Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 953 Wave board candy, eight thousand important questions (three in one is very long)

Xu Shi felt a little bit. In a classroom of Qinshan Martial Arts School, the Calabash baby, who was biting her pen and staring at the test paper, suddenly sneezed twice.

"Who is scolding me?!"

The children of all sizes in the classroom all have the same sad expressions as the Calabash children.

"Will it?"


"The answer is here~"


The ferocious firelight accurately turned the small paper ball into fly ash.

There was silence, and the entire classroom was chilling--the radial bullet holes on the scorched black wall at the back seemed to be clamoring hard at something.

On the podium, a long-legged and cute female teacher with a huge pink pig ear that almost covered her head stuck out her tongue.

(Eh, forget that this is not the Haiqingshi classroom anymore!)

(Calm down, calm down, they are still kids...)

(I'm just an invigilator... um...)

(It’s just a proctor, don’t be afraid, don’t be nervous, don’t be shy, Yin Yingying, you are a strong girl! You are great!)

She threw the huge fellow in her arms aside and made a loud noise.

Said, "It is forbidden to whisper, and answer your own."

Answer it!

Calabash baby's tears came down, and her pen almost broke.

Examination subjects: The relationship between the catastrophe and the history of modern and modern geological changes (revised edition)

The last 25-point fun answering question-is it not fun at all, okay, the passing score is 76. How can you make Calabash baby interesting?

Obviously it is full of malice...

Qinshan Martial Arts School has never been the kind of school where the industry’s conscience writes a "solution" and points a colon, no!

Baby Calabash continued to read the questions a dozen times.

Well, it's actually a copy of a paper that is said to be excavated from a ruin before the cataclysm.

"𠃊Hai*** College Entrance Examination XXX is a model", incomplete handwriting.

According to senior seniors, because the fuzzy half-words resembling "earth", "牜", and "扌", leading to "History of Geological Changes (Revised Edition)" and "Physics (Second Revised Edition) )”’S substitute teacher helps quarrels and fights with gangs all day long.

For nothing else, I feel that this question should belong to the teaching category of their department.

Fortunately, high school does not have courses such as "criminal investigation" and "reasoning", otherwise the three-way warfare group of martial arts teachers who are quite capable will be able to use their brains.

Fight, kill one and one less.

The title is incomplete. Fortunately, the title is clear, although the students hope that they will change positions.

Calabash baby still didn't control her emotions, and the poor pen finally broke in her mouth.

He racked his brains and didn't know what to do. He didn't have any ideas at all. He swears that no matter what subject the teacher absolutely never taught such a thing.

So Calabash baby confessed her fate and wrote down the only physical bear he knew his real name, that he had seen, on the face:

"Sword-toothed bear under the forest, black and white flowers."

Calabash baby thought, would the scoring teacher be more interesting if there were actual references?

Thousands of waters and mountains are always in love, just give it to a branch, you just say~

After coming out of the examination room, Calabash was in a state of "nothingness", floating.

Erhu and Qin Sheng waved at him all the way, but they didn't see the baby, they almost ran into the two of them in a daze.

Although Erhu Qin Sheng and Calabash baby are both in the low-level class, there is still a difference in the schedule. Today, there is no exam for the two of them.

Erhu frowned,

"Calabash baby, what's wrong with you?"

Baby Calabash was crying, tears twirling in her eyes,

"After the bird is finished, I failed my subject! There is only one question left! A big question of twenty-five points!"

Erhu asked,

"Isn't it a geography exam? Your kid's culture class is never bad. What questions are so difficult?"

Baby Calabash mumbled quickly,

"A bear fell into a trap, the depth of which was 19.617 meters, and the falling time was exactly 2 seconds-what color is the bear?"

With a dumb face: "???"

Qin Sheng became very sympathetic and patted Calabash baby on the shoulder.

"Let’s change the sorrow, it’s normal to fail a subject, isn’t it—hey, your kid is a ‘specially long student’, and you don’t have to pay for a make-up exam to cry!"

Calabash baby is very young and there are signs of alienation. Mingguang is very famous. There is no need to pay for tuition, textbooks, accommodation and supplementary examination fees. On the contrary, there are scholarships.

Baby Calabash whispered and said,

"I, my mother will kill me..."

Erhu and Qin Sheng are nowhere to be seen. The Calabash baby is too young. It hasn’t been long since weaned her baby. It’s not as important as a punctuation mark in her mother’s mouth.

Qin Sheng coughed,

"Cough, what? Let's go, I will show you to buy sweets to eat~"

I heard that babies who have just been weaned have to get something and bite in their mouths.It's not too simple to coax a child or something.

As soon as I heard that there was sugar to eat, the Calabash baby was really happy.

"Sugar? What kind of sugar? What does it taste like?"

Qin Sheng said boldly,

"The most expensive one is called Bobantang. Choose whatever you want!"

"Long live Brother Sheng, yeah!"

Qin Sheng fell into the memory:

Speaking of this wave board candy, it has always had its origins.

Calabash baby actually had a little girl early in the morning, well, one or two years older than Calabash baby, the relationship between the two little guys when they are still milky and milky.

The conditions in the little girl’s family are relatively good. Calabash’s baby saved up a month’s pocket money to barely enough for a quarter of the corrugated candy, which is pitiful, but the little girl did not hesitate to make up the rest.

Mainly highlight a lavish! The little friends in Calabash's class are so envious that they can't take care of themselves and wet the bed!

The candy also has a name, what is it called—"Lewaiwaiboban, a big sugar man??"

In Qin Sheng's view, it was almost like a flattened mosquito coil villain, ugly, but children still believed this.

The slogan called 666, the original price of 38 is now a shocking new product launch, the promotional price of 58 is only three days, and the normal price of 88 will be restored immediately.

If you buy candy, you can buy it. As a result, something happened when Calabash was sharing the candy with the little girl—he beat the little girl.

When Xia Yu, Qin Sheng and two tigers hurried over, Calabash baby was holding the sugar man and wiping her tears as she was wronged by the little girl.

"Hey, doesn't it hurt? Here you are, you can eat your head~"

The little girl had a bulge on her forehead, which was flushed and very rosy.

A fat baby bun's face is covered with the words I am angry, I am angry, I am especially angry.

The little girl crouched her waist, Tsundere snorted.

"Don't eat!"

Still learning the tone of Calabash baby,

"Why do you eat the head and I eat the feet? Can the head and the feet be the same?"

Qin Sheng and Erhu can be said to understand, think carefully, and draw them out of breath.

Co-authored with you, because of the question of who eats sugar people’s head and who eats sugar feet, the little girl has been cut off?

What's your promise? !

Calabash baby’s grievances turned into tears and bursting down.

"You eat the head, the head is delicious, I eat the feet, I eat the feet and feet..."

The little girl's eyes lit up,


Baby Calabash wiped her tears and said loudly,


The little girl looked excited,

"Really? Really?"

"Hmm ↘" The confidence is obviously insufficient, and I endured the pain, " me a bite to lick..."

The little girl stood up suddenly, facing baby Calabash’s face,


The old is loud, and the teachers and parents of students in half of the classroom, as well as the Erhu gang, are all dumbfounded.

The capacity of the large manger in everyone's head was already flashing red, and the threshold did not run.

This sudden gigantic trough couldn't beep in front of the children, and everyone was sad.

Calabash baby is still complaining,

"What are you doing, it's all saliva, dirty..."

Little girl: "Huh??"

"'s not dirty...just eaten Lewaiwaibo plate, big sugar man...sweet..."


Anyway, it doesn't matter what the result is, the whole room, except for these two little guys, almost collapsed collectively.

Qin Cheng kissed his heart and kissed him, how big they are, what a big deal!

Well, but I can't tell Sister Hu, otherwise Calabash baby will be labeled as Calabash seven brothers.


Qin Sheng and Erhu are eagerly eager to make Calabash baby understand with physics what is meant by "good men don't fight women"-isn't it possible to do things with lesbians? What a shame! The impact is extremely bad!

Qin Erhu and Qin Sheng's mouths became dry after taking them to the small woods for a good education.

As a result, Xia Yu said lightly behind.

"So, this is the reason you two are single?"

"Come here Calabash baby, ignore those two single dogs, Big sis will take you to buy sweets to eat~"

Qin Sheng + Erhu was caught off guard at the time: "???"

Not to mention that time, even now that things have passed for a long time, the two of them couldn't understand what Xia Yu meant.


Qin Sheng, Erhu, and Calabash baby squatted and watched as the students rushed past the cafeteria, meadows, and dormitories like ocean waves, and waited.

"Why isn't Sister Yu coming out yet?"

"Um... take the exam..."

"I heard that the square face from Intermediate Class 39 next door is looking for Sister Yu again."

"Coder, thumping at night!"

Then Erhu and Qin Sheng sighed together,

"Oh, confidant is a disaster~"

Xia Yu didn't wait, but the little girl in the corner was chasing up.

"Hi, snore!"

The little girl’s powder-resistant powder-tolerant, baby-fat snow-white face, two cupola twisted buns are tied very thick, and there are actually two waist-long ponytails hanging from the top of the bun—it’s really amazing. The amount of hair that people envy.

The little girl greeted Qin Sheng and two tigers who were familiar with each other.

"Go snoring, take you to buy sweets~"

Erhu and Qin Sheng winked.

See you there, 88 pieces of big wave candy can be bought every day!

Is this a number that a five-six-seven-year-old child can grasp? Isn't it a little girl? What kind of family do you have, or how about a mine at home?

Baby Calabash said timidly.

"No... don't mess with it, Brother Sheng said to buy it for me..."

The little girl looked at Qin Sheng very imposingly.

It was obvious that she was almost one meter shorter than Qin Cheng, but her eyes revealed a condescending feeling-this little girl's aura was at least two meters high at this time.

"Cough cough," Qin Sheng touched his pocket casually, "Oh, I forgot to bring my wallet, Calabash Calabash little snoring tube, what else, tomorrow?"

The little girl opened her eyes and smiled.


The Calabash baby immediately followed the same path with no spine.


At the entrance of the candy store, the little girl was standing on a triangular-legged chair higher than her, patting the counter with her little hand.

"Boom boom!"

"What? Nothing? What does it mean not? What does it mean to be bought out by an old man?"

"Do you mean there is no cash or credit card? Can't you have it?"

"Your store manager! Call your store manager out! I want to complain that you discriminate against children!!"

Three meters behind the little girl, Calabash baby Qin Sheng and two tigers looked from a distance, dumbfounded.

The little Big Brother, a sales clerk wearing a cartoon costume, was so pitiful, he was shivering and hiding in the horns and trying to find the warmth of the quail by the little girl's aura.

"Calabash, snore, this girl..."

"How many times have you said it, don't call me snoring, that girl loves to call me snoring."

"Received! Tsk, what a nickname, in fact, I know your brother Sheng~"


The little brother of the candy store finally finished speaking under tremendous pressure.

"On that street corner, not long after walking, the old man carrying a big sack, wearing a weird animal skin waistcoat and animal skin apron and pulling a pair of rain boots, is particularly conspicuous-he comes to buy Le Wai Wai Bo board every week. Big Big Sugar Man's! All!"

"Unreasonable," the little girl gritted her silver teeth, "chasing!!"

What else can I say, the little brother three is very dogmatic to keep up.

After chasing for several blocks in a row, every time I saw the figure of the old man carrying a sack and wearing an animal skin waistcoat and animal skin apron and pulling rain boots, he shook and turned again.

"Run! I see how far you can run!"

Of course the little girl keeps chasing her.

Qin Sheng and Erhu's minds became more active.

"It's not right, how can there be such a coincidence, every time I just see a figure shaking from behind?"

"I just watched an old movie of "Pattering Flowers" at the entrance of the alley a few days ago. Don't scare me!"

The two of them looked at the surrounding scenery, where is this so special...

Why is it so desolate all of a sudden? People? Where did all the people on the road go?

Three brothers panicked a little,

"Then, who..."

Before the little girl could respond, she heard a series of aggressive and loud questions from the front corner.

"Okay, old man Gao! There are so many tricks! Are you ashamed or shameful that you still have so many twists and turns when you are old? Do you still want to monopolize the industry chain of Mingguangbo Bantang, or why?!"

"Grandma, I'll just tell you, I've been paying attention to you for a long time! I have shares in this wave of candy!"

"You let me doesn't work if you spend money... let go!"

Qin Sheng and Erhu widened their eyes.

"How do I hear this sound... a little familiar..."

"Me too."

"I knock, what's so special... the "wanted criminal" on the day of the school celebration!!"

"High, blast furnace?"

The eyes of the few people reflected the low-pitched face of the blast furnace, and the dazzling green of the master who was aggressively questioning.

"Hey, Xiao Zuozuo, Xiao Chenchen, don't be angry~""There have been fewer children coming to Lushan in the past six months, so don't I have to think of a way!"

"Besides, your grandfather I'm really frustrated these days, let a shameless kid kidnap my Gao family ancestor's treasure, I have to go shopping a few times to release the pressure, one It’s not worthwhile to have a myocardial infarction, a cerebral infarction, a spiral infarction or something..."

People all over the world know that blast furnaces are particularly associated with Loli, and Mr. Gao has no resistance to them at all. His elders carry the big killer like Bobantang without exception.

Do you dare to believe that the Gao family has brought you from top to bottom?

My Gao family is so powerful and prosperous, there is no such big family who knows how to be a little Loli?

The beloved stove exploded but one popped out, and it turned out to be abducted by someone else. Do you dare to believe it?

——Holding granddaughter, granddaughter and marrying granddaughter-in-law have all become obsessions + knots + long-cherished wishes of the old people over the years.

Well, I don’t have one in my own home, so I can hug someone else’s home~

You see, Mingguang is very humane. There is no shortage of Loli of all ages and different personalities and tastes, so the old man did not beat his unsatisfied sons to death.


Gaojialu Shanwu is dark with the smell of soot and heavy metals, and there is a layer of granular black clouds with slag falling straight under the yellow clouds. The place is hot and sturdy. Is this a suitable place for small Loli?

Is the style of painting right?

Therefore, in addition to his expert [novice villagenpc blacksmith + village chief's grandfather's kind smile.jpg], Mr. Gao is the most capable of accomplishing his later amateur life.

This wave of candy is the most dazzling touch of color on the big screen of his life in his later years. It is old and important.

For Luo... what justice, worth it! Tolerate!

Zuo Mou's green eyeball turned,

"Old man Gao, how long have you been doing this?"

"One month...well, half a year..."

Zuo Moulu took out a twenty-centimeter-long calculator and cracked it.

"Customer sentiment...additional loss...look at it, look at it, round it up, it's almost 100 million! You lose!"

The blast furnace trembled.

This older Loli is good at everything, and this strange hobby can make him painful + liver pain every time.

Blast Furnace: "I..."

Zuo Mou's green eyebrows almost stood up.

"Go back to Lushan and settle accounts with you!"

"Back, back to Lushan?"

"Well, do you want to make your bare Lushan bird's whispering flowers and green grass, which can't even grow a serious tree?"

The sound of the blast furnace suddenly rose up,

"Are you serious?"

"Of course! My awakened bloodline is also plant affinity! Do you understand that green water and green mountains are Jinshan Yinshan?"

Old man Gao said in his heart, oh, if the style of painting changes, it will be more tricky, Loli, hahaha...

Obviously I was still complaining just now. Hey, can it be said that this is the so-called sleepiness and someone gives pillows?

"Then what are you waiting for, walk around, and go back to Lushan Mountain as soon as possible!"

The atmosphere gradually became harmonious and harmonious.

——This little girl who has been watching for a long time in the back seems to be stunned. There is a nest of snakes and rats.

"You guys! Give back my bobantang!!"

Calabash baby weakly poked her head out from behind the girl’s shoulder, and then shouted 666 as the background cloth, which was more than enough.

"Yes, return our bobantang!"

A certain high-rank potted plant seemed to have just discovered a few people. Looking back, it was a little surprised and pleasantly surprised.

"Left-style convenience store will serve you, no lottery, no discounts, so young and old are good for everyone!"

"My child, do you want this peach sweet orange-flavored Lewaiwaibo big candy man, or do you want this blueberry and gardenia-flavored Lewaiwaibo big candy man?"

"88 one, credit card or cash!"


Baby Calabash struggled for a long time, frowning for a ideological struggle.

After a century has passed, he said with great difficulty,

"I want a peach, sweet orange flavored Lewaiwaibo plate, a big sugar man."

"make a deal!"

So Zuo Chen and Blast Furnace hooked up their shoulders and left whispering.

Qin Sheng and the two tigers stared at each other for a long time and didn't come back. As for the little girl and the Calabash baby, the two little guys licked sweets every bite, and they licked them in a happy way. They didn't take it seriously.

Erhu grabbed his head with the huge metal claws that were still, continuing, and still in the process of alienation, and grabbed a handful of newly grown green stubble.

"She just asked us to tell Brother Sorrow about what's going on. It's not what she said,'Don't forget to hold him eight thousand a day, it's eight thousand a day'? It always feels that the'wanted criminal' is going to do something weird. Same..."

Qin Sheng didn't answer—he suddenly deepened his eyes, and fixedly looked at the saliva-filled bobbin candy between the two babies.

"I'm thinking about a very important question. Although I don't know why it is important, a man's intuition tells me that in my life, Qin Sheng, apart from his father who wants to marry the Fox Spirit mother, there has not been anything more important than this question. problem."

"You said just now that there are two flavors of "Peach Sweet Orange Flavored Le Wai Wai Bo Pan Big Sugar Man" and Blueberry Gardenia Flavor Le Wai Wai Bo Ban Big Sugar Man" two flavors, full of a bag, Calabash Why did the baby only buy one in the end."

After struggling for a long time, I can understand what Qin Sheng said so much about what this pool is, and what kind of candy can you remember?

Then Erhu was also stunned.

"Yeah, why only bought one!"

The two of them looked at each other suddenly and said in the same way.

"This-is the reason why we are single??"

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