Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 947: Are You Really Going?

At this time, the big snow dumplings outside were screaming for hunger again. Lin Sorrows heartache so that the expression on his face is blurred, and he walked slowly to the kitchen.

Sikong suddenly waved his hand, and a shiny card was clamped between his fingers.

"I think you need some motivation~"

Who cares, is it a problem that can be solved with money? The main highlight is a lavish...Bah...It is temperament!

Sikong felt that he couldn't wait for a day. Wouldn't he put the snow dumpling boss back in the stove and swear not to give up? Especially when the old man Gao was in a bad mood when he left, this made Sikong have a bad hurry.

Even if everyone in the room saw Master Sikong throwing out one or several cards with huge denominations in a variety of but equally unruly postures more than once, they were still heartbroken to the point that they couldn’t breathe. .

Especially the whole person is going to be overwhelmed by the sudden poverty-looking at others' random energy is like pinching a cabbage leaf in your own vegetable garden.

The idiom "usually commonplace" is indeed a lie! I'm not used to seeing you! I can't get used to it at all!

In fact, all the big guys knew that Sikong was very rich, but he didn't even have an idea of ​​how much money he had.

In the words of the giant Sagong,

"It's so vulgar and boring to mention money, but I think the saying that knowledge is wealth is quite right."

Can it be wrong?

With a total of eight libraries in Mingguang, he occupies seven and a half of them, and even such a behemoth as the garrison of the scientific research institute has to pay honestly to view the materials.

It’s just such a guy who can say not wanting face, hehehe.

It's too unreliable. What's the matter, you can't have a little ac number in your heart?

Really hypocritical!

Thinking of this, Lin Chou walked towards the kitchen with the card in his hand, tears almost coming down.

"The life winner of Cao Te Mo..."

Before Lin Chou moved to the counter, the system subtitles rolled over.


Lin Chou was really crying.

Without accident, Cary's money became the number on the panel—the number that theoretically belonged to him.

Although the boss of Lin Da, who was the host, had never pulled a dime from there, Lin Chou still firmly believed in it.

"Well, my money... didn't my money disappear... They just accompany me in a different way... woo woo woo..."

For a while, no one was talking in the small hall, and all of them looked like they watched the sister-in-law roll their own money and ran away.

Sikong was surprised,

"What's wrong with you?"

Everyone: "..."

We did nothing, we just met the wrong person at the wrong time.

Doing evil, it's so evil!

Hehe, it may be because we are guilty. After all, poverty is our greatest sin.

This group of evolutionists are good at observing words and colors, and can see that Leng Han Lengzhong seems to be in a very good mood, so he feels relieved and boldly broke with Sikong-after all, Lengzhong has always been not very fond of lively, and there is no big wind or waves. I was shot dead on the beach because I lost my eggs because of this. That would be so wronged.

"I said Master Sagong, you can't do this, do you know that you will be caught up in this way?"

"You have changed into Sikong. You weren't like that before. You have to pierce our fragile glass heart thoroughly and ask us what happened. Neither I nor we know what happened to us."

"We didn't say anything, poverty makes us unable to complain."

Sikong was at a loss, completely ignorant of which way these guys suddenly fought.

He thought of it and said to Leng,

"By the way, Qingyu Big Sister's matter has been resolved, let me tell you, Zhao Erye and Wen Zhongjiu are so, so, so, and so..."

The relationship between Leng Han and Wei Qingyu is particularly good. This Sikong knows it. According to Sikong’s analysis, if it weren’t for Leng Han who was busy wandering around the dark sea during this period, it’s likely that the Yan family group would have been cold long ago. Zhao Er and Wen Zhongjiu were in the turn.

Leng Han nodded,"I know."

Sikong was a little confused now.

"Didn't you just come back from the sea? How do you know..."

——I came here without changing my clothes.

Leng Han said lightly,

"I ran into the Yan family's ship in the black sunken sea. They were just about to return to the coastal defense line, so I made sense with them by the way."

Sikong: "..."

Huang Dashan: "..."

Hmm, we all understand the truth.

You must have intimately discussed with someone from the Yan family about academic issues such as the comparison of the hardness of the scaphoid cuneiform and a ball, right?

This hapless Yan family, how dark and hot are most of them unable to hold your sad reminder?

The wall crack suggests that you find Mr. Niu to see the palmistry!

Leng Han's mood is really good--

Someone Lin inadvertently helped the black army a big favor, forcibly creating a piece of "land" on the sea.

At the very least, in the battles with virtual beasts and sea beasts, the evolutionaries of the coastline can be regarded as truly "down-to-earth."

The virtual beast's reliance on the black sinking sea has recently been impractical. After this long and the other, the black army crushed the virtual beast for the first time, which was of great significance.

Of course, the more important thing is that Leng Han is free, and she can take a vacation without worry.

If there have always been Xuedanzi bosses and Niu Lanqi as a link to continue offering sacrifices to the black sea, this holiday can be extended appropriately.

Huang Dashan looked at Leng Han suspiciously.


This expression is too familiar to him. Every time he pays the head tax in the base city, the big guy has this expression on his face like "I'm on holiday, I'm free, I'm going to get rid of it."

Huang Dashan understood what was going on after a little pondering, and congratulated him loudly.

For the first time, Leng Han didn’t use a cold face that was tens of hundreds of Baidu below zero to face the Lord Shan, nodded gently and said,


Shan Ye opened his mouth, and then he forgot everything he wanted to say. This thank you made him really panicked.

Lin Chou heard a few people's conversations inside, and while cooking the "big dishes" calculated in tons, he still had time to talk nonsense.

"Oh, it's a holiday? It just happened to take you up to the back mountain to grab some good things-does Shan Ye know what to eat in Mingguang March?"

Huang Dashan blinked and hesitated,

"Uh... Yangchun noodles??"

Shente Yangchun noodles, you can hold Yangchun noodles on the mountain behind your house!

Sikong laughed,


Huang Dashan hummed,

"Then you are telling one, two, three, four, what's delicious in Mingguang March?"

Sagong calmly got himself a bottle of Fat House Happy Water.

"I listen to the woods."


Lin Chou sent the big-breasted sister to serve the snow dumpling boss, and he wiped his hands and sat next to a few people.

"In March of the New Era calendar, before the catastrophe, it was the time when the river broke the ice and opened up, and all kinds of sleepy winter ingredients recovered from their hiding places. People believe that some ingredients at this time have more delicious flavors and purest textures. "

I don't know why, everyone feels strange when they hear Lin Chou's "The food is recovered from the hiding place".

Boss Lin, you are so violent. People have just woke up and have not finished their dreams. Did they even label the ingredients before they even came out of the nest?

Huang Dashan simply forgot about the Yangchun noodles without hesitation.

"So what happened to March? What's the matter with Mingguang March... Someone don't know..."

A group of people murmured,

"The emerald green quail has begun to incubate. Have you ever eaten a quail feather egg the size of your thumb? It's cool to take a bite of a second-order strange animal."

"Oh-I heard that there were fresh blood mushrooms in the wilderness in March. They are rare, and they are not poisonous yet, but there is really no one who can pick them."

These guys are all evolutionaries. According to Lin Chou, they are all poor people who have no childhood. How can I know this?

Lin Chou said,

"A few days ago, I saw some thick crabs on the Houshan River Beach that had already finished their activities in "Maodong"."

Sikong asked a question mark in his forehead,

"Maodong? Thick crab?"

Lin Chou said,

"Yes, thick crabs are octopus tongs. They still retain their pre-catastrophe habits. To cat winter, octopus tongs look similar to crabs, with square heads and square brains."

Huangdashan Road,

"Ah, I know what you are talking about, but you can eat that stuff too? It's not as big as Daddy's fingers..."

Lin Chou was not happy anymore.

"Why can't you eat it? It's small, but there are a lot of them. These days are just the time for the octopus to fatten up. In the past, Uncle Tiger in the alley would bring some back at this time every year. Think about it. What it's like...Oh, don't talk about it, slobber, wait for it to get dark and just do it!"

Housan was tossed by two prodigal sons, forming large tracts of shallows, mudflats, and sandy beaches, with dense reeds and turfgrass.

After the dog beep system put it in the bag, the abundance of species in this area is incredible-they are all permanent residents, so that Lin Chou can find something new every time he visits it.

This kind of octopus clip is the preference of Life. The creatures in the dense wetland mudflats at the confluence of salt and fresh water will naturally appear here.

Besides, based on the urinary nature of the dog's beeping system, Lin Chou told Lin Chou that Houshan is particularly suitable for raising meat dinosaurs (meat beef, chicken and sheep, theoretically called meat dinosaurs, right?) Lin Chou can only pinch his nose to recognize it.

Someone is already muttering,

"How can I feel so insecure..."

I was ripped off before I finished talking--

"Are you tired and crooked?"

The man thought:

Damn is wrong, what did Boss Lin say just now...

Take cold tyrannosaurus to catch crabs...

What kind of crabs are you catching in the dark?

and many more...

As witty as I seem to have found something!


What they called this before the cataclysm.


Yes, it's a jungler, nothing wrong.

It's business! It's a big business~!

Just for a while, the man had already filled his brain with Tyrannosaurus and Boss Lin crawling and beating you in the mud Snow white and bright,

"Your crab~"

"It's your crab~"

You see, how romantic isn't it?


At ten o'clock that night, Lin Chou Lenghan Huang Dashan, Rong Sikong and the others were holding a lantern in their hands, swaying back to the mountain.Huang Dashan looked dazed, and said incredulously,

"Lin Zi... really catch crabs... so many people... together???"

A certain prince thought it was an excuse that sounds old and stiff. A large group of people slipped away in order to create a chance for the two of you. What happened to you? As a result, you kid really forced us to take us a bunch of people. Came to catch the crabs? Have you been eaten by a crab? !

Lin Chou: "I can't catch it by myself. This thing is too small. More than enough to eat."

This reason is quite good, and Shan Ye couldn't say it.

Sikong carried the big lantern and didn't let go-he had never seen such an antique before.

He thought: Such a big lamp is limited to illuminating an area less than two meters square, and the dim light is so artistic.

The lantern is burning with extravagant otter oil, which has a faint sweet scent of oil, and if it smells too much, it seems to have a drowsy feeling.

So Sikong was even more surprised. The quality of sleep between himself and Sikongyu has not been very good, and he often struggled with his eyes open while looking at the roof when it was light.

He said cheerfully,

"This thing is good, give me a few more, and then put some barrels of oil~"

Everyone: "..."

Lin Chou swishes and walks like flying,

"It's almost the same if you walk a few kilometers further. There are mud flats and sandy beaches over there, and there are a lot of reeds and pampas. If you see cress and wild lilies and pick them directly, it tastes good..."

Muttered for a long time, but no one agreed to him.

When I turned around, everyone was gone.

Lin Chou: "???"

It was a long time before he saw the big light spot of the lantern bean.

Huang Dashan’s voice screamed away from far away.

"Am I pretty? You did it on purpose!"

The water layer of several millimeters on the upper surface of the river beach looks very solid, and as a result, half of your legs are in the silt when you step down. Can you get up fast?

It's like Lin Chou, this guy comes with its own skills.

In the end, Leng Han used his bloodline ability to freeze a thin layer of ice all the way on the river beach, and only then did he keep up with Lin Chou's footsteps.

Lin Chou scratched his head for a while, speechless,

"Then why don't you go ashore?"

Huang Dashan almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Who knows where you are going to stop, you just squeak!"

Lin Sorrow,

"Zhen, there are three or four kilometers, you can walk on the shore first."

Huang Dashan looked at the ice layer under his feet, but he didn't say anything.

Sikong was unable to complain,

"Let's go, let's go... hiss... there are a lot of mosquitoes... the buzzing is really annoying..."

In the wilderness, there are not only giant mosquitoes in the starry sky that can string people like mutton skewers, but also small mosquitoes of normal size.

After everyone walked for a while, Lin Chou suddenly stopped and looked around.

"Well, that's it!"

This is an arched mudflat surrounded by aquatic reeds, located at the edge of the mountain stream, dividing the water flow into 91 proportions, much like an island-the middle bulge has a low edge, and the most central position is still dry and the soil is still dry.

Shan Ye couldn't wait to rummaged against the reeds, and flattened a large area of ​​the reeds.

"It's nothing! Can't it, you!"

Lin Chou rolled his eyes,

"People just have square heads and square brains, and they're not really stupid like you. They're making such a big move, they have been hidden long ago..."

Huang Dashan stalked his neck,

"You are against me!"

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