Guo Weihui was suddenly excited.

The worst fear happened, but it was also expected that so many veterans’ families would gather together.

The probability of corpse transformation is soaring.

Any person who turns into a zombie may bite a group of people.

Fortunately, he was prepared early.

“Quick, send someone to inform Xiao Xiao and evacuate to the Nancheng Bridge with her mother.”

The headquarters and the family area were piled up with a large number of sandbags to form a separation wall.

Even if all the people in the family area turn into zombies.

I can’t rush in for a moment and a half.

They still have time to retreat.

Soon, Guo Xiaoxiao took his mother and met with Guo Weihui.

Let’s go.

A group of high-level officers of the headquarters, plus a hundred guards, all withdrew towards the South City Bridge.

On the other side of the bridge were garrisons armed with heavy firepower.

Even if the zombies in the family area rushed over, the garrison could kill with heavy fire.

At this time.

Gunfire raged throughout the command.

The soldiers who remained at the headquarters were killing the families of the veterans who had been killed.

Guo Weihui and his party finally came to the middle of the Bridge of Nancheng Bridge.

They didn’t dare to go any further.

In the middle of the bridge is a red line, and if you cross it, you will shoot.

At this time, a man in protective clothing drove to the middle of the bridge.

“Guo Taishou, what happened to the headquarters?”

The people who came were the commanders of the garrison at Nancheng Bridgehead, who naturally knew Guo Weihui and did not regard them as mobs trying to escape.

Guo Weihui touched a handful of cold sweat on his forehead.

“Some people in the veterans’ family area have changed their bodies and bitten a lot of people, so we just temporarily evacuated and waited for the soldiers who stayed behind to clean up the zombies before going back.” ”

The meaning of this sentence is to explain the reason.

It is also a signal to the other side that we are not deserters, but only temporary retreat.

For a time, Guo Weihui’s psychological five-flavorEd Chen Zhi.

He is the Taishou of S City.

At this moment, it is also necessary to explain to a small commander the reasons for the withdrawal.

This time, another time.

That’s when it happened.

A civilian personnel of the headquarters had a cold sweat on his forehead.

The green tendons in the neck also bulged.

Gritting his teeth, he was bracing himself, trying to defeat himself with his will.

That’s right.

The body of this civilian minister is suffering from the bites of thousands of ants.

He didn’t dare to catch himself.

As long as you catch it, you will be found by the person next to you, and you will definitely be shot in the head.

He wanted to live.

So he silently held on, even if his lips were biting and bleeding, he didn’t scratch himself.

However, he was unable to overcome the corpse change in the end.

In the blink of an eye, I lost my mind.


With a low roar, the corpse turned into a civilian staff member and bit down on the neck of a woman.


Guo Xiaoxiao’s eyes widened, and her mother was actually bitten by her side.

“Go and die!”


The corpse-turned-civilian staff was shot in the head, and Guo Xiaoxiao looked at his mother, and the blood on his neck had flowed.

At this point, the two were one step away.

But it is like an abyss.

She wanted to grab her mother’s hand and comfort her.

However, the hand that was half outstretched did not hold it for a long time, and at this moment the tears came out of his eyes.

Guo Weihui watched his wife being bitten.

Suddenly it felt like the world was spinning.

My son is dead, my wife is dying, what am I still doing in this city?

God don’t let people live!

Guo Weihui sat on the ground as if he had lost his soul.

“Xiao Xiao, Mom’s all right.”

“Mom won’t turn into a zombie.”

“Mom is going to watch you get married, she’s going to bring you kids, I’m going to be a grandmother, uh-huh…”

That’s when it happened.

A pair of handcuffs handcuffed Guo Mu’s hands, and it was the bridge commander who sighed and said:

“Guo Taishou, cherish the last time.”

“If you have anything to say to Mrs. Guo, please hurry up.”

Guo Weihui looked at his wife.

At this moment, he didn’t know what to say, he could only hold back the tears, holding back a smile that was worse than crying, looking at his lover from a distance.


Guo Xiaoxiao angrily drew his pistol and kept shooting at the Wenbu zombies who had already been killed.

Until a magazine runs out.

Still not relieved, she yelled at the corpse:


“Why are you so selfish, knowing that you are about to change, but you don’t tell the people around you?”

“You coward.”

“If you’re afraid to die, you’ll bite my mother.”

“You bastard!”

Guo Xiaoxiao finally realized how terrible human selfishness is.

She used to be the Flower of the Police Station.

There is a too conservative father, everyone takes care of her, catch a few thieves every day, how great she feels.

The police station because of Guo Weihui’s face.

She was never allowed to handle some cruel and bloody cases.

She has been living in the sun.

I feel that the world is full of love and selfless dedication.

Until the outbreak of the T virus.

Zombies walk the streets, and she still feels that the biting zombies are only losing their humanity because of lesions.


In this dangerous city, she saw some pictures that subverted her three views.

Mothers abandon their children in order to survive.

The husband hid that he had been bitten, and finally the corpse turned into a corpse and bit his wife to death.

This is still true of loved ones.

Strangers are more indifferent.

Guo Xiaoxiao always believed that everyone had lost their minds just because of fear.

Until the mother is bitten.

He was bitten by a man who knew that he was about to be transformed into a corpse, because he was afraid of death and concealed.

She suddenly woke up.

How selfish and indifferent human nature is.

At this time, Guo Xiaoxiao’s mother had become a zombie.

She roared low and pounced on it to bite.

However, he was handcuffed and his body was poorly balanced, so he fell to the ground.

People nearby immediately ran away.

But no one fired, because she was handcuffed without threat, and it was Mrs. Taishou again.

The mother got up again and bit the man.

As a result, he fell again.

Suddenly, Guo Xiaoxiao felt that her mother was being watched like a clown, and she wiped away her tears and replaced the pistol with a new magazine.

Then raise your gun.


Her mother fell, and Guo Xiaoxiao was reborn.

PS: Ask for flowers

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