Doomsday Rebirth: Stock up on SSS-level cards at the beginning

Chapter 335: Night Demon Emperor vs. Locust Alliance

The four words "gunfire and rain of bullets" are completely inadequate to describe the fierce battle that took place in the nest.

Hundreds of zombies were blocked from ultraviolet rays and harvested in large areas like wheat, and soon piled up into a sea of ​​corpses and bones.

Under such fierce firepower coverage, not to mention these ordinary zombies, even crawlers and night demons could not resist.

However, this is a large nest after all, and there are countless zombies inside. Every time a batch dies, there will be new replacements. It is impossible to wipe them out in a short time.

The team of more than 200 people advanced forward in an orderly manner. The fierce scene was more shocking than any apocalyptic blockbuster in peacetime.

Qin Lang retracted his gaze, made a look at Hongye and Daoshan, and pointed to the few people who were responsible for guarding the vehicle not far away.

The two understood, took out their daggers and quietly moved over.

It was only a few minutes before and after, and the flashlight flashed a few times in the dark. This was Hongye signaling to Qin Lang that he had taken the vehicle and cut off the retreat of the locust army.

Qin Lang also responded with a flashlight, and asked the two to stay on the spot. At the same time, he asked Pigeon and Qingxi to transport a large amount of explosives through a temporary rope.

Assuming that the final winner of this nest attack battle is the locust army, then Qin Lang doesn't care about letting them enjoy the "art of explosion" during the retreat.

But if the final winner is the nest, it would be great, and the explosives can be saved.

At that time.

The locust joint army, which was in high spirits, had no idea that its retreat had been cut off, and was still advancing forward, crossing the half court with almost no obstacles.

But at this moment, the squid caught a glimpse of several night demons moving at high speed on the right side from the corner of his eye.

He was experienced in combat and hurriedly reminded: "Flanking protection, there are night demons trying to get around, don't save the ultraviolet stick."

The younger brothers responded one after another, throwing the ultraviolet sticks over, blocking the night demons while illuminating the ground.

"Brother Squid, don't you think it's a bit strange?" The monster came to the side of the squid and moved his slightly sore fingers. His fingers were numb from pulling the trigger.

"What?" The squid was puzzled.

"I have participated in large-scale nest attacks before. The number of night demons was much larger than this. We have been fighting until now, and it seems that less than ten night demons have appeared."

"What do you want to say?"

"I mean, the number of night demons is so small, does it mean that there are..."

The squid was stunned for a moment, then woke up. The face under the mask twitched violently, and looked around vigilantly, "Night Demon Emperor?"

"Although it is a low-probability event, it is not impossible... ah, shit!"

Before the monster finished speaking, a blood-red night demon that was obviously larger and more burly rushed over like lightning when the light of the ultraviolet stick disappeared. With one claw, the bodies of the three locust team members were torn into pieces like paper, and the broken limbs flew everywhere and hit other people.

"Fuck! It's the Night Demon Emperor!"

The squid's heart sank. How could he encounter such a perverted thing in the first large-scale crusade?

Just when he reached out to take out the ultraviolet stick, the Night Demon Emperor was still in the empty space, and he killed seven or eight people in a row under the burning of the ultraviolet stick. Every one who died under its claws was not a complete corpse. Some of them were separated and the upper body was still crawling. Fortunately, his teammates were smart and shot him again.


The ultraviolet stick burned the blood-red skin and bursts of black smoke came out. The Night Demon Emperor roared and retreated into the darkness.

"Come back! Come back!"

The squid hurriedly asked the team to gather.

Since the opponent has a super monster like the Night Demon Tyrant, it must change tactics.

There was a period of emptiness in the fierce battle.

"Only thirteen brothers were lost, it's not a big problem." The monster counted the casualties and trotted back.

"General firearms can't hurt the Night Demon Emperor. The only way to deal with it is to trap it to death with a large number of ultraviolet rods. You, you, you, and you..."

Let's not talk about the quality of the squid's character for now. His combat command ability is first-class. He immediately selected a mobile team of more than 20 people. They are only responsible for hunting the Night Demon Emperor. Each of them carries more than 20 ultraviolet rods.

"As long as the Night Demon Emperor is killed, this nest will be captured. You should be smart."

"Got it, boss."

"How many ultraviolet rods do we have now?" The squid asked.

"Uh, enough for ten minutes?" The monster answered uncertainly.

"We have to use them sparingly. Listen to my orders. Find the Night Demon Emperor and kill him within ten minutes! Push forward!"

After shouting "Push forward", the team moved forward again, but the momentum was no longer as strong as at the beginning, and it was a little restrained.

"The captain who commanded the battle is a capable man. I wonder who will have the last laugh between him and the Night Demon Emperor."

Qin Lang talked about the matter and silently took out a cigarette. Before he could find a lighter, Hongye took the initiative to help him light it. She also took a cigarette and said with a smile: "No matter what the final result of this battle is, we are the winners in the end."

Qin Lang smiled, "Sparrow, are you ready?"

"Don't worry, Brother Qin, we are ready." Sparrow brought up a pile of arrows tied with a large amount of explosives.

Time passed slowly.

The battle in the nest started again. Amidst the shouts and killing, ordinary zombies were quickly killed, and the creepers, night demons and blood hearts were also blown up, but no one was happy about it, because the next part was the highlight!

The Night Demon Emperor who was enough to resist thousands of troops was still in the field, intact!

And their ultraviolet sticks were almost gone except for those in the hands of the mobile team!


The Night Demon Emperor stood on the top of the dilapidated building and roared to the sky. His skin turned from red to black. The moment the ultraviolet stick landed, he disappeared into the darkness.

"The skin of this thing can also change color?" Qin Lang was curious.

"Brother Qin, haven't you met the Night Demon Emperor before?" Hongye came to Qin Lang at some point, and her right hand naturally rested on his arm. Qin Lang did not refuse this.

"I have met it before, and I know there is such a monster, but"

Qin Lang shrugged. At that time, he was very strong. What Night Demon Emperor, he was killed in one second. How could he have the opportunity to learn more.

"When the Night Demon is angry, the blood contracts, the skin will turn black, and the defense ability will be greatly improved, but the speed will be reduced to a certain extent." Hongye explained.

"I see."

Qin Lang nodded to show his understanding.

The battlefield of the nest.

The atmosphere suddenly became weird and terrifying.

It was quiet all around, and almost no other sound could be heard except people's breathing.

More than 200 people were divided into two teams, standing back to back and scanning the surroundings.

"Here they come!"

Suddenly someone exclaimed, and his head was torn off the UV rod's outer membrane. The Night Demon Emperor jumped into the crowd like a killing machine, swinging his claws continuously. In just one encounter, several people died and more than a dozen were injured.

Ding Ding Dang Dang!

The moment the UV rod fell to the ground, the Night Demon Emperor disappeared.

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