Chapter 243: Great Harvest Nearly a hundred Oulu gathered in the square of Nuoda. They talked softly and didn't understand why the captain asked them to put down everything in their hands and gather immediately.

Almost seven or eight minutes later, a tall tailed beast with three bald tails wearing a giant armor slowly walked out of the base's subway gate.

All the soldiers who saw the three-tailed beast immediately stood upright, staring directly at the captain.

Even though they were wearing helmets and couldn't see their eyes, they could still feel the awe from the bottom of their lungs.

"That's the three-tailed beast. Why is it different from other tailed beasts? It's so big."

Lao Li put down the military telescope and muttered something in a low voice, but it was a pity that Tal couldn't understand him, otherwise he would definitely give an explanation.

Tailed beasts do not just refer to a kind of creature, but a race. Just like humans are divided into yellow people, white people, black people, etc., the only thing that can distinguish their social classes is the number of tails they are born with. .

"Captain Three Tails has come out, so where has Mr. Qin gone?" Fatty Han frowned.

"You know, let's see what's going on first.

Fortunately, we didn't go to the Mangguan. There are so many tails: one shot per person is enough for us to drink a pot. "

Just when a few people were talking in lowered voices, something happened suddenly! ! Standing on the high platform, the three-tailed captain opened his arms without any warning, and a large white cloud of storm wisdom suddenly covered Nuo Tian's square with grass, and all he could see was the huge flying snow! The blizzard lasted for a full two minutes. When the snow cleared, we looked at the factory. All the tailed beasts were frozen. Most of them remained standing, and only a small part of them were in attack or escape postures... Huge. The mining area was deathly silent.

The people hiding on the hillside were dumbfounded, and the group of Flame Demon Tauren not far away were equally shocked.

What happened? The same doubt flashed through everyone's mind.

"Fuck..." Xu Yun may have spent too much time with Lao Li and learned his catchphrase. He slapped his head and said, "That's the boss!"


Everyone looked over.


The presence in this armor is Qin Lang disguised as the captain.

At this time, he jumped out of the armor and began to pick up [Ability Cards] all over the ground like no one else. He also didn't let go of the tailed beasts' bodies and armors, and packed them all into the storage space.



Lao Li, Xu Yun and others rushed down, and they were more excited than Qin Lang himself.

Killing hundreds of tailed beasts in one move, this is crazy... If it didn't really happen before our eyes, who would dare to believe that this is a fact? In fact, Qin Lang himself is not absolutely sure. He just wants to try the power of [Blizzard]. He never expected that this upgraded version of Blizzard is so wolf. When superimposed on each other, they can kill multiple tailed beasts in an instant.

The brave will be starved to death and the timid will be starved to death. The ancients do not deceive me.

While Lao Li and others were cheering for Qin Lang, Tal unlocked his compatriots and explained everything to them.

Then hundreds of Yanmo tribesmen shot Qin Lang deeply with grateful eyes.

"Tal, take them to shelter and try not to move around for thirty days and nights."

Those who would attack the Enma clan were not only tailed beasts, but also humans.

After all, for those who participate in [Hell Realm], these monsters are experience points and treasures: they are the basis for improving combat power.

"What are your plans next?" Tal asked, "Of course, continue to hunt tailed beasts."

Tal groaned, pulled off a small and exquisite horn pendant from his neck and put it on Qin Lang's neck. "This is the token of the Flame Demon Clan. As long as you wear it, my people will not attack you."

Qin Lang smiled and patted Tal on the back, "Go quickly, Gan Fang hides."


Tarr immediately left with a large group of Wu Juejue's Fire Demon clansmen.

Qin Lang glanced at his companions with a smile, "Bride, don't you want the Earth Crystal Core? I know where to find it."

The bride blinked.

After a while.

Qin Lang opened the warehouse. Countless earth crystal cores cut into rectangular cubes filled the warehouse, which was the size of a basketball court.

"Oh my god!!!"

Fatty Han excitedly hugged a large piece of hell crystal core and kissed it hard, "It's crazy, it's really fucking crazy this time!! How can I take away all the hell crystal cores with so many! I'm so worried!" !”

"Why are you bothering me? Can't I just exchange for more large storage boxes?"

Fatty Han nodded repeatedly, and exchanged the crystal cores of the Palm Earth Jue for the storage boxes with the highest specifications in Shierkou, filling each storage box to the fullest.

"There are so many, why don't you just give me a box?"

The bride spoke calmly.

"When I get the [Alien Liberation Card], I can give you another box."

Qin Lang is not a stingy person.

"That `s a deal."

The bride's eyes are filled with joy.

"Boss, you just got a lot of ability cards. When are you going to share them with the brothers?"

Lao Li rubbed his palms vigorously.

"I'm so anxious, let's see if there's anything particularly valuable here. If not, let's run away first."

Half an hour later.

The Triumph was driving on the rough road, and everyone in the car was singing and dancing, a happy group.

As the saying goes: When a person achieves enlightenment, a chicken or a dog ascends to heaven.

Qin Lang distributed the more than 100 ability cards he had seized to everyone, and he also rebuilt his deck.

He now has four active skills: [Blizzard★], [Lava Transformation★], [Rage★], and [Energy Concentration★].

The battle strategy is simple and crude. First, use drugs, then use Rage + Energy Concentration, and finally release Blizzard.

If the opponent is not dead yet, then use Lava Transformation to make up for the damage or run away. Perfect! "Eight potential slots are too few..." Qin Lang drank a mouthful of wine. There are many star-level ability cards in his warehouse that he has no place to insert.


Qin Lang looked at Fatty Han, "Check to see if there is any way to increase the upper limit of the potential slot."

Fat Han threw the scroll to Qin Lang, "Yes, there is, but it's too difficult."

Where is the wish altar? Sacrificing the Morning Star can obtain the upper limit of the potential slot, and the maximum potential slot can be increased to ten..." Qin Lang's eyes lit up.

"I don't know.

"Fatty Han spread his hands.

"Boss! Something's happening!"

Ding Yuan suddenly shouted, and more than a dozen men and women appeared in front of them. They were fully armed and blocked the Triumph.

The leader was a middle-aged man, who smiled and said, "This vehicle looks familiar. Isn't this the RV in the core area before? How come it has become like this after just one day of absence?"

Old Li opened the door and jumped down, smiling, "Get out if you don't want to die."


The man laughed, "You are the one pretending to be so awesome. Do you really think you are so great?"


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