An cabin, backyard.

This is the first time Qin Lang brings someone in.

"That's what I know, the core of the nest!"

Everyone stared at the huge tree-like plant in a daze.

"Xiao Hei was also hatched from the core of this nest."

After Qin Lang gave a brief explanation, he took out the corpses one by one from the space ring and threw them as nutrients to the core of the nest. ?.?????.??

Now the space ring has become Qin Lang's special ring for moving corpses.

After a few minutes of mechanical transportation, a large number of corpses were piled up in the corner. When Qin Lang took out a new corpse and looked at the familiar face of the corpse, he couldn't help but sigh heavily.

Lin Mo, a college student who doesn't talk much, has almost no presence in the team.

"Qin Lang, they too..." Lin Wan'er couldn't stand it anymore.

"They are all dead. Rather than burying them in the ground, it is better to feed them to the core of the nest."

Qin Lang replied lightly, and after he finished carrying all the corpses, he looked at the white devil who was brought in by Xu Yun's neck.

From a biological point of view, the white devil is not dead, but his pupils have long been dilated and his soul has been extinguished.

Qin Lang didn't know that the white devil actually spent decades in the deep nightmare.

In fact, in the sixth month after entering the deep nightmare, the white devil went completely crazy. The following hours were pure physical torture.

Qin Lang nodded, and Xu Yun pushed the white devil to the core of the lair.

The core of the nest that was eating suddenly stopped for a moment, as if it had discovered something delicious. Countless black tentacles slowly wrapped around the white devil, and then began to absorb it crazily. In just a few minutes, the white devil turned into a A pile of bones.

"It turns out that feeding living people with high combat power can speed up the growth of the core of the nest. It's a pity. It makes no difference whether you know this information or not. Where can I find so many living people with high combat power."

Qin Lang sighed and asked everyone to leave the backyard.

Returning to the door of An's cabin, everyone felt very depressed looking at the empty and lifeless shelter.

Although they don't particularly care about the death of these people, they have always enjoyed this lively group life. Suddenly they become alone. This gap makes people very uncomfortable, as Qin Lang said: " The difference between reality and reality is that it pays attention to inheritance and transfer, but reality has no foreshadowing. Especially in this cruel end of the world, friends who were chatting happily one second may be killed the next second.”

"When the core of the nest matures for the second time, we will grow vines."

After Qin Lang finished speaking, he turned around and entered the house.

Several people looked at me and I looked at you, and they all sighed.

The third week after the White Devil's sneak attack.

The temperature outside reached a terrifying 47 degrees. At this temperature, not to mention humans, even the earth was baked with cracks, and the huge city turned into a barren ruin.

Compared with the desolation of the outside world, the inside of An's house is like a paradise.

Qin Lang cut open a deformed monster that had just been born from the core of the nest, and found a shiny card from its head.

At first, Qin Lang thought it was a gold card, but when he took it carefully in his hand, he realized that it was not a gold card. It was clearly an extremely rare, extremely rare 'bright gold' card.

"It turns out that there has been 'bright gold' since the third stage of the end of the world."

Qin Lang forced himself to calm down

, carefully opened the card - Occupation - Lone Ranger

"Bright gold professional card!"

Qin Lang exclaimed, even not believing his eyes.

This luck is so incredible, I got a professional card in one shot!

Occupation - Lone Ranger When there are no teammates around you, your various indicators will increase by 100.

The fewer words, the stronger the card!

This is an unwritten rule from the past life.

"This is the t05 bright gold in the lone wolf profession"

Although Qin Lang's strength in his previous life was low, he still knew a lot in terms of knowledge. Some people with special access collected a large amount of information about the end of the world and compiled it into books. Qin Lang had read a lot.

The strongest profession among the lone wolf professions is undoubtedly the autistic patient. It is said that this profession can improve various indicators by 150 to 200. The biggest disadvantage is that it only takes effect when fighting monsters. The more similar humans around you, the greater the effect. Difference.

From this point of view, Qin Lang, a lone ranger, is not bad, at least it can be effective against the enemy.

"I'm used to fighting in a group, so it's a bit difficult for me to be a lone ranger, but...who wouldn't like the icing on the cake, especially this is a bright gold card."

Qin Lang was in a happy mood, he tore the card directly and learned from the Lone Ranger.

Then he took out the flying sword Yongran and took out the core of the nest.

Since he is leaving here to go to Changvine soon, and he doesn't even want the Anhut, he naturally won't keep the core of the nest.

There is a total of one dark gold card, three color cards, and the rest are gold cards in the core of the lair.

The dark gold card is a longbow weapon - Daybreak, which no one in the team can use at present, while the color card is a vehicle and two pieces of food. As for the gold card, Qin Lang doesn't even take a look at it now.

"What!? Did I hear you correctly? Do you want to go to the Mushroom Cave alone?" Lao Li exclaimed exaggeratedly.

Lin Wan'er also hurriedly stopped, "How can this be done! That monster has a fighting strength of 60,000, aren't you going to die?"

Qin Lang smiled and said confidently, "What are you all thinking? I'm alive and well, why would I want to die? I just want to see if I can fight with this level of creatures in my current situation."

"Don't worry, you know how much I cherish my life. This time, I will only bring Xiao Hei and Qzai. You wait for me in the cabin. I will keep in touch with you through spiritual communication at any time."

"But..." Sun Yan hesitated.

Qin Lang raised his hand and touched her head, "Don't worry, I will be back soon."

After saying that, he took a cat and a mushroom and rode a motorcycle to the mushroom cave without waiting for everyone to persuade him.

"Is it considered a lone ranger if you are 10 kilometers away from your teammates?"

Qin Lang silently calculated the distance and nodded.

At this moment, he could feel that the cells in his body were extremely active, and he had endless strength from head to toe.

This is also the main reason why he dared to challenge the 6-power creature in the mushroom cave!

His own combat power reached 3 under the blessing of the Lone Ranger, and he also had the Apostle Curse that was not calculated into the combat power!

According to this estimate, after activating the Lone Ranger profession, his real combat power should be between 4 and 5.

After a few hours of racing.

Qin Lang slid down into the mushroom cave along the original path.

"Woo!" Qzi returned to his hometown, excited with tears in his eyes, jumping and jumping. "An Xiaowu, backyard.

This is the first time Qin Lang brought people in.

"That's it, I know, the core of the nest!"

Everyone stared at the huge tree-like plant in a daze. ?.?????.??

"Xiao Hei was also hatched from the core of this nest. "

After Qin Lang explained briefly, he took out the corpses from the space ring and threw them into the core of the nest as nutrients.

Now the space ring has long become Qin Lang's special ring for moving corpses.

After a few minutes of mechanical transportation, a large number of corpses were piled up in the corner. When Qin Lang took out a new corpse, he looked at the familiar face of the corpse and couldn't help but sighed heavily.

Lin Mo, this college student who doesn't talk much, has almost no presence in the team.

"Qin Lang, they also..." Lin Wan'er couldn't stand it anymore.

"They are dead, it's better to feed them to the core of the nest than to bury them. "

Qin Lang replied indifferently. After he had moved all the corpses, he looked at the white devil who was brought in by Xu Yun with his neck pinched.

From a biological point of view, the white devil was not dead, but his pupils had long been dilated and his soul was extinguished.

Qin Lang did not know that the white devil had actually spent decades in the deep nightmare.

In fact, in the sixth month of entering the deep nightmare, the white devil went completely crazy, and the following time was pure physical torture.

Qin Lang nodded, and Xu Yun pushed the white devil to the core of the nest.

The core of the nest, which was eating, suddenly stopped for a while, as if it had found something delicious. Countless black tentacles slowly wrapped around the white devil, and then began to absorb frantically. In just a few minutes, the white devil turned into a pile of bones.

"It turns out that feeding living people with high combat power can accelerate the growth rate of the core of the nest. It's a pity that there is no difference between knowing this information and not knowing it. Where can I find so many living people with high combat power? "

Qin Lang sighed and asked everyone to leave the backyard.

Back at the door of An Xiaowu, everyone was in a low mood looking at the empty and lifeless shelter.

Although they didn't particularly care about the death of these people, they had always enjoyed this lively group life. Suddenly they became lonely. This gap made people very uncomfortable. As Qin Lang said, "The difference between reality and reality is that reality pays attention to the beginning, development, transition and ending, but reality has no preparation, especially in this cruel doomsday. Friends who were happily chatting in the previous second may be killed in the next second."

"When the core of the nest matures for the second time, we will go to Changteng. "

Qin Lang said and turned to go into the house.

Several people looked at each other and sighed.


The third week after the White Devil's sneak attack.

The temperature outside reached a terrifying 47 degrees. At this temperature, not to mention humans, even the earth was burned out of cracks, and the huge city turned into a desolate ruin.

Compared to the desolation of the outside world, An Xiaowu was like a paradise.

Qin Lang cut open a deformed monster that had just been bred by the core of the nest, and found a shiny card in its head.

At first, Qin Lang thought it was a gold card, but when he took it carefully in his hand, he found that this was not a gold card at all, but an extremely rare and extremely rare 'bright gold' card.

"It turns out that there has been 'bright gold' since the third stage of the apocalypse."

Qin Lang forced himself to calm down

, and carefully opened the card-profession-lone ranger

"Bright gold profession card! "

Qin Lang exclaimed, even a little bit unable to believe his eyes.

This luck is too good, he actually got a career card in one shot!

Profession-Lone Ranger When there are no teammates around, your various indicators increase by 100.

The fewer words, the stronger the card!

This is the unwritten rule in the previous life.

"This is the t05 bright gold in the lone wolf profession"

In the previous life, although Qin Lang's strength was the last, he knew a lot of knowledge. Some people with special channels collected a lot of information about the end of the world and compiled them into books. Qin Lang has read a lot.

The strongest profession among the lone wolf professions is the autistic person. It is said that this profession can improve various indicators by 150~200. The biggest disadvantage is that it only works when fighting monsters. The more human beings around, the worse the effect.

From this perspective, Qin Lang, the lone ranger, is not bad, at least it can work against the enemy.

"I am used to fighting in groups. It is a bit difficult for me to be a lone ranger again, but... who can not like something that adds icing on the cake, especially this is a bright gold card."

Qin Lang was in a good mood and tore open the card directly to learn the lone ranger.

Then he took out the flying sword Yongran and took out the core of the nest.

Since he was about to leave here for Changteng, he didn't even want the An hut, so he naturally wouldn't keep the core of the nest.

There is a dark gold card, three color cards, and the rest are gold cards in the core of the nest.

The dark gold card is a weapon longbow-Dawn, which no one in the team can use at present. The color card is a vehicle and two food. As for the gold card, Qin Lang doesn't even look at it now.

"What!? Did I hear you right? You want to go to the mushroom cave alone?" Old Li exclaimed in exaggeration.

Lin Wan'er also hurriedly stopped him, "How can this be! That monster has a combat power of 60,000. Wouldn't you go there to die?"

Qin Lang smiled and said confidently, "What are you all thinking? I'm alive and well. Why should I die? I just want to see if I can fight with this level of creatures in my current situation."

"Don't worry, you know how much I cherish my life. This time, I will only bring Xiao Hei and Q Zai. You wait for me in the cabin. I will keep in touch with you through spiritual communication at any time."

"But..." Sun Yan hesitated.

Qin Lang raised his hand and touched her head, "Don't worry, I will be back soon."

After saying that, he took a cat and a mushroom and rode a motorcycle to the mushroom cave without waiting for others to persuade him.

"Is it considered a lone ranger if you are 10 kilometers away from your teammates?"

Qin Lang silently calculated the distance and nodded.

At this moment, he could feel that all the cells in his body were extremely active, and he had endless energy from head to toe.

This was the main reason why he dared to challenge the 6-power creature in the mushroom cave!

His own combat power reached 3 with the blessing of the Lone Ranger, and he also had the Apostle Curse that was not calculated into the combat power!

According to this estimate, after activating the Lone Ranger profession, his real combat power should be between 4 and 5.

After a few hours of racing.

Qin Lang slid down into the mushroom cave along the original path.

"Woo!" Qzai returned to his hometown, excited with tears in his eyes, jumping and jumping. "

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