Chapter 235 Dragon Palace vs Sanctuary "Boom, boom, boom!"

With a few muffled thunderous sounds, the dark clouds in the sky were dispersed, and an extremely huge, island-like spaceship slowly came from the south, surrounded by dozens of escorting wingmen.

This giant spaceship is completely black, reflecting a very metallic light under the sunlight.

"Fuck..." Lao Li has no education and can only say "fuck..." to get around the world.

"Ujin airship.

Fatty Han narrowed his eyes and said, "I thought that we were extravagant enough to build the Triumph using nine-layer materials from the abyss. I never thought that someone would be more extravagant than us. To build this thing, we need hundreds of times more materials than the Triumph." . "

After a pause, Fatty Han suddenly pinched his waist and said, "Of course, although our Triumph looks simple, it is absolutely durable and its defense capability is no worse than that of the Wujin Airship!!" He is from Shelter No. 7, do your best. Prepare to meet the enemy. "

Qin Lang glanced at the [Region Card] in his hand and groaned.

The visitor is not good! However, he is not afraid at all! "Naru...Ryu!"

The Wujin airship hovered over the [Hell Realm], and dozens of escort wingmen landed first. There were many soldiers with guns and live ammunition walking out of it. Qin Lang was very familiar with the blue and white uniforms he had worn in Zhengdu.

"The bottom of Wujin Airship opened, and a metal staircase extending to the ground appeared. A dozen men and women slowly walked down the stairs.

The uniforms of their group are pure white, obviously much more advanced. The leader of the bearded man drags his right hand to look at a crystal ball. The object in the crystal ball is clearly pointing to another [region card] of Qin Lang.

"Did you kill Lu Chao first?"

The person who asked the question was a beautiful woman in her mid-twenties, with a samurai weapon at her waist.

"I don't know Lu Chaoxian."

Qin Lang spread his hands.

"What, do you dare to do it but don't admit it?"

The beautiful woman yelled angrily.

"Don't you understand the damn language? Our boss said that he doesn't know Mr. Lu Chao.

When I came here, there was no one here.

"Old Li spat out spit foam.

Yeah? So how do you explain this little boy? "The beautiful woman Shifeng pointed at the robot next to Qin Lang.

"I picked up this Guaiguizi from a woman named Ma Yinghong."

"Oh? What about Ma Yinghong??"

"have no idea."

Qin Lang put his hands together and said, "I haven't seen her since she ran away from that test."

"Okay, okay, the push is really clean.

However, no matter what you say, robbing my refuge of property is a capital crime! ! "

The beautiful woman shouted angrily and drew her sword.


The bearded man stopped the woman, "You didn't kill Ma Yinghong, nor did you kill Lu Chaoxian."

"If I did kill the two people you mentioned, I will definitely admit it.

I wasn't the one who killed him, so don't throw this shit at me.

"Qin Lang raised the corners of his mouth slightly.


The bearded man nodded, "Okay, we will investigate clearly, and we will never let a sinner go, nor a good person. Now let's talk about another matter, hand over the [Original Area Card]. "

"What did you say?"

Qin Lang took out his ears and shouted in his heart, "Good guy, don't even pretend to pretend, just grab it?" "The [Original Area Card] is of great importance. If you hold it in your hand, it will bring you great trouble and it will do no good."

"Whether it's a blessing or a curse, I don't have to worry about it. If I say I won't hand it over, are you going to take it by force?"

Qin Lang was late to him.

Although this group of people is very strong, he may not be incapable of fighting, not to mention that he also has the bride from Green Shade Town as a helper.

"Shameless, general, let me deal with him!!"

The beautiful woman took the initiative to ask for a fight, "Well...just when the general was about to express his stance, a sudden change occurred. The crystal ball and the origin area card in Qin Lang's palm pointed toward the east at the same time.

Another [Original Area Card] appears? There are only ninety-nine origin cards in the world, and three of them appear here? ! In the east, more than a dozen figures shuttled through the air, dying like meteors.

In an instant, this group of people arrived at the scene.

"It's him..." Qin Lang's pupils narrowed slightly, and he recognized the white-haired weirdo among them at a glance.

At this time, the householder was following a man wearing armor.

No need to guess, that person must be the owner of the 'Dragon Palace'! "Which side to kill first?" The householder licked his lips.

The Dragon King said calmly: "What's the rush?"

The householder said, "No hurry? Then I'll eat first."

After saying that, the householder took out a mutilated body from his storage space. The body was that of a woman. She had endured some horrific abuse during her lifetime and died in a miserable state. The householder tore the body from the female body. He stuffed the next piece of meat into his mouth and chewed it.

"That man...that uniform!"

The beautiful woman exclaimed, "Get in the car, that body looks like Sister Yinghong!"

"That's right, it's Ma Yinghong!"

"Damn it! Where's the pervert?"

The group of people around the general were all furious, including Jiang Che himself, whose face turned livid, "Very good, kill my people and eat her flesh. Even if the King of Heaven comes today, I can't protect you! Kill them!" "

“Swish, swish, swish!… More than a dozen top experts from Shelter No. 7 drew their weapons and rushed towards the Dragon Palace.

The Dragon King raised his eyebrows and grunted: "Human, did you do this on purpose?"

The householder laughed wildly, "Is it so obvious? If you don't kill people, I will feel itchy all over."

The Dragon King sighed, "Since they are looking for death, let's help them and kill them."


Longying also used all their masters for this hell! The two camps collided instantly, and various dazzling transformations and sword energy exploded directly. The sky was filled with colorful colors, which was more than a hundred times more exciting than fireworks.

"Quick, quick."

Qin Lang urged, "Get the beer and melon seeds quickly."

Several people headed by Qin Lang moved to small benches, drank wine and ate melon seeds, and watched the battle in the sky that was a hundred times more exciting than any Hollywood blockbuster.

"The big panoramic sky screen! It's so cool!"

Qin Lang took a big sip of wine, and without any surprise, the bride also ran out and sat next to Qin Lang, "It's quite exciting, which one do you like? I don't care which one of them wins, in the end All of them will die."

Qin Lang smiled.

Shelter No. 7 and Dragon Palace both had a grudge against him. If both sides died, that would be the best outcome! "boom!"

boom! "

boom! "

… More than a dozen small mushroom clouds exploded in the air, causing casualties on both sides.

But from the current point of view, the combat power of the two sides is basically equal, and it is difficult to determine the winner in a short period of time.

"The white-haired monster is really powerful. He can fight against five with ease. If he's such a ruthless wolf, wouldn't his master be even more awesome?

"Lao Li reached out and touched the braised pig tail from somewhere and took a big bite.

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