The night is as cool as water, and the crescent moon is like a hook.

Stars fill the sky.

A plain twenty kilometers away from the king beast's lair.

The burning of the bonfire brings warmth and a sense of security.

The huge baking tray is filled with all kinds of sumptuous food, including pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks and fish.

There are also various vegetables, green peppers, enoki mushrooms, onion rings, mushrooms, etc.

Qin Lang grabbed a roasted leg of lamb that was cooked just right and took a bite.

"Brother, I respect you."

Huanglong waited until Qin Lang swallowed the mutton, then came over with a beer.

Qin Lang smiled slightly and clinked glasses with him.

"Boss Qin, thank you."

Chen Yu and three other people also came over to toast.

Based on their past experience, if they change the protagonist to anyone today, they will never allow strangers to harm them, even if the impact on them is minimal. This alone is a great kindness.

"What are your plans next?" Qin Lang asked casually.

Chen Yu said: "We will find a safe place to hide until the hunting is over. Where are you, Boss Qin? Is there anything you need our help with?"

Qin Lang shook his head, "I'm going to find the Dark King Beast next. It's very dangerous. If you follow me, you will most likely die."

"Dark King Beast!?" Xiu Shuzhu

Chen Yu felt a cold sweat on his back, "Boss Qin, please listen to my advice. Not just anyone can defeat that legendary existence. Three months ago, a very powerful team found They never came out of the dark king beast’s lair after entering it.”

"You're talking about the Celestial Team, right?" Huang Long interjected.

"Yes." Chen Yu nodded.

Huang Long said quietly: "There are eight people in that team, and they are indeed first-class masters, all of whom are [immortal]."

"Why haven't I heard you mention it before?" Qin Lang took a sip of wine.

Huang Long smiled and said: "What's there to mention? It's been cold for so long. Only those who are alive are qualified to be mentioned. No matter how awesome you are in life, they will just be a pile of bones after death."

"Why are you pretending to be a philosopher?"

Qin Lang took a bite of the steak, "I will go find the Dark King Beast myself tomorrow morning. Huang Long, you and Chen Yu go to a safe place to hide. I will come to you after the matter is completed."

"Brother, be careful and wish you success."

Huang Long took the lead in raising his glass, and the others followed suit.

Qin Lang laughed and drank the wine in the bottle.

There was no talking all night, and the next morning.

After bidding farewell to the six people, Qin Lang took the emperor and began to search for traces of the dark king beast.

The central area is only that big and can be covered in half a day, so the search process is not difficult.

That evening, Qin Lang found the deep cave that exuded a terrifying atmosphere.

"This should be it."

As soon as Qin Lang landed, some creatures hidden in the cave began to move around.

"one two three..."

Qin Lang held his breath and concentrated, counting the breaths approaching him.

There are seventeen breaths in total. Among these seventeen breaths, the weakest is [Immortal Body], and the strongest one reaches [Immortal Body].

Qin Lang took out the copper bell and waited quietly for the enemy to appear.

Half a minute later.

Seventeen nearly naked men and women appear.

After living in a humid environment for many months, many of their clothes became moldy and damaged and turned into strips of cloth. Not only their clothes, but also their bodies were also wet.

A woman with delicate facial features lost two eyeballs, with maggots crawling in and out; a tall man whose arms and flesh were eaten by insects and ants, leaving white bones; a man who seemed to be only ten years old. A seven or eight-year-old girl was hollowed out from the neck down, leaving only her skeleton...

This group of people is like zombies crawling out of the grave.

"They should be the team that defeated the Dark King Beast before. After they die, they will be used as fighting tools..."

Qin Lang didn't feel scared, he just felt that they were miserable.

If he hadn't accidentally met the mysterious old man, he might have become a walking zombie without the ability to think.

"Big brother..."

When Qin Lang was sighing, a girl's voice suddenly sounded.

"Brother, let's go quickly..."

"Who are you?"

Qin Lang became alert. He didn't know where the voice came from.

"Brother, let's go quickly... If you don't go, it'll be too late..." The girl's voice was filled with tears.

"Are you talking to me?"

Qin Lang stared at the girl whose upper body was hollowed out.


The voice suddenly became sharp, and in the next second, more than a dozen puppets rushed forward at the same time.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The bell rings.

Hundreds of monster stone sculptures appeared out of thin air and drowned seventeen people in an instant.

Facing an overwhelming number of monster stone sculptures, these seventeen people could not escape death even if they were extremely capable, and the battle was over soon.

Qin Lang looked at the puppets that were broken into pieces and murmured: "Are you...still there?"

"Thank you, big brother... we... are finally free."

The woman said something weakly, and then her voice completely disappeared, as if it had never happened.

Until his death, Qin Lang didn't know who reminded him.

All he knows is that he is very angry now!

He wants to kill!

"Dark King Beast...! Get the hell out of here!"

Qin Lang roared wildly and rushed into the dark cave with the monster stone sculpture.

The cave was not deep, and Qin Lang soon found the Dark King Beast.

It was a lifeless black skeleton lying in the nest. Its skin, flesh and internal organs had been eaten away by insects, and its emaciated body was covered with black ants and white maggots.


The skeleton suddenly moved, and a creature that was half a man tall and not much bigger than a dog opened the skeleton and emerged from it.

If I had to describe the appearance of this creature, it would be that a Chow Chow had been overturned and run over by a truck dozens of times. Its head was just a ball of meat, and it was impossible to tell where the eyes were and where the mouth was.


The creature spit out its extremely long tongue and rolled many ants and maggots on the skeleton into its mouth, making a crunching sound.

"Lao San's must have been's very strange..."

Like that weirdo, it can also speak human language!

"You can't be a match for Lao San. What secrets...are you hiding?"

the creature asked, tilting his head.

"Cut the fucking nonsense and go to hell!"

Qin Lang was furious and drove the monster stone sculptures to launch a siege.

The creature was not afraid at all, but its body shook, and the ripples emanating from its body turned all the stone sculptures into ashes.

Qin Lang didn't even have time to react. The big meatloaf-shaped face was already in front of him, and the stench almost made him faint.

The creature asked in a low voice, "What secrets are you hiding? Huh?"

In the void, a big hand reached out, grabbed the creature the moment it sensed danger, and dragged it towards the big mouth of the void.

The creature said in horror: "No,!!!"


As the big mouth of the void closed and disappeared, everything returned to calm.

Qin Lang sat on the ground almost exhausted.

Just looking at the creature just once, all the bones in his body were soft and he couldn't stand at all.

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