
Ling Feng was startled and quickly put his thoughts into his mind.

In his mind, Ling Feng saw something similar to a light gate, and he quickly put his thoughts into it.

As a result, he went in and saw that this was a huge space. Every corner of the entire space appeared in his mind with a thought.

The entire space was empty, and the space area was very large, so large that the boundaries could not be seen clearly.

A virtual interface similar to a computer screen appeared above the space, and some text appeared on it.

It was an introduction to the system.

[This system is a 100-fold space replication system. All owners of items collected in the space can choose to replicate a hundred times or improve the quality a hundred times]

[The entire space is in a state of time stillness, and the state of all collected items will be frozen at the moment the items enter]

Ling Feng looked at the introduction of the system and was instantly ecstatic.

Hundred-fold replication?

This system is simply too powerful. There are no fancy things, and it focuses on cost-effectiveness!

With the help of this system, I will never have to worry about my supplies running out in the future.

As long as I stockpile billions of supplies and then copy them a hundred times...! ! !

In the future apocalypse, I will definitely be the most comfortable person on the entire Blue Star!


Ling Feng spent a full ten minutes to calm down his emotions!

The system is simply too heaven-defying, and it can be called a perverted existence in the apocalypse. I must keep this secret in my heart!

A man is innocent, but he is guilty of holding a treasure!

Without enough self-protection, I can't easily use it in front of others!

Ling Feng decided to try to use the system to see how it works.

With a thought, he put the baton beside the bed into the system.

As for why there is a baton beside the bed.

Of course it is for self-defense. He lacked a sense of security since he was a child, and he always kept a weapon under his pillow.

An interface appeared immediately when the baton entered the system space.

The interface is very simple, with only two selection buttons

[Copy a hundred times]

[Improve quality a hundred times]

With a thought, he chose to improve quality a hundred times.

The whole baton flashed with light and floated in the space.

Ling Feng took the baton out of the space and observed the changes.

The moment he took it in his hand, he clearly felt that the weight had become a little heavier than before. In addition, the toughness of the baton was lighter and the hardness was higher.

"The system is really amazing, and the quality has really improved!"

Ling Feng was ecstatic. He gradually put all the things in his home into the system space.

Some home appliances, furniture, computers, game consoles, all tried once...

The system space took everything in, as long as it was a single item, all could be taken in.

Ling Feng also tried to take some living things in. He took a goldfish from his own fish tank in.

However, after the goldfish was taken into the space, it did not violate the system's copy function.

After he took the goldfish out of the space, the goldfish had died.

"It seems that the system cannot take living things."

After a series of attempts, Ling Feng finally had a basic understanding of the system space.

The function of the entire system is very powerful, and the things taken in are in a static state.

That means you can store a lot of vegetables and fruits in the space.

And you don't have to worry about them rotting and spoiling.

This is much more useful than a cold storage!

Ling Feng also tried to put a cup of hot water in, and it was still the same temperature when he took it out.

"Wuhu ~ Great!"

With this system, while hoarding supplies, you can also have a "zero-yuan purchase" before the end of the world!

Anyway, if I don't take it, others will take it, so it's better to let me take it!

Ling Feng didn't feel guilty about this behavior.

It's the end of the world, who cares so much!

Thinking of this, Ling Tian had a bottom line in his heart!

But after grandpa passed away, the Ling family's inheritance will soon be announced, which is a matter of a few days.

I have to get money, guns, supplies, and women as soon as possible...

Uh, let's talk about the last one later!


The phone call notification sounded.

Ling Feng picked up his phone and looked at the screen

"Wang Long"

It was Wang Long, his comrade in the special forces, and also his best friend.

He and Wang Long had been friends since childhood. After graduating from high school, they agreed to join the army together and ended up in the same unit.

People say that the best relationship between men is to have been in the same class together, to have carried guns together, to have done things together...

They didn't miss a single one!

After retiring from the army, Wang Long opened a shooting gallery with the help of his parents!

Thinking of this, Ling Feng immediately had an idea.

Pick upAnswering the phone


"Hello, you! You are so slow to answer the phone in broad daylight, are you watching a movie?"

Wang Long's teasing voice sounded on the other end of the phone. Listening to the bangs, he should be in the shooting gallery!

"Go to hell, why are you looking for me!"

The two have been used to each other's speaking habits since they were young, and there is no restraint when they talk.

"Are you free tonight? Come out and wash your feet! It's been a long time since I last washed them!"

"Long? Didn't I just wash my feet the day before yesterday? I'll break my skin if I wash my feet again!"

Ling Feng was speechless. This kid is addicted to washing feet every day. Since he first came into contact with foot washing by chance in high school, he can't help himself!

The foot-washing girl memorized the license plate more skillfully than his own ID card.

No one in the whole Annan City is more familiar with foot-washing cities, big and small, than him!

"Stop talking nonsense and come here!"

"I'm telling you, there are a few new people in Jinmuxuan, and they look so..."

"Okay, okay, I'll go to your shooting range to play with a few guns first, prepare a VIP room for me!"

After hanging up the phone, Ling Feng prepared to pack up and go to the shooting range.

Ling Feng went to the shooting range quite often.

First, Ling Feng loved playing with guns since he was a child. He liked to hold toy guns when he was a child. I believe that no man doesn't like to play with guns when he was a child.

During his time in the army, he was always a sniper because of his accurate shooting skills.

So Ling Feng basically went to the shooting range to practice shooting whenever he had time.

Another reason is that the owner of the shooting range is Wang Long, and the two have a close relationship.

The two often go to the foot massage parlor after playing with guns in the shooting range... to play with guns!

Ling Feng put on his leather jacket and sunglasses and came to the garage.

He wiped his tears.

Ling Feng doesn't like to drive a sports car, but only likes to drive a motorcycle.

He likes the feeling that death is like the wind, always accompanying him!

Ling Feng sat on the motorcycle and stepped on the accelerator


The motorcycle was ejected instantly.

In the extremely cold weather of the previous life, everyone could only stay at home, and his beloved car had been piled up in the garage to collect dust.

Back to the normal world, riding a motorcycle for a ride, in the breeze, I just feel comfortable all over.

Ling Feng looked through the rearview mirror and saw that there were no vehicles in front and behind, so he turned the accelerator to the bottom.

The motorcycle drove quickly towards the destination with a huge roar...

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