Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 64 In the Alley

Calabash baby was training in Qinshan Martial Arts School, and she couldn't come back home once in ten and a half months. Sister Hu's house was very deserted.

The houses in the alleys were built with courtyards, one door and two households, each with a main room, a wing or a warehouse.

Sister Hu's yard was bought by her late husband together in the early years. The two opposite main houses plus the wing rooms are much more luxurious than Lin Chou's small restaurant in the alley.

Sister Hu and Hu Dage had been selling soy sauce before. Under the courtyard wall, there were half-person-high sauce jars, and the smell of fermentation wafted out.

"Linzi, don't dislike it, sit down!" Sister Hu arranged for Lin Chou to sit down and went to the kitchen to get busy. After a while, she made four side dishes.

Stir-fried bean dregs, shortbread pork, cold wild vegetables, and a plate of steamed ham slices.

"Sister-in-law, what are you doing, it's too extravagant!"

It can be picked in the city of wild vegetables. Bean dregs are leftovers for grinding tofu, while fresh meat and ham are different. For the residents in the alleys, these two dishes take almost half a month's effort to sell.

Sister Hu changed into a pale white dress and stared at Lin Chou blankly, "Lin Zi, Calabash baby, Calabash baby, he...may be awakened!!"

After saying this, Sister Hu burst into tears, she seemed to lose all her strength, she lay on the stone table and started crying bitterly.

"This... Sister-in-law, this is a good thing! Why are you crying?" Lin Chou said helplessly.

"Yes, it's a good thing, a good thing, Calabash baby said that after he ate the salt-baked chicken you sent with Erhu, he could sense some... abnormalities in the blood vessels, and his instructor said it was With the power of blood, the Calabash baby may soon become the awakened one, the sister-in-law kneeled for you, thank you, thank you, Lin Zi."

The meal was not eaten well, so I cried and comforted all the way.

Lin Chou whispered, how could there be such a coincidence?

Those Tier 1 guys in the wilderness saw Tianer eating salt-baked chicken, and there weren’t even a few who were promoted. Not to mention the promotion, so why did these two little kids eat a good one?

After returning to his home, Lin Chou still had things to do, and he wanted to get something.

Old fire and old stove, although the stove is already cold, the special smell of smoke will not dissipate.

Lin Chou smashed the living brick half-thick under the stove, and from the hollow underneath, he found a flat stone with canine teeth about one foot in size.

This thing was passed down from the ancestors of Lin Chou's family, and it has been raised by living fire, even during the cataclysm.


Nodded with relief, and stuffed the stones into the backpack.

The backpack came from the potted plant. It was very sturdy. It contained the raw materials that Lin Chou thought would use: a jar of three-color snake wine, most of the jar of colorful snake king wine, devil pepper powder, pepper and so on.

Although he knew that Xue Papi would not be upright in a real chef showdown with him, he was prepared for it.

Well, it's a bit malicious to think so.


Pythagorean Alley is separated from the two streets-Xiacheng District, Tianshui Alley.

In front of Wang's house, there were four black container cargoes lined up, and each car had a license plate of a vehicle used for official business.

More than a dozen loading and unloading workers were busy moving various household items into the car, and two uniformed staff from the occurrence committee were smiling and talking to Wang Shanhong's wife.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Wang, everything is actually prepared on that side, these things..."

Wang Shanhong's wife, Xia Erya, was red-faced, and she spoke so high that she could hear her sharp voice throughout the alley.

"That's, that's, Madam is really diligent and thrifty in keeping the house..."

Just as he was talking, a gray-haired old woman held a cloth bag in both hands and hurriedly sent it to the car.

"Oh! Sister! What is this! It's so old! Don't let it go! Throw it away!" Xia Erya snatched the old man's things and threw them into the trash.

"Can't throw it away! This is Huizi's old clothes!" The old lady said distressedly.

Xia Erya raised her eyebrows, "I don't want it if I say it!!"

The old man said nothing, but stopped talking.

Two staff members of the occurrence committee asked, "Mrs. Wang...this is..."

Xia Erya said impatiently, "Oh, this is my sister."

The staff member was taken aback, "Are you Mr. Xia Zhonghui's mother, Comrade Xia Zhen?"

The old lady nodded, "Yes, I am."

The two staff members hurriedly supported the old man, "Hello, hello, I am Xiao Zhang, who happened to be the commissioner, let us do this kind of chores!"

"It's not in the way, it's not in the way, you are busy with yours!"

Xia Erya raised her eyebrows and said, "Sister! What are you up to? They just moved our family specifically! Don't mess with it!"

The faces of the two staff members turned dark. We are here to move. Why does this tone seem to be like someone from your family? !

Outside the door, the neighbors of Tianshui Lane came to see a lot of excitement.

Can you come and see if the Wang family is in such a big battle?

"Tsk tusk, I didn't expect that Wang Shanhong would be able to move to Shangcheng District for a lifetime."

"Cut, what can he do? It's not that Xia Zhen's son has become an upgraded, and the Wang family will follow suit."

"She didn't panic, she still yelled. The Xia family's wife and three let them bully for a lifetime, and it's cheaper for them!"

"I heard that Xia Zhen's son is not so good at his brain, so he can become an evolving man? When is an evolving man so worthless?"

The house assigned to Xia Zhonghui was near Qingquan Mountain. The high-end apartment was two hundred and forty square meters. There were only six bedrooms, which was comfortable and spacious.

Xia Erya sat on the big sofa with a festive expression, and said, "Sister, you and Xiao Yu live in this room. Give Huizi the bedroom next to the bathroom! Shanzi? Where did you die? Come and put us on the bed! I bought a new one. The bedding! Don’t want the old ones!!"

Xia Yu pouted, "Second aunt, doesn't this have six bedrooms? Why do you want me to live in the same room with my mother?"

Xia Erya yelled, "Little girl film, can't live with your mother in the same house? Your second uncle and I have one, Lele one, and your brother one. Where can Lele put so many toys? Guests from home What should I do if I want to stay? Go go, don't make trouble!"

"Huh! Then my mother and I will live in the one in Xiangyang! That's spacious!" Xia Yu said.

"You!" Xia Erya's hands on hips were about to attack.

Mother Xia pulled Xia Yu, "We just live in this small one, Xiao Yu don't make trouble."

"Huh!" Xia Yu pouted and looked helpless and resentful, dragging things to the small bedroom.

PS: Recommended ticket...Recommended ticket...

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