Chapter 158: Absolute Suppression (1/2)


Lan Yu's breathing attracted the attention of the woman next to him. Her beautiful face looked over with worry, "Lan Yu, what's wrong with you? Are you having a nightmare?"

"Xiao Fei? You...why are you here? Aren't you dead long ago?"

Xiao Fei said angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about? I'm not living well, so why am I dead? Or do you really want me to die?"

"No, no." Lan Yu sat up and rubbed his cheeks vigorously, his thoughts a little confused, "I...had a very long nightmare."


"Well, I dreamed that I was sent by the boss to find a livable place. I found an N3 area. That place was called Yuancheng. I followed the boss's order and killed all the trash fish in this area. But then ...A man appeared, he was very powerful, and I had no power to fight back in front of him." Lan Yu hugged the woman with lingering fear, "Fortunately, this is just a nightmare, it's too real, too scary."

"It's okay, it's okay, just know it's a dream." ?.?????.??

Xiao Fei gently stroked Lan Yu's hair, "We will definitely be able to live well."

"Of course! With the boss here and so many brothers, we have a shelter that is indestructible!" Lan Yu's eyes shone.


There was a commotion outside.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know. Let's go out and have a look."

Lan Yu held Xiao Fei's hand and walked out of the room. When he saw clearly what happened in front of him, his pupils suddenly tightened.

The shelter that he thought was extremely solid was now in ruins.

Dozens of men dressed in black with identical looks were approaching him holding the heads of their comrades.

"You... you are..." Lan Yu trembled with fear. Isn't this man... the man he saw in the n3 area in the nightmare?

"The girl next to you is nice."

The man smiled and threw the 'boss' head on the ground, calling to his companions, "Come on, brothers, let's have some fun together."

"! Xiaofei

! You run! "

Lan Yu screamed and pushed his lover away, but it was no use.

These men in black are incredibly powerful in combat and cannot escape at all.

Soon, the man in black pressed Xiao Fei in front of him, unbuttoned his pants with a wicked smile, "Don't worry, we won't kill her before we destroy her."

"No! No!!! Don't hurt her! She is innocent! You can do anything you want me to do! Don't hurt her!"

The man in black paused and showed a contemptuous smile, "Ants are not qualified to bargain."


Yuancheng, the city lord's mansion.


Lan Yu lay in a pool of blood, vomiting blood from his mouth.

He is not dead, the powerful life force is healing his shattered body.

But it only heals the body, and his soul will never be saved.

Qin Lang held up Guo Lin's head, came to Luo Bing, and said calmly, "You can kill him at any time to avenge your father. He was caught in my fantasy world and his spirit is being tortured in another world."

Luo Bing looked mechanically at Lan Yu, who was kneeling on the ground, his empty eyes pleading to the air.

"Please... don't! Let her go... let me do whatever I want... why are you so cruel!"

"Is what he experienced terrible?" Luo Bing suddenly asked in a confused manner.

"I don't know, I guess it's quite scary."

Luo Bing nodded, "Then...can I keep him? I don't want him to die so comfortably."

"Whatever, just tie him to the bed and feed him food and drink every day.

This chapter is not finished yet, click on the next chapter to continue reading Chapter 158 Absolute Suppression (2/2)


Qin Lang looked indifferent. He didn't like killing, but some people, how could they relieve their anger without killing?


Zhang Long and Zhang Hu ran in with a few people.

"I'm not asking you to come in and watch the car."

"problem occurs."

Zhang Long pointed outside, "It's raining blood." ?.??????.??

"Xinxinyu? Got it." Qin Lang frowned slightly and asked Zhang Long and the others to take Lan Yu away. He gently put down Guo Lin's head and sighed.

Life is impermanent, and even more so in the last days.

In the sky.

Countless blood hearts fell, and blood balls of different sizes stuck to every corner of the city. Many blood corpses, blood dogs, and night demons crawled out of the blood hearts. They sniffed the air vigorously.

"The difficulty has been upgraded," Luo Bing whispered.

"Do you want to go back to the car and rest, or do you want to blow off steam with them?"

Qin Lang feels nothing uncomfortable now, because all negative emotions have disappeared with Lan Yu's defeat.

"I want to go back."

Luo Bing rubbed his eyes, "I'm so tired."

"Well, let's go home and rest."

"Boss, they have discovered us, there are so many of them... we can't get out, can we?"

Zhang Long, Zhang Hu and others looked horrified.

There are too many monsters, and they are gathering here densely. Among them, not only the physically strong Night Demons and Big Macs, they are like an army of monsters.

Qin Lang stepped forward with an expressionless face, and his voice was extremely cold, "Are you looking for death?"

The not loud sound spread throughout the city in an instant, and all the monsters who felt Qin Lang's breath showed fearful expressions. They lowered their heads one after another and did not dare to take a breath.

"This...this is..." Everyone was dumbfounded.

of course they

I know Qin Langqiang's perversion, but... what is this? Even monsters are afraid of him? ! How did he do that?

Naturally, they don't know that this is a skill that Qin Lang accidentally learned during the hunting trip, called absolute suppression. It has a miraculous effect on creatures with low combat power and can make them lose their fighting spirit in an instant.

The lower the monster's combat power, the better the effect.

This is the first time Qin Lang has used it publicly.

Without any fighting, Qin Lang sent Luo Bing back to the troop transport machine and arranged a room for her to rest.

At this time, the monsters outside instinctively fled as far as possible from the troop transport machine.

"Boss, what happened to Yuancheng?" Zhang Long asked with courage.

Qin Lang lit the cigarette and took a puff silently, "There is no Yuancheng anymore, it is just a dead city now."

Everyone was silent.

Luo Bing slept all day and all night.

When she woke up again, her whole body had lost weight visibly. What worried Qin Lang the most was that several pieces of her hair had turned white.

"How are you?"

Qin Lang pushed the coffee cup over.

"Well, I'm sorry...for making you worry." Luo Bing bowed to Qin Lang, "I haven't experienced anything, and my mentality is too fragile."


Qin Lang didn't know what to say, so he simply shut up.

Luo Bing looked at Lan Yu, who was tied to the bed and kept screaming for mercy into the air, and suddenly smiled. She took bread and water, crushed them gently and fed him, and finally wiped his mouth.

"Brother Qin, where should we go next?"

"Looking for my friend, we have to cross districts again. Her area is n7."

Qin Lang patted the huge supercomputer on the side, pointed in one direction and said.

Last night, he had nothing to do and moved the machine into the troop transport machine. It was very useful as a strategic map. "

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