Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 968 Ancestral temper

On the hillside several kilometers thick above Uncle Warlock's head, the flat and flat Lin was helplessly looking at the vulture who had just landed next to him affectionately.

The hairline of this vulture has receded to the base of the neck. The skin of the neck without any feathers is dark red, and the black hook mouth is on the front of the bald skull. The same standing posture looks quite funny.

One person and one vulture looked at each other for quite a while, and the two sides looked evenly matched.

Cough, Lieutenant General Leng didn't even think that the warlock who stayed to protect Lin Chou had just left to look for food on her front foot, and the warlock on the back foot lost her play.

"Slightly slightly slightly~"

Lin Chou winked at the fat old vulture a little bored.

This is a greedy second-order red-topped vulture. Its dark-green pupils are flashing with grabbing light. Its sharp claws and hooked beak can tear the carapace and fur of a third-order alien beast. , Even on the ground is not inferior to most of the same rank alien beasts.

When the old vulture was pacing, his toes rubbed against the lapis lazuli and made a rough, sour teeth sound, and sparks popped out of his feet from time to time.

The vulture is a very patient creature, especially this red-headed vulture is one of the best. It is said that they can stare at their favorite ingredients for a long time for their favorite "taste" and "ripeness". Month long.

There are many evolutionaries who were badly injured in the wilderness and were extremely lucky to climb back to the base city to survive. They said that the red-headed vulture is definitely a psychological shadow they can't get rid of for a lifetime-that kind of sneaky eyes all the time Thinking about you, or the feeling of thinking about you after death and the meat on your body that is about to rot, is really tingling.

However, the red-headed vulture is very lazy, afraid that it needs only a little bit of strength to crush an ant, and it will still not be able to move.

They come with the smell of blood and the imminent death of their souls, but they will never get involved in the Death "process" of their favorite ingredients. They will only silently be a witness with their eyes and their bodies squatting on the side.

When hordes of red-topped vultures fell from the sky and stood neatly and silently watched the "food" gradually die, the scene even had a grand and solemn ritual.

In fact, after the red-topped vultures confirmed the target Death, it was the beginning of the carnival.

The ingredients will naturally "ferment" for about three days after the ingredients are hung up. For the red-topped vultures, this "maturity" is the most wonderful. During this period, they will stick to the ingredients and cook in a certain way (? ??), until the ingredients are matured, whoever is disturbed must be a life-and-death fight-if you can't beat them, they will start calling friends and calling friends.

You don’t want to eat it yourself, and you don’t let others eat it. Where is the truth in the wilderness?

The stubborn behavior of the red-headed vultures makes every appearance of them almost always accompanied by a small killing event.

The fat old vulture doesn't mind the small actions of "food" in front of him. After all, as one of the few elderly seniors in the ethnic group, it has eaten similar food many times and has quite experience:

The meat is very fresh and tender, there is no need to tear off the fur at all, the bones are as delicious as the meat, and they are crunchy and crunchy...

Lin XX and the old vulture stared at each other for a long time,

"It feels like it perfectly avoided the fact that it is a bird..."

The effect of forced hostility is that Mao is useless for this thing? ?

Your honest temper is from the ancestors~

Well, the main reason why Lin Chou cares about this vulture so much is that he is too hungry to bear it...

Smaller mosquito legs are meat! Besides, this vulture doesn't look so unpalatable~

It's a pity that they didn't even mean to pay attention to him. They kept a proper distance from Lin Chou, not far or near, and politely pacing back and forth holding their wings.

The hunger came earlier than Lin Chou expected, and was more ferocious. Lin Chou looked at the vulture more and more fascinated and hungry, and his saliva was dripping.

"A sin... Heavenly Dao is good Samsara... It's time for this handsome to experience [Endurance] and [Four Seas]..."①

I don’t know how long it took, Leng Han’s voice came.

"Where is the warlock? What are you whispering to a vulture?"

A Tier 2 red-topped vulture was nothing but annoying. It was just that putting Lin Chou in front of them would not necessarily break the defense.

Lin Chou said with a desolate face,

"Steamed lion's head with stewed pork elbow and fat intestines and liver tip."

Leng Han: "???"

Lin Chou said,

"I said that our brothers talked about grilling elbows and steaming lion's head."God, go crazy!

Leng Han stretched out his hand and condensed a lump of ice on Lin Chou's face.

"Hungry hallucinations..."

Haiqingshishan has no grass, scarce animals, and a very large area. After Lenghan spent half a day, he only killed a hapless rock sheep nearby, found a handful of wild wheat, and returned to the slope with enough firewood.

Leng Han was not particularly surprised after learning that the uncle Warlock had lost himself to the game. He just said faintly, "If you call the Warlock for help in the future, try to pick the three yellows when you or the Warlock are in your hands."

Lin Sorrow's black question mark face: "..."

Ah Leng, feudal superstition is terrible! !

It just smashed a bit, it has nothing to do with the maverick bad luck of the warlock, right?

The sack of the ball--

Since the warlock cannot be blamed, who is to blame, Leng Han?

Hahaha hiccup, stop joking~

Lin Moumou quietly liked Own wit.

Can't refute!

Refutation becomes a proposition!

There is no doubt that this is the pot of Uncle Warlock!

Over there, Leng Han had already lit the fire and hurriedly skewered the whole open rock sheep on the branch.

Lin Sorrow:

"You need to use branches on the limbs to make a ‘feng’ shape..."

"It's not easy to turn over if you slip..."

"I have salt and pepper in the left pocket of my shirt..."

"Wrong, wrong, that is cumin powder and iron vine's early..."

"How about chili noodles? Where did I put the chili noodles?"

This rock sheep should still be a cub, and all the weight of the sheep should not exceed two hundred catties. The meat is fine white and tender, with sufficient moisture and oil. The flame is crackling, and the surface of the rock sheep is coated with a touching layer. Grease brown red.

After hesitating, Leng Han pulled Lin Chou's head on his lap.

Lin Chou was stunned, looking at the delicate red chin just above him in shock.


How can this be more exciting than putting your head on the thigh of someone else’s girlfriend? ?

A piece of mutton was handed to his mouth, and Lin Chou subconsciously reached out to pick it up. As usual, it was a series of "clicks".

"I feed you."

The mutton was stuffed into his mouth, and Leng Han also pricked the pestle with his fingers-almost tamping the mutton in Lin Chou's mouth.

"The seasoning is a bit bitter if you put it early, the salt is not delicious, and it's a bit burnt...well..."

Lin Chou was choked and rolled his eyes frantically, swallowing the meat in his mouth with a grunt.


However, a leg bone had already hit his small and delicate front teeth.

Lin Chou didn't even hesitate,


"Yeah! This lamb leg is roasted well, it is fragrant, tender and fat but not greasy!"

Leng Han asked while feeding.

"How about it, how long will it take?"

As he eats, a warm current rushes from his belly to all parts of his body, and the numb itching and tingling work together on Lin Chou's body.

"His... It's good... It won't take long for the bones to grow... Don't even think about fighting for the time being..."

Leng Han frowned,

"Actually, there are magic plant essences on the boat, and there are all kinds of grades. I didn't bring it with me..."

Lin Chou hurriedly waved,

"This prodigal mother...cough... how expensive is that stuff, it's not okay, it's not okay, my body is so good, it's delicious, and it will be better soon."

Mom is grinning so dangerously, when can this mouth not be so active with the brain, and blurt out really? ?

A sheep quickly entered Lin Chou's stomach, and the injury healed at an incredible speed. Lin Chou could already slightly raise his hand.

Satisfied, he patted his belly and looked at the old vulture not far away.


The old vulture spread its wings, crowed loudly, and finally flew away unwillingly.

"Why don't you run, you will eat a roasted vulture if you stay, and it's not too late to leave~" Lin Chou muttered, "Warlock is too unreliable. Is the skill cool down so long? Why doesn't he come back? "

There was a handful of wheat ears in what Leng Han brought back. When it was still tender and pulpy, a few round, round, green, shining, jewel-like wheat grains could be obtained by rubbing it with your hand.

"It looks good, where did I find it..."

Leng Han has become accustomed to Lin Moumu’s way of speaking, and ignores his old line in three sentences.

"Just not far at the foot of the mountain, there is a large tract of wheat, which is growing well."

"Wait for me to make a mark, and come back next time to get it."


Leng Han went down the mountain twice and brought back three rock sheep of different sizes. After eating these sheep, Lin Chou could barely get up and move around.

I have to say that Lin Chou's physique is so powerful that even Leng Han is surprised. There are not a few intact bones left in his whole body. After eating something to supplement his nutrition, he is alive and kicking again?

Lin Chou rolled up his arm net sleeves,

"Hey, two days... no... one day, one day later, this commander won't give you this mountain upside down, I will give you your last name!"

But Lin Chou was suffocated.

The thief who stole the fur ball is under his ass, but he can only have the salty fish waiting for someone to eat there!

Lin Chou's voice hasn't faded yet.


The mountain range at the foot trembled violently, as if the entire sea lapis lazuli mountain range was a whole, a living thing.

Lin Chou was taken aback.

"My just talk about it casually...Don't take it seriously..."

Later, there was movement from the sky.

Leng Han suddenly raised his head.


An antique giant well descended from the sky, and the voice of Mimi Mi Mi and countless echoes could be heard.

"Boss, boss, Master Warlock is back! With that cocoon and a dead man!"

"My boss, don’t move, I’ll drag you back... leave you..."

In the black sinking sea, the ships of the Second Bandit Brigade surrounded the giant cocoon formed by the fur ball, and crisscrossed cables were used to fix it.

Lin Chou gently stroked the "skin" of the hair ball, and the fluffy mycelium felt very comfortable."Strange, why is there no movement?"

Everyone in the boat was excited about seeing the "Bloody Tribulus" and took a group photo as a souvenir.

Mimi said with emotion,

"Oh my God, this is too big, isn't it a few hundred meters high?"

Mi Mi swallowed her saliva,

"I am more concerned about how much energy is needed to drive Lin Boss' pet furball to wear this so-called skin bag... I heard that it is not vegetarian... well... literally not vegetarian... ."

Terrifying power means more terrifying appetite, this is Mingguang's theorem.

Mimi stopped talking and suddenly felt a little chill in her back.

Leng Han walked aside and uncovered the cloth on the bloody corpse, "Huh? Liu Renjun? You killed him?"

Uncle Warlock is all hidden in the cloak, and the emoticon on the top of his head has been updated to [a mess.jpg]

Uncle Warlock was very unhappy, very unhappy.

In his hand, he carried the miniature mace and weighed it over and over,

"No, he ran away."

Leng Han frowned,

"Then this is..."

The warlock said,

"His transformation ritual has been successful, and the body has been abandoned, and it will continue to exist in the form of soul + spiritual entity."

Leng Han's brows were twisted together.

"It's even harder to get rid of him now..."

The soul always feels much more difficult to deal with than a living person.

The warlock chatted,

"But there are still gains. I overturned one of Liu Renjun's old ancestors-maybe this old fellow named Anzu was the original original member of the rebellious party. I must know a lot."

The warlock took out an empty beer bottle,

"Hey, right here, don't break it, it will run away."

There was a vague and dim shadow in the wine bottle with a bit of alcohol, and it was barely visible that it was in the shape of a small person, but the body was riddled with holes like rags, and the limbs were even more torn. Hanging like noodles.

This is the first time Lin Chou has seen this kind of operation.

The warlock scratched his head,

"The chance of failure is very high, unless the person who signed the contract voluntarily...otherwise do you think Liu Renjun escaped..."

It’s embarrassing to say that even the uncle warlock didn’t realize that the ground transfer formation in the underground space was actually part of the entire transformation ritual. Just for a moment, all the living corpses and blood corpses in the underground space exploded and sacrificed, and Liu Renjun’s transformation The ceremony was forcibly successful...

When he rushed out of the teleportation formation carrying the fur ball, he appeared directly in the seabed crack where the living corpses had disappeared.

As for Liu Renjun, naturally he was not here.

The thought of this warlock makes my teeth ticklish,

"See you for a long time, see you for a long time, how idle these guys are... Who's special has ever seen someone who opens a'back door' in a portal and installs that'emergency escape green channel'... said. .."

Lin Chou opened his mouth. I don't know why he thinks the emergency escape green channel of the portal backdoor version that caused the warlock uncle to be devastated is probably developed specifically for the warlock~

At this time, another ship uploaded a message,

"Boss, the sea beast has withdrawn! The virtual beast has also withdrawn!"

Leng Han paused and put away the beer bottle.

"I need to return to Mingguang immediately."

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