
Qin Lang was a little confused. When the opponent's level surpassed his, no matter how strong his mental strength was, he could not eavesdrop on the spiritual communication between Demon Daoshan and the housekeeper.

"I'm fine!"

Majin Shimayama forcibly suppressed the anger and grief in his heart. He took a deep breath and stared at the healing wounds on his hands.

"In order to force me to take action...is it necessary to use this method?"

Majin Shimayama muttered to himself.

It's true that he is a martial artist, but that doesn't mean he doesn't understand anything!

In the center of the main island, more than 70% of Sakura Kingdom's national masters are stationed. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a dragon's pool and a tiger's den. Not to mention a few Chinese masters, even those with a combat power of three generals may not be able to escape unscathed if they enter. The purpose of these experts is just to kill a few civilians? !

Do you think he is an idiot? ?


Majin Shimayama suddenly raised his head, "Do you want to know what my trump card is? I will use this trump card to end the battle between you and me!"

"Ouch!!!" Majin Daoshan was furious and roared to the sky. His originally strong body began to expand rapidly, his skin was torn, and new flesh and blood squeezed out of the cracks. It was a red color similar to that in anatomy textbooks. Muscle tissue.

"This aura... is too strong!"

Qin Lang couldn't help but marvel.

"Ha...are you, are you ready?"


Qin Lang took a deep breath and advanced instead of retreating. Demon Daoshan opened the [ultimate form] but inspired his fighting spirit!

Sakura Palace.

Emperor Sakura tapped the table gently with a satisfied smile on his face.

This is true.

Some people have to be beaten with a whip before they know how to move forward. If he had been willing to use the trick earlier, why would he have to sacrifice innocent women and children?

"The battle is over."

The dozen or so senior executives at the table all showed relaxed expressions.



In the screen!

Demon Daoshan collided with Qin Lang, who was completely transformed into a beast!


The dust curtain rose, the ground shook, and even the dark clouds in the sky were torn apart.

After a long time, the dust settled.

A dozen pairs of eyes looked at the man standing on the screen, their smiles frozen.

"How can this be!"

"Actually... actually defeated?"

"I'm not dreaming, am I? Majin Shimayama in his final form was defeated by a Man Realm Awakener?"

Emperor Sakura's pupils narrowed slightly, he couldn't accept this result.

He felt something was wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on what was wrong.

Island battlefield.

Qin Lang threw the huge egg wrapped in the Demon Island Mountain back to the Island of Fertility, and turned to look at a group of Sakura defenders who had been watching the battle from a distance. He spit out a mouthful of blood and flew over.

Half an hour later, hundreds of defenders on the island were killed by Qin Lang. A group of scrawny Chinese miners walked out in groups and looked at the young people in front of them gratefully.

Qin Lang pointed his finger and opened the teleportation to the city of abundance, "This teleportation gate leads to my city, where you will get medicine, food, clothes and everything you need."

"thanks, thanks!!"

The leader was an old man. He was about to kneel down, but Qin Lang grabbed his wrist and said, "Go into the city, someone will arrange it for you."

After settling the more than a thousand miners, Qin Lang set his sights on the deep mine and plunged into it.

As the depth continued, more and more mineral veins were discovered. Even if Qin Lang temporarily mobilized the 108 "Zhenzi" to mine, it took two days and two nights to hollow out the mine, and the hell crystals harvested The core was transferred to him and a building was built in the City of Plenty. The [Original Creature Habitat] and [Boundary Stone Tablet] showed that it was under construction, and the [Dominator Tower], which required 50 tons of hell crystal cores to be built, had to wait for him to find it. A new mine.

The City of Fertility is brightly lit at night.

Ye Xuan at least didn't brag on this point. He really knew how to manage. Under his management, the city of Fenghuang was managed in an orderly manner. I can't say that the residents have returned to the comfortable life of the civilized era, but it can barely be called that. It’s time to live and work in peace and contentment.

Qin Lang stood on a mountain peak not far from the main city, watching the prosperous development of a city under his leadership, and still felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

When he gets the last two [Liberation Cards], he will move Lin Wan'er and others in to live there.

"You came."

Qin Lang didn't look back, and he knew who the person behind him was based on his breath.

It's Majinjimayama!

Majin Daoshan came to sit down next to Qin Lang, took a big sip of white wine, and murmured: "This is the degree of liquor that spirits should have. Sake is too unpleasant to drink."

"I only trust you 70%." Qin Lang looked at the man next to him and recalled the scene that happened on the battlefield two days ago!

Two days ago, the island battlefield.




The dust curtain rises!

Qin Lang in his beastly state retreated one after another. In this pure strength competition, Demon Daoshan won completely!

But... there was no trace of a victor's smile on his face, but he said in an almost pleading tone: "In order to force me to use my ultimate trick, the emperor killed my wife and my children!"

"What do you want me to do?"

"I want to avenge them, but my own strength is far from enough! I hope you can help me!"

"Help you kill the Sakura Emperor? You think too highly of me. He is the ruler of a country after all. How can he be killed so easily?"

"I didn't ask you to take action now! One day, if you find an opportunity, I hope you can lend me a hand!"

"This condition is acceptable. What are you going to do next?"

"I will lose to you! Then I will fake my death!"


Time goes back to the present.

"Only trust 70%?" The demon Daoshan thought for a while, took out the [Awakener Badge] from his arms and threw it to Qin Lang, "Is this thing worth 30% trust?"

"Aren't you afraid that I will regret it?" Qin Lang was speechless. This is the Awakener Badge... It is the most important thing in a person. Just give it to him like this?

"What good will it do for you to regret it?" The demon Daoshan took another sip of wine, "We form an alliance, and you can get an ally who is not interested in anything except fighting and revenge."

That's the truth, but in fact I can hatch you into an absolutely obedient slave... Of course, Qin Lang just thought about it in his heart, and he really couldn't find a reason to backstab the demon Daoshan.

Not only is he powerful in combat, he also has a lot of information about the Sakura Country, which can help him avoid many detours in the future.

"There are two things I need to do right now. The first is to find two [N2 Liberation Cards], [Lava] and [Ocean], for a second awakening. The second is to find 106 second awakening masters to strengthen my sword formation. As long as I complete these two things, I can try to help you kill the Sakura Emperor."

"N2 Ocean Area Awakening Card...?"

Majin Daoshan was stunned and took out a Liberation Card with a wave pattern, "Are you talking about this?"

Qin Lang: "..., Sakura Emperor, I will kill him, even Jesus can't save him, I said."

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