Chapter 143 Texas Insect Tide (1/2)

"You know you regret it now? Sorry, it's too late!"

Qin Lang raised a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth and directly broke the knight captain's neck.

"Oh God! Captain!"

"Oh my God!"

"What kind of monster is this!"

The remaining five people were stunned. The captain, who was almost invincible in melee combat, was killed instantly. Even if it happened right in front of their eyes, they didn't want to believe that it was true.

As the body of the knight captain fell softly, the five remaining people dispersed and fled in all directions.

"If I let you escape, where will my face go?" Qin Lang smiled and chased after him with a series of afterimages.

Ten minutes later, Qin Lang pinched the last blonde doll and said, "Whether you want to die or live, it all depends on you."

"For God's sake... spare me! I want to live!" ?.????.??

This doll is the priest in the team, named ‘Shatata’. She begged, “As long as you don’t kill me, you can do anything you want me to do.”

"I have a few questions for you."

Qin Lang let go of Xia Tata, "Where are you from, and what is the environment there now?"

"I said, I said, we're from Texas, Devon, we control a huge sanctuary, they call me the Seven Horsemen."

Xiatata hurriedly told Qin Lang the information he had in detail, and took him to the entrance under Qin Lang's instructions.

In order to confirm whether his guess was correct, Qin Lang pinched Xiata's neck and walked into the flashing barrier with her.

Still briefly dizzy.

After the dizziness ended, Qin Lang opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings.

To be honest, this place is almost like a vine, with the devastated land, huge eyeball monsters floating in the sky, and heartbreaking screams coming from all around from time to time.

"Huh? Eyeball?"

Qin Lang noticed something was wrong.


The monsters in the sky here are different from the long vines.

"Are the monsters different in each area?"

Just as Qin Lang was thinking, a deputy armed team rushed over, "Captain Xiatata, it's not good. As soon as you entered, our shelter was attacked by a wave of insects. Now it is in danger. If you don't go back, the shelter will be destroyed." So it’s over. Huh? Why are you the only one coming back?”

Xia Tata glanced at Qin Lang and said hurriedly, "The captain has more important things to do, so let me come back alone. This Mr. Qin is our distinguished guest."

"Hello, Mr. Qin." Although the man who spoke spoke an authentic foreign language, he was of yellow race and should have immigrated here.

Qin Lang nodded, "Take me to your shelter."

"This way."

At that moment, a group of people sat in a three-meter-tall giant off-road vehicle and rushed towards the shelter.

On the way back, everyone was besieged by a large number of bugs. Each of these bugs was two meters high, with a strong shell and sickle-like sharp claws. The damage caused by ordinary thermal weapons to them was almost negligible.

However, this group of soldiers who had lived in the apocalypse for more than half a year were not fuel-efficient lamps. They picked up weapons and fought with the insects, and wiped out dozens of insects in a moment.

"It seems that the apocalypse here in Texas is indeed different from that in China."

Although bugs were also encountered in China, the number was not large, unlike here where they swarmed and even formed a tide of bugs.

The group of people arrived at the outskirts of the shelter. Even though Qin Lang was mentally prepared, he was slightly shocked by the scene in front of him.


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What you see is a hundred-meter-high wall, and outside the high wall are tens of thousands of bugs. These bugs come one after another, filling the land outside the wall by stacking corpses. At this time, it is sixty or seventy meters high. .

In addition to ordinary sickle bugs, the insect tide is also mixed with many smaller, winged flying bugs. Their attack method is to spray strong acid from their anus to corrode the enemy.

"Hey, there are also big guys?"

Qin Lang looked further in the direction, and saw a large number of fat green insects that were taller than houses, moving slowly, and their bloated bodies were slowly glowing.

"That's a plasma bug. It can eject plasma from its anus, causing area-wide damage. It's extremely damaging to buildings. Even if our city walls are reinforced, it's impossible to withstand an attack of this scale." Xiatata has already said Completely forgetting that he and Qin Lang were opposites, he actually asked for his help, "Mr. Qin, please save our shelter! Once the shelter is lost, all of us will become food for the Zerg."

"What does the loss of your sanctuary have to do with me? Ms. Shatata, have you forgotten that not long ago you wanted to kill me."

"This..." Xiata was speechless.

"Do you have a place to stock up on cards?" ?.?????.??

Qin Lang's words reminded Xia Tata, her eyes lit up and she said, "There are some! We have a special card warehouse, which is in the captain's basement. I can take you to get it."

"You'd better not lie to me."

Qin Lang moved his hands and feet and took out the ice sword that was exchanged from the pale blood corpse.

As soon as the ice sword was taken out, the temperature inside the car suddenly dropped by more than ten degrees, and some people couldn't help but shiver.

"Drive forward." Qin Lang said.

"But there is a tide of insects ahead. Once we are surrounded, we will"

"What bug wave?"

Qin Lang glanced at him sideways,

Raising his hand and sweeping out a sword, the Holy Slash, which mixed the double damage of light and freezing, fell into the swarm of insects. Hundreds of insects were instantly wiped out, and a large blank space appeared there.

"I know! You are a messenger sent by God to rescue us!"

"Thank God!"

A group of people began to cross their chests devoutly.

Qin Lang sneered at this.

He was a staunch atheist.

If there were really gods, Buddhas, and Gods in this world, then there wouldn't be so many evil people who did evil but were not punished.

The so-called religion is just another form of rule.

"It's the end of the world, and God hasn't come to save you. Your faith is still quite firm."

Qin Lang sneered and continued to draw his sword, killing a large number of insects. When the off-road vehicle drove to the entrance under the city wall, the number of insects killed by Qin Lang reached thousands.

"Open the door! Open the door!"

The driver slammed the horn frantically.

The secret door that could just accommodate the vehicle opened, and everyone rushed in.

"Take me to the basement to get the card."

Qin Lang raised his hand and grabbed Xia Tata's neck, ignoring the inner city which had already been in chaos.

The world is big, earning cards is the biggest.

Five-star General MacArthur once said, "In the end-time environment, nothing is more important than strengthening yourself!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The city wall attacked by plasma worms was crumbling, and the residents were panicking and running around.

Some sickle worms rushed in from some gap and launched a bloody and cruel massacre against the civilians.

Qin Lang didn't even bother to take a look. After arriving at the destination, he pushed Xia Tata directly into the captain's residence. "

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