Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 99: In the Alley, Chen Ting Again

I don't know if Xue Papi died. The hapless Chen Ting finished his one-month training and recovered most of his body.

If it must be said that the upgraded person is better than the awakened person, it is the musculoskeletal self-healing ability. The arms, leg bones and nearly half of the ribs are broken. Chen Tingguang took hundreds of kilograms of conditioning medicinal materials to recover so quickly. .

Sighed and prepared to find a pub for a few drinks.

Excluding factors other than the captain's image that needs to be shaped, Chen Ting actually prefers the small taverns in the Xiacheng District, which are lively and noisy, rather than hiding the knife in the gentle smile of the Shangcheng District.

Since the incident happened last time, Chen Ting has determined to abandon the mansion in Shangcheng District and found a good location in Xiacheng District and moved in.

The Old Alley Restaurant is just at the entrance of Chen Ting’s new home.

"Boss, a few bottles of beer, iced! Let's have another grilled pork ribs!"

In the evening, many people gathered in the tavern, and the scene quieted down, all eyes fell on Chen Ting.

The glamorous middle-aged female boss smiled and said, "Dear guest, look at what you said, which small restaurant in our alley can afford to eat pork on a donkey day. Beer is only cold from well water, as well as smoked sparrows and noodles. Steak... Look?"

The powdered meat steak naturally refers to the mouse steak. Because the mouse meat is slightly reddish, it is also called powdered meat.

Only then did Chen Ting react. How long has he not been back to Xiacheng?

"Okay, you can do whatever you want."

After the female boss quickly served the wine and food, she attached to Chen Ting's ear and said, "Dear guest, or else, go back and taste the exquisite, good wine and good food, plump girl!"

"No," Chen Ting shook his head and refused.

Then he raised his glass and said loudly, "This glass, I invite it!"


The tavern suddenly boiled, and everyone raised their glasses together to signal to Chen Ting that such high-profile guests are rare.

Chen Ting looked at the plate in front of him, cut into strips and lined up one by one, but still could see the original shape of the rat steak, swallowed, "I haven't eaten this kind of thing in many tastes... vomit! "

A piece of papyrus was handed over, shaking, "Don't dislike it, sedge, you will use it."

Chen Ting's vomiting caused injuries to his ribs and internal organs, making him very uncomfortable, so he reluctantly smiled, "Thank you."

The man wore a coat that was too black to see the color, had a mustache, and had a pair of wicked eyes, "My name is Ma Liu, just call me Ma Liu...have not been back to Xiacheng for a long time?"

Chen Ting straightened his collar, "How do you know?"

Ma Liu pointed to himself, "With my eyes, you can see that you are not like ours with mud legs. Did you retreat from the garrison? Or did the hunting team retreat?"

Chen Ting said silently, "Add a bottle of wine!"


Ma Liu's eyes lit up, "Hey, boss, how is the harvest outside?"

Chen Ting shook his head, and Ma Liu laughed, "This autumn festival is very difficult."

Chen Ting's wound twitched. At this time of the year, it was the harvest season. Thinking about the hidden horse-billed nests that had been stepped a little bit, the heart also throbbed.

The horse-billed finch is a kind of exotic animal that hunters like. It is huge, with a wide beak like a horse and full of sharp teeth. The peak period of spawning.

This bird lays an amazing number of eggs, so many that its nest can hardly contain it. Therefore, the horse-billed finches are almost the mothers who are the least able to take care of children in the world. From laying eggs to hatching, they never have many eggs. Have a look.

This is a second-order monster!

The egg contains the extremely pure and original power, even if the content is small, it is more popular than the mature alien animal of the same rank, and the price is more expensive.

Only the original power in the eggs of alien beasts can be enjoyed by ordinary people, and the catalytic effect is excellent.

Any family or force with some strength in the base city can't resist the eggs of any alien beast.

Moreover, stealing a few bird eggs is much easier than digging the placenta in the belly of a mature animal, isn't it.

"Hehe, I'm distracted..."

Ma Liu still had a smiling face, "This boss, at first glance, you are someone who has experience. I heard that it doesn't seem to have a good time outside. The alien beasts sent into the outer city these days are less than 60%. !"

"Oh?" Chen Ting said with interest, "how did you know."

Ma Liu said triumphantly, "I, there is someone up there, Bao Er, do you know? That's the real hunting team that does business with the adults of the hunting team."

Chen Ting thought for a while, "Bao Er? Just a thin guy with a pair of buck teeth?"

"You know?!"

Chen Ting nodded, "I know, why don't you know, the news about Fangfanglang last time, this guy made a formidable money."

Ma Liu shivered in excitement, "You, which team are you from?"

Which team? Daddy's team is still pressing under the jade lion!

Chen Ting was a little irritable, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Ma Liu’s face remained unchanged, "Hey, boss, how about you, the hunting team’s lord, high above, there must be something that can’t fall into Face. If there is something in your hand that wants to get rid of, I’ll dare to say that Ma Liu will be a saddle for you. Before you get off the ground, you won’t receive half of the circulation point..."

It turned out to be this idea.


The heavy wooden door of the tavern suddenly collapsed and flew to the ground, splashed with dust. A dozen black-clothed and masked men quickly rushed in from the door, with a car armband on their right arm, protected by blood-red alien animal bone armor. Chest.

Being alert to danger made Chen Ting stand up subconsciously.

But Ma Liu raised his hands up and shouted at Chen Ting, "Don't get me wrong, don't do it! This hunter-sama just moved from Shangcheng District, he doesn't understand the rules here!"

A petite shadow had been riding on his shoulders for some time, his legs wrapped around his chest, a little bit of cold touch spread from his temples all the way to the depths of his brain, cold sweat dripping down.

More than a dozen people in black stood at the door, and the others rushed into the small door behind the bar.

After a while, a group of women in disheveled clothes ran out screaming.

The man in black followed closely, bringing the proprietress of the tavern, buddy, chef and others out.

"One was killed on the spot, and all the other four were captured."

"Okay, what did you find?"

The two men in black shook their heads, "There are only some crude propaganda pages, no evolvers, and no rebels."

The thin young woman riding on top of Chen Ting bent her head and met his eyes, "What's your name."

"Thunder team, Chen Ting."

Chen Ting can clearly see a hint of surprise and laughter from the seriousness of the man in black, "Oh, you are the hapless guy? Haha, close the team."

Then the thin figure disappeared from Chen Ting's head. A group of black-clothed men walked out of the tavern silently under the pressure of the boss’s wife and others. The door panel fell on the ground with a bang, and automatically bounced into the door frame, tightly closed and thin. The voice of the man in black came from outside again, "I'll take it for today's wine money!"

Chen Ting puffed back and sat back in the chair, "Who are they?"

Ma Liu jumped into the bar and filled it with beer, carrying a few skewers of rat steaks in his hand, "The dark eyes of Xiacheng District are catching people everywhere these days. There are all kinds of people, evolving people, Practitioners, ordinary people, There are even beggars who are about to starve to death...Hey, Boss Chen has never seen them, right?"

"The scar of Jinzi team? What are you going to do, ah!!!"

"Do not!!!"

Outside the door, there was a sharp scream, followed by a thumping fight.

Chen Ting rushed out and saw that there was a bloody stump in the alley. The young woman who was at least a Tier 4 master was fighting with a huge shadow.


The black shadow roared, and his blood-red eyes like beasts were particularly frightening in the darkness. He slammed the black-clothed woman into flight on one side and rushed towards Chen Ting.

Chen Ting was shocked, not to mention that he is recovering from a serious injury, but he is still intact and not enough for this monster to handle.

The lights in the tavern illuminated the monster's face, bloody and skinless, and a huge gap in the center of the twisted muscle fibers divided a face diagonally, hideous and ugly.

A flash of lightning flashed across Chen Ting's mind, "Wei's scarred face happened? A living corpse?"

The alley was so cramped that Chen Ting couldn't hide, and fisted like a fate to block.



Chen Ting's arm made a series of skeletal explosions, twisting into strange shapes.

The monster sprayed two air currents from its nostrils, swiping its arms and patted Chen Ting's face like a fly.

Chen Ting's face burst open like a watermelon, and the left half of his face flew out of his face. The white cheekbones were exposed in the air, and then he hit the wall.

Chen Ting leaned in the alley, the blood flow in his eyes made him unable to see anything clearly, and his ears reverberated with miserable shouts, tearing bones, and chewing, and countless faint spots of light lit up in Mingguang City.

"Invasion of living corpses!"


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