Chapter 15 Wang Gui’s Plea (1/2)

Earlier, there were communities only a few miles apart.

Wang Gui sat in his living room in a daze.

The blood stains on the floor have been cleaned up, and there are two corpses, one large and one small, lying in the bedroom covered with sheets.

"I'm useless. I can't protect you. Please walk slower. I'll go down to find you right now."

Wang Gui grabbed the pistol on the table and put it against his temple, but just as he was about to pull the trigger and go to the spring to be with his wife and children, there were bursts of exclamations from the community.

Wang Gui came to the window and looked down, and couldn't help being surprised.

Several bright red blood hearts appeared out of nowhere, and the bloody corpses covered in fishy odor and mucus struggled to crawl out. Some of the bloody corpses found their targets and chased after them with wailing screams. There were several residents on the spot who were exchanging cards in the open space. torn to pieces.

"Dad! I'm scared!"

A three or four-year-old boy was standing in the garden howling. Not far away was a bloody corpse that was running towards him, and his father's neck had been bitten off by the bloody corpse. ?.?????.??

"Kids, be careful, be careful!"

Wang Gui is a cowardly person, timid by nature, and the only way to relieve stress is to climb mountains.

But at this moment, he didn't know where the courage came from. His brain was so hot that he jumped from the third floor, and his body hit the green belt heavily.

Ignoring his scratched arm, he hugged the little boy and rushed into the corridor.

The bloody corpse jumped away, became furious, and chased after him. He jumped and bit the little boy on the leg. The little boy fainted from the pain on the spot.

"I'll fucking fight you!"

Wang Gui roared, pulled the trigger, and the bullet smashed the bloody corpse's head into pieces.

The sound of the gunshot alerted the other blood corpses, and these monsters with extremely sensitive hearing and sense of smell all turned their heads.

In the evening, inside the RV at the intersection.

"Come down and take a rest. There should be no bloody corpses nearby."

Qin Lang called Lin Wan'er to get off the roof of the car.

In just two hours, he discovered that Lin Wan'er had extremely strong fighting talent and learning ability. From being timid at the beginning to successive headshots of bloody corpses, he was amazed by how quickly her skills improved.

No wonder Lin Wan'er, a young actor, was able to fight her way through her previous life to find him, who was shivering at home.

"I killed 61 bloody corpses!"

Lin Wan'er jumped into the RV with a happy face and asked Qin Lang for credit.

"Awesome, let's change clothes, take a shower and eat." Qin Lang said with a smile.

After being tense for a long time, Lin Wan'er's coat was already soaked with sweat, her underwear was clearly visible, and her movements were full of joy, making Qin Lang, a vigorous young man in his early twenties, almost unable to control himself.

After rinsing, Lin Wan'er put on a clean white shirt and hot pants and walked out. Her whole body exuded the unique fragrance of shower gel and female hormones.

"Are we leaving here tonight?" Lin Wan'er asked while blowing her hair. She had already made the RV her home.

Qin Lang nodded, "While it's dark, kill all the way."

The blood rain has just ended, and there must be a lot of blood hearts and blood corpses all over the city. It's a great time to hoard resources. It would be even better if you can kill a few night demons by the way.

As for Black Heart, Qin Lang currently has no plans to attack. The mature Black Heart cannot defeat him without an experienced team.

"Qin Lang, are you there?"

Wang Gui's voice came from outside the door, and Qin Lang was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, this man survived, with a dying boy in his arms.

He opened the car door and let Wang Gui in, "Who is this boy?"

"Before the end of the world, his mother was on a business trip and couldn't be contacted. His father... was bitten to death by a monster not long ago." Wang Gui said with a heartbroken face, "He was bitten by a bloody corpse. Can you save him?"

Qin Lang frowned slightly.

At this time, Wang Gui's energy and energy were much better than a few hours ago. It was obvious that he had found new energy from this little boy.

This chapter is not finished, click the next chapter to continue reading Chapter 15 Wang Gui’s Plea (2/2)


Although, things like 'Silver Card Serum' are quite precious, and he only has a dozen of them.

"I have a card, I can exchange it with you."

Wang Gui randomly took out a bunch of blue and green cards from his pocket, "If it's not enough, I'll get them for you again, just give me some time."

"Save people first."

Qin Lang thought for a moment, collected Wang Gui's card, and took out a silver card serum from his body, which was a special injection specially designed to treat bites from blood corpses.

After injecting the serum into the little boy, Qin Lang asked curiously, "How did you stop the bloody corpse? How many people are there in the community?" ?.????.??

Based on Qin Lang's understanding of the residents of the community, there is a high probability that this group of people will be wiped out in this rain of blood.

Wang Gui sighed, "I suggest that we all defend the building together, otherwise it will be a matter of time before we die. Fortunately, they are willing to listen to me. But unfortunately, we are too weak, and we sacrificed more than half of them before we could barely clear out the bloody corpses." , there are probably only thirty or forty people who survived, I don’t know the exact number.”

"Are they all young people who dare to fight?"

Qin Lang's words made Wang Gui stunned for a moment. Then he realized something and his expression became excited, "Yes, yes! The people fighting alongside me are all young people. They are very brave! Some of them have strengthened their talents! You are think……"

Qin Lang chuckled, "Don't be so excited first, I'm just asking casually."

Wang Gui was suddenly disappointed.

"If you feel uneasy at night, I'll take you back. Wan'er, make a cappuccino for Brother Wang."

"Okay." Lin Wan'er hurriedly went to look for the food card.

Qin Lang started the RV and sent Wang Gui and the little boy back to the community.

The community they were in was semi-open, and the guardrails were useless. However, when he came here during the day, the big iron gate was open, but now it was closed. Not only that, it was also locked with several thick chains, and there were people on duty in the security booth.

"I'll go in with Brother Wang first, you keep an eye on the house."

Qin Lang informed him and followed Wang Gui out of the car. The young people in the security booth were excited to see Wang Gui bring Qin Lang back.

They didn't know how strong Qin Lang was, but they saw Qin Lang kill three gangsters in the afternoon. His fighting ability was awesome.

"Brother, are you here to help us?"

Qin Lang knew the young man who spoke. He was the first couple to exchange cards with him in the afternoon. His girlfriend followed him tremblingly. Both of them were covered with dirt and blood, and the smell was quite unpleasant.

It's not their fault. With resource cards so scarce, any water cards would be kept for drinking. Not many people would be so extravagant as to use them for bathing.

"I'll come and take a look."

Qin Lang swept his eyes and saw traces of battle everywhere.

Bloodstains, limbs and corpses were scattered around without any time to be cleaned up. Some survivors who lost their loved ones in the battle cried silently, and more people were like zombies, lost their souls.

"You are the only ones left."

Qin Lang sighed. Wang Gui didn't lie. More than half of the people were dead.

"I'm leaving soon. What are your plans next?" Qin Lang asked casually.

"Mr. Qin, where are you going? Can you take us with you?" As soon as Wang Gui said this, Qin Lang had no expression on his face, but he smiled slightly in his heart.

Wang Gui hurriedly said, "If we stay here, we will be killed by monsters sooner or later. Only by following you can we find a way out."

"Brother, please take us with you! Please! We don't want to die."

The young couple knelt down crying.

Someone started this, and others followed suit. Soon, there were twenty or thirty people kneeling around Qin Lang.

"Everyone stand up and talk."

When everyone stood up, Qin Lang waved his hand, "You want to follow me and find a way out, but you must make three rules. I like to say ugly things in advance.""

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