Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 85 Green Rice Porridge

Green rice is hard in texture, yellowish-brown in color, and twice as big as ordinary rice, and it is elliptical and approximately round.

Gently grab it with your hand, and you can smell the smell of salt and alkali on your hand when you pull it out.

Rinse it with water three times, and take out a wide-mouthed earthen jar that has never been used before.

Pour the green salt rice into the earthen jar, add nine minutes full of water, and sit on the stove.

The wood burning flame at the bottom of the stove warmly licked the bottom of the pot, stirring the bottom of the pot with a long-handled wooden spoon from time to time to prevent the rice grains from scorching.

In less than ten minutes, the water in it gradually boiled.

Crock pot conducts heat very slowly, but it is constant and lasting. It is the best choice for porridge.

Lin Chou used a wooden spoon to carefully skim off every trace of yellow-green froth, which is the "essence" of the salt-alkali taste of green rice.

Stir gently to skim off the foam. After repeating this step three times, there is no trace of foam in the crock pot, and the porridge water gradually shows a faint milky white.

From time to time, grains of green rice surfaced in the boiling soup, which were soaked in hot water to make them round and round.

When the rice grains collided with the earthen jar, there was no longer a dingling sound, and the rice grains had already softened.

Green rice is abnormally hard, but as long as the heat is reached, the best porridge can be produced. This is one of the reasons for the high price of green rice.

What's bright is that people are holding a lot of circulation points in their hands, waiting to be enjoyed.

The movement of the hand keeps on, and every time the spoon turns three times at the bottom of the tank, gently lift your wrist. It is best that the water flow driven by the spoon hidden in the bottom of the tank can just turn out a splash of water without foam on the surface of the water.

"Brother Lin, what are you doing?" The Lord Shan touched the back kitchen and pinched a fresh green onion leaf into his mouth. "Well, this stuff is refreshing!"

Lin Chou looked funny, "Porridge, green rice porridge..."

"Hey, this is the one hundred kilograms of broken rice?" Huang Dashan leaned over and smelled it, "No smell!"

"Porridge and porridge, all in one word, meditation, wait slowly, what anxious?"

"Brother Lin, your mentality is not right. It's better for young people to have the fire gas. You can arch a way out of your head with your head down!" Shanye glanced at the foot of the mountain, "Shanye, let me tell you the world! There is no barrier to getting past? Don't be hit so hard by an irrelevant woman! Look, Mingguang millions of big girls waiting to be married are waiting for you to pamper you, give up a dog's tail flower, you still have a whole A forest!"


Lin Chou really wanted to put the crock pot with soup and water on his face.

With a good mentality and a good mood, can't I let me pretend to be forced?

I casually grabbed two handfuls of wild vegetables by the wellhead, washed the roots, and removed the water with green salt, put them on a plate, and sprinkled a handful of green onion leaves.

The wild vegetables all over the ground are the most common dish in Mingguang. Every household habitually grabs a handful of vegetables and serves them in the yard. Under such climatic conditions, there are countless kinds of zero-order wild vegetables. If you don't clean it once every half month, its root system can pierce the wall into a honeycomb.

It's a pity that no matter how much I eat, I don't have enough energy to fill my stomach.

Put the lid on the earthen jar and simmer for an hour on low heat.

When the lid was opened, a peculiar fragrance of fresh rice came over, and the green rice porridge was finished.

At this time, the magical effect of the long-necked crockery is manifested. It is long and high enough, and the upper and lower temperatures are layered. The cooked rice is half complete and half becomes flocculent rice paste. This is a qualified good porridge.

Take out five bowls and put them on the Nakajima platform. Half of the crock is left.

"Come and try them all!" Lin Chou yelled and added, "The best green rice porridge is not free!"

"Brother Lin, don't you think so!"

Lin Chou rolled his eyes, "No matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it's meaty! How would you know that Chai Mi is expensive if you are not in charge? Standing and talking can't hurt your back!"

Master Shan retreated, "Brother Lin, Ben Shan is served!"

Carrying a bowl of porridge to the potted plant, Lin Chou was embarrassed. Apart from feeding the chickens to the fences, he had never fed them.

Leng Han said calmly, "I'll do it."


Zhao Ziyu squeezed his eyes towards Master Shan and began to signal "Have you seen, is that man really my cousin?"

Shan Ye also sighed, "The first female Tyrannosaurus in Mingguang Base City is going to feed others?"

The chicken and the duck speak.

Leng Han uses a porcelain spoon to gently stir the rice porridge, the heat and fragrance accelerate the volatilization, each grain of rice looks full and plump to the extreme, and it has been boiled and bloomed like a flower. The center of the rice grain shows a slight blue color, like a pearl. Yu, I think it's really like a stamen in a flower.

You don't need to taste it to know how sweet and smooth this porridge should be.


Leng Han couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, this tempting...

Zhao Ziyu looked away and wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, "Brother Chou, I want a bowl of this porridge!"

Shan Ye had already been holding a bowl of the boss and drank it, and sipped his lips as he drank, "No, I've drank green rice porridge, it doesn't taste like this, it's not even an ordinary ingredient that is not even the zero-order. , Why is it so fragrant... how could it be so fragrant?"

Zhao Ziyu ran to the kitchen and said, "Yes, yeah, I drank it every day when I was a kid... it doesn't taste like this!"


Lin Chou suddenly realized that the black heart system was another task, but the problem appeared here.

The black heart system itself prohibits the use of unclassified ingredients as the main raw material to make food. However, judging from the rules of a certain system that triggers tasks for many times, it is based on the opinions and needs of customers, and even a lot of advancement; when When the two clash, Lin Chou is the one-way air bag in the middle, allowing the black heart system to squash and round.

f*ck, from now on, we will face the danger of becoming disabled once a month!

"Brother Sorrow? Brother Sorrow!!"

"Uh, what's the matter?"

Zhao Ziyu said pitifully, "I can pack and take the remaining half of the can, you know, there is a very old, very old grandfather in my family. My appetite is not good anymore, I think this porridge..."

Dear Ziyu Young Master, are you talking about the old Zhao who carried their boss back in front of hundreds of thousands of toothy wolves in the wild wilderness?

Shan Ye shrugged and pointed to the side, "Ziyu, don't pretend to be pitiful, here..."

Leng Han was holding a large medium-sized bowl, and drinking porridge spoon by spoonful, Zuo Chen was holding the jar and throwing the last bit of rice into his own bowl.

Lin Chou suddenly remembered that he walked into the kitchen and brought out a pile of green vegetables, "Here, salted wild vegetables, forgot to bring them. The porridge costs money. This is free!"

Zhao Ziyu wailed, "Why!"

Leng Han's expression was faint, "I paid for the whole pot of porridge. You have the bowl just now, you are welcome."

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