Chapter 26: Annihilation (1/2)

"Block them, don't let them come!"

Wang Gui shouted and rushed forward with more than a dozen men holding anti-explosion shields. This was the first time they faced the Night Demon head-on. It would be a lie to say they were not afraid, but in order to survive, they had to bear it no matter how afraid they were!

"What are you doing standing still? Why don't you hurry up and help!"

When Li Zhengqi saw Wang Gui leading the people to rush forward, he hurriedly shouted to his members to go over and help. Soon, dozens of young and middle-aged men with unarmed weapons formed a human wall.



Although the night demons were extremely powerful, they were attacked after landing and suffered serious injuries. They could only exert 60 to 70% of their combat effectiveness at most. Several night demons tried to break through the human wall, but without exception they were knocked over to the ground.

There were a few brave and careful men in the team who quickly shot the night demons in the head. In the chaos, they actually killed a few of them.


Qin Lang, who had a panoramic view of the distant scene, nodded secretly. The growth rate of Wang Gui's group was far beyond his expectations. If the harvest this time was really rich, he would not mind selecting a few elites to focus on training. ?.?????.??

"Brother Xiao Qin, shall I go then?"

Huangshan took the special medicine and rested for a night, and his body basically recovered.

"Don't push yourself too hard. It's best if you can find the Black Blood Heart. It doesn't matter if you can't find it. Your life is important."


Huangshan smiled and rushed towards the wheat field on the right, which soon disappeared.

"Turn on the halo and reduce their pressure."

Qin Lang ordered Lin Wan'er, who immediately turned on the halo, and a green halo visible to the naked eye rose from everyone's feet. Everyone who was a little tired a second ago was refreshed after receiving the buff of the halo.

"Is this the halo skill to restore the halo?"

Li Zhengqi was completely convinced. In just a few dozen minutes, Qin Lang completely subverted his understanding of the strong. Not only did the opponent show terrifying long-range attackers,

Duan, even the little star in the RV, turned out to be like a trump card.

Fortunately, Qin Lang couldn't read minds, otherwise he would have laughed to death. Lin Wan'er was just a tool he trained, nothing more.

A dozen night demons were quickly killed under the joint attack of more than 60 people, but a new challenge appeared again. While people were fighting with the night demons, the corpses in the rear were out of bullets and arrows. interception, swarming up like locusts.

Those steel mesh and bunkers made of cement bags were useless and could not stop their progress.

"No, boss, there are too many, and we don't have enough firepower." Chen Qi shouted.

"If it's not enough, you have to support me!"

Li Zhengqi cast his gaze towards Qin Lang again, and saw that Qin Lang had a bunch of remote-controlled aircraft around him, and each aircraft was tied with explosives.

"I rely on so many explosives!" Li Zhengqi's eyes almost fell out.

Qin Lang controlled the aircraft to remotely transport explosives to the corpses. As a deafening explosion sounded, a large bloody area was blown out of the densely packed corpses.

"Wang Gui."

Qin Lang controlled the aircraft intently and said to Wang Gui, who was covered in blood, "The weapons are ready for you, and the bullets are also in them. Hit me hard."

Wang Gui wiped the blood on his face carelessly. At this time, he also noticed a white metal box placed beside the RV. When he opened it, he found that there were all small-caliber submachine gun jams inside, including bullet jams. There was a thick pile of them. .

"Leave it to someone you can trust."

Qin Lang didn't look at Wang Gui from beginning to end. The latter hummed and greeted him a few times.

This chapter is not finished yet, click on the next chapter to continue reading Chapter 26: Annihilation (2/2)

A young man who dared to fight came to get a gun.

With the addition of five submachine guns, the firepower instantly increased by two levels, and the dual firepower coverage from the air and ground successfully stabilized the defense line that was about to collapse.

"Boss, the corpses seem to be withdrawing again." Wang Gui shouted.

The corpse group could not attack for a long time, and once again chose to retreat.

"Chase, don't let them escape, kill them for me!"

"Did you hear that? Annihilate! Brothers, charge!"

Wang Gui yelled and led the team to rush over.

"Should we follow them, in case they encounter the Night Demon?" Lin Waner was a little worried. ?.?????.??

Qin Lang shook his head, "With the current situation, even if there is a Night Demon, it will only be near the Black Blood Heart."

Lin Wan'er nodded in understanding. Although she did not fight the corpses up close, turning on the halo for a long time still exhausted her energy. Her clothes were soaked with sweat, and her pink bra was looming.

"You go take a shower, change clothes and rest first."

"Huh? Ah"

After Qin Lang reminded her, Lin Wan'er realized that she had almost lost everything. She got back into the RV with a red face, and soon there was the sound of rushing water in the car.

"Is there any letter from Lao Huang?" Qin Lang asked loudly.

"They contacted me five minutes ago and said they were still looking."

"Tell him to be careful."



Ten minutes later, Wang Gui and his party returned triumphantly, with smiles on everyone's faces.

"Xiaobao, I'm back."

Wang Gui picked up Little Bao'er and raised the green card in his hand, "This is the electric Ultraman model. When it's over, I'll ask Uncle Qin to come over and play with it for you."


"Thank you, Uncle Wang." Xiao Baoer nodded.

Wang Gui's smile faltered and he sighed.

In the following period of time, Wang Gui led his men to clean up the battlefield.

According to the agreement, both sides should clean up the battlefield together, and Qin Lang would distribute the cards in the end. However, in view of the fact that Qin Lang's team contributed the most in this encounter, Li Zhengqi was worried that the team members would hide the cards and cause unnecessary trouble. He tactfully gave up this right and took his more than 30 people to the side to smoke and rest.

"Zizi, Zizizi"

At this time, Huang Shan's urgent voice suddenly came from the intercom on the round table, "Zizizi, I found Zizizi, the black blood heart Zizizi, Zizizi in the Song Family Ancestral Hall, it found Zizizi me, Boss! Monster! Save me! Zizizizi, help me! Ah...!"

Li Zhengqi took a breath and shouted, "Brother Qin, Lao Huang is in trouble!"


There is a small village near the highway. Since 80 people in the village have the surname Zhang, it is named Songjia Village.

At that time, Songjia Village was shrouded in gray fog. Although it was hundreds of meters away, the evil and terrifying atmosphere could still be intuitively felt.

"Damn it! I can't see anything."

Li Zhengqi put down the military binoculars and punched the ground hard. He couldn't accept the reality that Huang Shan had died.

"Old Huang is not only good at both offense and defense, but also runs fast. He also has the stimulants you gave him, Xiao Qin. How could he die here? Even if he encountered a night demon, he should be able to escape."

"Black Blood Heart is an upgraded version of the ordinary Blood Heart. In addition to blood corpses, night demons, and winged demons, it usually breeds monsters with strange abilities. Old Huang should have encountered a speed-type monster." Qin Lang patted Li Zhengqi on the shoulder, "My condolences."

Li Zhengqi sighed, "What should we do now? Rush in and find the Song Family Ancestral Hall and kill it?""

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