These eggs come in different colors, with the most common being the earthy yellow of domestic eggs, followed by whitish, and a very small number of eggs of other colors.


Brother Gou's eyes widened and he jumped up and down with joy, "Hahahaha, now I'm rich! I'm rich!"

Poseidon, who was not far away, also showed a satisfied smile, "With so many pet eggs, you can definitely exchange for a lot of crystal cores. Don't be stunned. Go get the eggs. Be smart and don't break these eggs." ”


A group of people rushed into the nest and began to carry these huge eggs.

When Brother Gou saw that Poseidon's people were moving, he was naturally not to be outdone. He hurriedly asked his men to carry it, and then said to several of his confidants: "Have you seen those eggs with different colors? Find a way..."

"I understand, Captain." The men all looked like they knew what to do.

"Don't worry, brother Xiao Qin, your share will definitely be indispensable." Brother Gou is in a good mood. As an old captain who has been going to sea to deal with rare treasures at sea since the end of the world, Brother Gou knows very well that these eggs are priceless and will definitely be sold. It can greatly expand the size of your pirate group.

Qin Lang remained silent. After hearing Brother Gou's words, he nodded silently, but a trace of worry appeared in his eyebrows.

Just when everyone stepped onto the edge of the lair, a very powerful aura flashed away, and Qin Lang couldn't tell where the aura came from.

He has always been in awe of this unknown existence.

"This thing looks quite heavy, and it's not easy to hold it at all."

One of the sailors said something that he thought was humorous. Brother Gou laughed and scolded: "Damn it, stop talking nonsense and move quickly. When we get back, I will take you to have fun! Find two bitches for each of you!"


"Boss, you are so great!"

"It feels good again!"

The pirates cheered and their morale was high.

Poseidon just glanced at it indifferently and then looked away.

There were indeed many giant eggs in the nest, but they couldn't handle the large number of people. In less than half an hour, all the ordinary giant eggs on the outside were moved, and some colored giant eggs began to appear one after another.

Poseidon walked into the lair without warning and stood in front of a group of pirates.

Brother Gou raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

Poseidon smiled lightly, "Why are you nervous? Are you afraid that I will take action against you?"

Brother Gou: "..."

"How do you divide these colored eggs?"

Brother Gou looked weird: "Didn't we agree to split it equally?"

"Eggs of normal colors can be divided equally, but what about the innermost one?"

Neptune raised his hand and pointed. In the middle of the nest, there was an egg with a crystal shell. Just by looking at the shape, you knew it was priceless.

"What do you mean?" Brother Gou asked tentatively.

"I don't have to take the eggs of other colors, but I have to take this crystal egg away. Of course, if you are not satisfied with this decision, you can also take away the crystal egg. The eggs of other colors belong to me. I am a very democratic person. The decision is left to you." Poseidon smiled evilly.

"Um, I..."

Brother Gou was hesitant for a while.

The palms and backs of his hands were full of flesh, making it uncomfortable for him to part with either side.

He thought for a long time and finally made a decision. He smiled and gave the Poseidon a fist, "Okay, the crystal egg is yours, I want the color egg."

"Wise choice."

Poseidon's eyes flashed with approval.

After spending most of the day, this temporary alliance composed of the navy and the pirate group moved all the eggs back to their respective cabins.

But at this time, a storm suddenly appeared on the sea, and both parties unanimously decided to rest on the island for one night, and then go back to their homes to find their mothers after the storm subsided.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning.

Qin Lang woke up early as usual.

But today he felt something strange. The deck, which was usually noisy and noisy like a vegetable market, was eerily quiet. Apart from the sound of waves lapping against the hull, there was no other sound.

"Something's not right..."

Qin Lang walked out of the cabin and walked towards the deck with his giant sword.

Something surprising happened.

The pirate ship that was still bustling last night turned into a ghost ship, and not even a single person could be seen.

Qin Lang frowned and went to other pirate ships to check. The result was the same. There was no one on any of the ships.

"Where have everyone gone? Could it be that the same thing happened to the Poseidon Fleet?"

The ominous premonition became stronger, and Qin Lang came to the Sea Emperor Fleet.

The worrying thing still happened. The situation of the Sea Emperor Fleet was exactly the same as here. Not a single person could be seen inside and outside the huge warship.

"What's going on... Why are they all gone, but nothing happens to me?"

Qin Lang was a little confused. If he was really going to be attacked, he should also encounter the enemy.

Suddenly, Qin Lang thought of a possibility!

He hurriedly rushed into the warehouse below the cabin. As a result, all the huge eggs that had been transported disappeared, as if what happened yesterday had never happened at all.

Such a weird and bizarre incident made Qin Lang feel a little numb.

"Both people and eggs have disappeared...where will they go? Could it be..."

Qin Lang thought of the only possibility and flew to the nest as fast as possible.

After a while, Qin Lang came to the lair.

Looking down from a high position, Qin Lang couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Under the sun, thousands of huge eggs were lying in the nest. If it weren't for the large footprints around, even Qin Lang might have doubted whether the scene that happened yesterday was an illusion.

"Could these eggs have legs and run back on their own? Even if the eggs have legs, what about the people? Where have all the people gone?"

Just when Qin Lang was racking his brains to think about it, the terrifying aura from yesterday suddenly surged out from below, the island shook violently, and then, the huge oval nest actually closed up from the middle.

Qin Lang hurriedly raised his height, his pupils suddenly tightened.

Only then did he realize that this was not an island at all, but a giant monster that was difficult to describe in words!

The location of the nest is its mouth!


The monster roared, and Qin Lang had to use all his strength to resist the violent sonic shock.

Fortunately, this monster was not interested in Qin Lang. After calling a few times, it returned to its island appearance.

A bizarre and terrifying scene happened again.

Those huge eggs began to break out of their shells.

Human hands and feet broke open the eggshell, and hundreds of wet Poseidon soldiers and pirates emerged from inside.

They were like zombies, completely losing their minds and wandering around the lair aimlessly.

"It's Brother Gou..."

Qin Lang discovered Brother Gou who hatched from a golden egg. Veins popped up on his forehead, and he looked like he wanted to eat people.

"Diamond egg..."

The last thing that hatched was a diamond egg, and inside it was no surprise the King of the Seas.

Neptune's body was covered in sticky liquid, and his beautiful face was full of ferociousness.

"I see..."

Qin Lang suddenly understood everything,

"These...are not eggs, but parasites!"

Qin Lang felt a chill in his back.

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