Chapter 258 World Tree and Her This shadow is none other than the robot that does not have much sense of presence in the team and is easily ignored - Guaguai Zai No. 1.

Guaiguaizai stretched his body in a very weird posture, and immediately held the five-tailed girl tightly from behind with his hands and head like a crab.

"not good!!"

The five-tailed girl was horrified. At the same time, Qin Lang stabbed her chest with a giant sword in both hands! "puff!!!"

The giant sword penetrated the chest of the five-tailed girl, and even the boy was pierced, and a large amount of blood spurted out.

"vomit." The five-tailed girl spit out a mouthful of blood.

"You! Give!! Me! Go! Die!!"

After squeezing out these words containing extreme anger from the gap between his teeth, Qin Lang twisted his arms, and the giant sword instantly smashed the five-tailed girl's internal organs.

However, the five-tailed girl did not die! Her internal organs and wounds are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye! ! "Let you fucking kill my people!"

Qin Lang stepped on the five-tailed girl's head, raised his sword and cut off all five tails.


The five-tailed girl let out a scream, and her body quickly withered like a deflated ball, turning into a pile of white bones in an instant.

Qin Lang's body shook, and he barely supported his body by looking at the giant sword with both hands.


For some reason, his mind went blank, and he didn't even have the strength to move his little finger at this moment. "Boss Qin!"

Fatty Han stumbled to Qin Lang's side, "You win! You avenged Li Laotian and the others! Qin Lang fell suddenly, and his remaining consciousness seemed to be dragged into the black hole by an invisible hand. Soon, Qin Lang's completely lost consciousness "woke up. "

"Fuck, boss, you're finally awake, you scared me to death."

Before quietly opening his eyes, Qin Lang heard the all-too-familiar voice beside his ears.

Qin Lang sat up, looked at the bald head, and said in shock: "Old Li? Aren't you dead?"

Lao Li was dumbfounded, "Damn, did you make a mistake? You cursed me as soon as you woke up?"


Qin Lang was a little confused. Looking around at the green mountains, green waters, flowers and butterflies, he felt as if he was dreaming.

"What is this place?"

"You don't know where this is?"

Xu Yun shook his head and said, "I thought you brought us in."

"Lao Xu, Ding Yuan..." Qin Lang pressed his temples hard and tried to recall everything that happened before.

If he remembered correctly, he should have just killed the five-tailed girl and then fell into a coma.

But why come to this place? Just as he was thinking about it, the bodies of the three people around him, Lao Li, suddenly froze and became motionless. At the same time, a childish voice sounded in his mind, and he couldn't tell the difference between male and female.

"This is inside the Bud of the World Tree. The three of them should be very important people to you, otherwise you would not have entered the realm of selflessness."

"You are..." Just call me Xiaoshu. "

The young voice groaned.

"Xiaoshu? Okay... Did you save Lao Li and the others?"

"No... From a human perspective, they are indeed dead, and all you see is their soul.

The buds of the World Tree can foster human souls. If I want to resurrect him, it is far from possible with my current ability... A small, fuzzy shadow appeared in the light, "As long as you keep giving me nutrients and nurturing me , I promise you that when I become the real World Tree, I can help you resurrect them in the true sense."


Qin Lang's eyes widened and he ignited hope.

"I never lie."

"Okay! Great! But... what's going on with them now?"

Qin Lang pointed at the three designated people.

"The time inside the World Tree is constant. I will answer this question for you later."

Xiaoshu said: "People and souls cannot be separated for too long. It's time for you to get out now."

"Wait! Then what should I do to communicate with you in the future?"

As soon as Qin Lang finished shouting these words, everything in front of him disappeared.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw Fatty Han's big face. He cried with snot and tears: "Boss Qin, you are finally awake."

"How long have I slept?"

Qin Lang patted his forehead, his mind was still a little empty and it was difficult to concentrate.

Seven days and seven nights! "

"What? I slept for so long!"

Qin Lang was shocked. In his personal feeling, he just opened his eyes and closed them.

"Sleep?" Fatty Han was about to cry but had no tears. "How can anyone sleep without breathing? Do you know, how many times have you died in these seven days and seven nights? Thirteen times! Every time you use [Return to Heaven] It took me all the medicine to save you! It’s a good thing that you don’t need to rest.”

Qin Lang moved away from the light and saw the cute boy on the bedside. It only had a head and a mechanical arm used to feed medicine. A smiling face appeared on the electronic screen, and the subtitles flashed: "Welcome to wake up, master."

Qin Lang remembered.

In order to kill the five-tailed girl, he did not hesitate to destroy Guaguai Zai's body.

I will try to find a better body for you! "Qin Lang raised his hand and touched Guaiguai's head.

"What's going on outside now?"

Qin Lang checked his body and found that he was very weak. It was impossible for him to fight again, let alone fight against the five-tailed beast. Even a three-tailed one would make him cold.

"It's already chaos outside, and the fighting is fierce. Did you know that there are five five-tails descending into hell this time, and the five-tailed girl you killed is the weakest among them!"

Fatty Han had a creepy expression on his face.

"Where is this?"

This is underground. I dug it out with my own hands. It is about three to five hundred meters deep. He will definitely not be able to find us here.

Fatty Han wiped the juice from his forehead and said, "I spent a lot of hell crystal cores to buy earth digging tools." Qin Lang smiled and patted his shoulder, "I know, I will reimburse you now."

"In five days, this hell will end. My suggestion is to stay here to recuperate."

The bride came to the bedside and said, "If we are found out, we will die."

"Well" Qin Lang's eyes cleared, he lay back down again, and murmured: "Even if you let me go out now, I won't go out... I'm too tired."

"Well..." Fatty Han hesitated and said, "I brought the bodies of Boss Xu and Ding Yuan."

"Would you like to find a place to deal with...Mr.

"Let's talk about it after we get out."

Qin Lang felt a little depressed.

Fatty Han saw this and stopped talking. He stepped aside honestly and reached out to dig out something in his huge backpack. Not long after, a scroll appeared and he unfolded the scroll. Fatty Han's eyes widened and he said, "Damn, no way... who is like this?" Meng, actually killed another five-tailed one?"

"What? Purchasing information about the crusaders costs 5,000 kilograms of hell crystal cores. Why the hell don't you just grab it!"

"Can this kind of information be purchased?"

Qin Lang said lazily.

"Yes, but the price will be different depending on the importance of the information."

"I'll reimburse you, buy it and have a look. Once you know who it is, you can avoid it if you encounter it."

Qin Lang threw a box of hell crystal cores to Fatty Han, weighing two kilograms.


With a smile on his face, Fatty Han took out the second information scroll and said, "Oh, the one who killed the second five-tailed one was a girl named Feng Xiaoni."


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