is, how does the potted plant know the situation here? It was as if she had witnessed it with her own eyes here!

Lin Chou gritted his teeth and seemed to be chewing someone's bones, squeezing out a few words, "Damn potted plants! Hairballs, fences! Give daddy to tear her to drink!!!"

Lin Chou blurted out a verbal language that annoying old man and Shan Ye often talked about.

Shan Ye came to the spirit, "Walk around, take a look, what's the situation?"

Lin Chou was so angry, "Fuzzy balls? Hairy balls? Big hairy cows? Where are all TM dead?"

"I can't count on one! I have to rely on Daddy himself!"

He grabbed the pan and said, "Dip, it is detected that no foreign animal has attacked the small hall at this time. It is forbidden to use the foreign animal pan!"


Lin Chou was choked fiercely again, took the two-meter-long sun and moon shovel, and went down the mountain murderously.

The bald head slapped his lips, "Boss, Lord Shan, do you know there is a saying that loves and kills each other and rejoices in the life and death of the enemy..."

"Stop, stop, what do you want to say?"

"Do you think Boss Lin has been so'excited' to other people?"

"What you said... seems to have never happened! Is the green-haired little girl the one who yells?"


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