Chapter Ninety-Six I’m not ruling over puppets! Golden Sweep!!

In Xiao Yu’s opinion.

Since the curse contract is a framework for restraining the behavior of the survivors.

At the very least, violence should be included.

But Lü Man did not, Xiao Yu believed that with her shrewdness, it was impossible not to think of these.

Moreover, there is also a legal department director Liu Yan, who collaborated with her to draw up this contract.

Such a loophole should not occur.

Face Xiao Yu’s rhetorical question.

Lu Man still looked calm, no flustered or embarrassed expression.

She was silent for a second.

Then he asked, “Captain, before I answer your question, can I ask you a question?” ”

In fact, Xiao Yu did not like this anti-guest-oriented feeling.

Obviously, I asked you first.

But listening to Lu Man’s tone, it seems that there are some things to say to himself.

“Well, you ask.”

Lu Man sorted out the wording: “Captain, I want to know, what is the purpose of your base area, is it convenient to tell me?” ”

Xiao Yu did not answer immediately.

He couldn’t help but think of a lot of images in his head.

They are all memories of past lives.

From the appearance of the T virus, one person after another was bitten to death, and later began to infect, and the zombie crisis broke out.

He escaped from S City after nine deaths.

Later joined the Survivors Camp, a camp stationed in Jiangxinzhou.

I thought zombies couldn’t swim.

They can live stealthily.

But the zombies evolved, and the camp was soon washed in blood, with more than a hundred people and less than ten people coming out alive.

He continued to hide in Hiding.

A larger camp was added, only to be washed in zombie blood.

The ins and outs.

He joined seven or eight organizations, none of whom survived.

Or be swept away by the tide of corpses.

Or be washed in blood.

In the end, he himself died in the mouth of the zombie, and if it were not for the mercy of heaven and resurrection, she would have become a dry bone now.

Xiao Yu had seen too many people die.

He was afraid of wandering alone.

Countless times he woke up from a nightmare in which he was left alone.

That’s what he’s most afraid of inside.


Xiao Yu let out a soft breath and said slowly, “If everyone is dead, the person who is alive in the end is only physically alive.” ”

People are never afraid of difficulties.

What is feared is that there is no hope.

As long as the fire is still there, there will be countless people who want to turn the fire into a fire!

“I’m not a hero or a saint.”

“I’m even selfish and cold-blooded.”

“I didn’t think about the future continuation of human civilization.”

“I just…”

Xiao Yu didn’t say anything, he felt that this was his weakness, it was a soft help.

Even if it’s your own team.

He was also reluctant to say it.

But Lu Man helped him out: “You are just afraid of being alone, afraid that everyone will die and you will be left alone?” ”

Lu Man’s eyes were still calm and clear.

Radiating a radiance of wisdom, he stared straight at Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu did not deny it.

Nor did it admit it.

Lu Man continued: “Why shouldn’t I, when I escape, I just think I can survive.” ”

“But when it settles down.”

“Think about this terrible apocalypse, if one day everyone dies…”

“I can’t imagine it.”

“I think even the apocalyptic thugs, the murderous maniacs, will feel fear and sorrow for this.”

Xiao Yu didn’t want to dwell on this issue anymore.

“Well, now it’s time to answer me why so many details are missing from the contract.”

“Although these details cannot have a substantial impact on the security of the base areas.”

“But I don’t understand.”

“Obviously it can be more standardized, why do you want to miss it?”

Lu Man showed a rare smile.

The mood seems to be much better.

She said, “That’s why I just asked you why you wanted to set up a base area.” ”

“I’ve got the answer.”

“In fact, our ideas may be different, but they are essentially the same, and we want more people to come together.”

“Whether it’s continuing into the future.”

“Or find a sense of belonging to the same kind.”

“What we manage is always a living group of people, not machines.”

“If we tie the survivors too rigidly.”

“All you get in the end is a bunch of soulless puppets.”

Lu Man spoke.

Let Xiao Yu suddenly have some feelings.

Once upon a time, this nation was ruled by foreign races, its behavior was restricted, its thoughts were enslaved, and many people lost their strong backbones.

The end result is to be invaded, slaughtered, and looted by more alien races.

Until national consciousness awakens.

Countless people have paid the price of their lives to save the nation from danger.

If I also restrict the behavior of the survivors too much, it is tantamount to enslaving their minds, and I end up with a bunch of puppets without egos.

That’s not what I want.

Lu Man continued: “Captain, people have thoughts and feelings, and we should properly retain the humanity that survivors should have. ”

“When they’re angry, they hit people.”

“When you’re hungry, you steal food from your companions.”

“Women who can’t get it will use rhetoric to trick them into bed.”

“Retain the most basic characteristics of these human beings, so that they will not become soulless puppets, and we will not rule over a bunch of machines.”

Xiao Yu kept analyzing Lü Man’s words.

In fact, this curse contract has ensured the safety and stability of the base area.

Re-depth specification.

It is too strong and counterproductive.

Xiao Yu looked at Lü Man, smiled slightly, and nodded, which was considered to be her recognition by Xiao Yu.

Lü Man was also very happy, and even smiled again, which surprised Liu Yan on the side, Lu Zong rarely laughed so often.

It seems interesting to the chief.

“Okay, let’s hurry up and copy the contract.”

Curse contracts are drawn up with mental power, and naturally they also need to be copied with spiritual power, and due to the large number, the consumption is very large.

However, there is Xiao Yu Infinite Girl.

The mental exertion was negligible, and the two of them quickly copied a large pile, piece by piece of A4 paper, full of dense terms.

If you look closely.

Every word is strange, as if it contains some mysterious power.

By this time, it was already dawn, and the team members were getting up one after another.

After everyone washed up and came around to eat breakfast together, Xiao Yu thought of one more thing.

“That’s right.”

“You make another video, on a satellite map, mark the location of our base, and then post it to the major platforms.”

“Tell survivors on both sides of the river that there is no access to land and you can take the waterway.”

“But be sure to warn.”

“Zombies can swim, and if you walk on the water, you must not spend the night on the boat.”

“Also mark where to land.”

After all, the water in the area behind Ichichi Mountain is turbulent, and it must be landed in advance, otherwise it will be washed away.

After breakfast.

The crowd came down the hill and began to get busy again.

There were already several survivors waiting at the interview point, supposedly escaping in the middle of the night last night…

A dozen people walked halfway through it was dark.

So I spent the night in a private house.

Zombies broke through the gate in the middle of the night, and only three people escaped here alive.

The loss is a bit big.

Taking advantage of the fact that the construction site had not started in the morning, Han Kexin gathered everyone together and came one by one to sign the curse contract.

The survivor took a look at the contract.

The content is a bit strange, what murders the leader, immediate death, strong women and women immediately self-palace and so on.

It looks childish.

It’s not like a contract at all.

One can’t help but wonder which elementary school student drew up the contract.

But everyone didn’t think much about it.

And if you don’t lose anything, sign it.

Brush brush brush.

The signing was fast, and as each name fell on the contract, the power of the curse took effect.

“Well, if you sign it, don’t delay.”

“All go to their respective posts.”

Wu Daqing roared and led the survivors to the construction site, and the crowd began to get busy.

However, the construction site had long been designed by Xia Yao with an architect’s magic pen.

Just enter the construction site.

So someone’s movements, like fast-forward movies, are fast-paced.

Today, Bai Qianyi and Yi Qiushui also led mobile troops to continue to clear the roads around the base area.

Xiao Yu was happy to be idle.

With the curse contract, he basically had no worries.

Just wait for the base area to expand step by step.

To say that the only thing missing now is gold, the magic machine tool is too expensive, without gold there is no magic car.

This is also the reason why the mobile force has not been able to expand.

“I’m fine today anyway.”

“Just go sweep the gold!”

With Xiao Yu’s light skills and the bug of infinite women, there is no place in this world that he can’t go.

That’s it!

“KeXin, I’ll go out.”

Xiao Yu performed a light feat, floating down to the foot of the mountain, and then releasing black muscles.

As the locomotive roared, heading in the direction of the ancient capital.

Xiao Yu didn’t plan to go to L City.

He was going to sweep the ancient capital of the provincial capital, which had been under control until it erupted in full force.

Therefore, the gold shop was not looted by the mob.

As a provincial capital, the head offices of many banks are also opened here, and the gold reserves of the underground vaults are absolutely unimaginable.

Moved the gold from the gold shop and the vault.

It will be possible to form a large-scale mobile force, whether it is to defend the base areas or to clean up the outside world, and the efficiency will be greatly improved.

It didn’t take long.

The locomotive then got on the highway, 120 kilometers away from the ancient capital, and could be reached in an hour at the speed of Xiao Yu.

Zombies on the highway were knocked off.

At the scene of the car accident, the locomotive directly leaped over, and Xiao Yu rushed to the ancient capital without stopping.

At this time he came to the outskirts of the Fifth Ring Road.

There are already a lot of zombies.

Xiao Yu put away the locomotive, performed the Imperial Qi Light Gong, skimmed over the densely packed zombie heads, and flew all the way to the fourth ring of the ancient capital.

He landed on the top floor of a commercial building.

Take out your phone and type the keyword ‘gold jewelry’ into the city map.


All the gold shops in the ancient capital are displayed, and there are more than 150 in total.

These are big brand stores.

Xiao Yu roughly calculated, a gold store counted inventory, at least 200 pounds of gold.

If you sweep up the gold shops in the ancient capital.

At least 30,000 pounds.

It is possible to modify 300 locomotives, if you count the reserves of the bank vault.

No way!


[There is still a chapter later, 12,000 bases will not be less].

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