Faced with Xiaoshu's question, Qin Lang answered decisively, "Of course."

Lao Zhang, Xu Yun and Ding Yuan.

They are all close comrades who have fought with him all the way. If there is a chance, of course they must be resurrected.

"What materials are needed?" Qin Lang asked.

"There is no regulation on the materials, but the stronger the materials, the stronger the physical improvement they can bring. Assuming that you can find [high-level god materials], after reshaping the body, they can directly reach [initial god] or even higher realms..." Xiaoshu knew everything and told everything.

"If that's the case, the resurrection will be put on hold for the time being."

Qin Lang thought about it and made a decision.

The enemies he is facing now are no longer the [awakeners] of the past. They are [gods] and [initial gods]. If ordinary materials are used to resurrect the three people, they are destined to live in Fengrao City in the future as civilians. It is better to wait until his strength reaches a certain level, such as [initial god], and then look for [high-level god materials], so that the three people can be resurrected as [gods] in one step.

I believe that with the personalities of the three people, they will make the same decision as him.

"Teacher Shu, I will leave the soul-raising coffin with you first, and these rare soils... the quantity is a little small, please don't dislike it. I heard from someone that there are a lot of vendors selling rare soils in the city where he lives. I plan to go there and buy more rare soils."

Qin Lang handed a few kilograms of rare soil to Xiao Shu, who nodded and said gently: "Thank you."

"Hey, you are still polite to me, then I will go out first, so that they won't wait anxiously."


After returning to the ruins of the ancient city, Qin Lang shared the antiques with Wang Wu.

Although Xiao Shu's eyes do not look down on these things, for humans with low realms, each one is an excellent material for refining.

Not to mention the distance, just the hardness, it is definitely higher than 90% of the treasures at this stage. If it can be refined into armor, shields and other protective gear, not to mention invulnerability, ordinary beginners really can't do anything to it.

After confirming that there were no other valuable things in the ruins of the ancient city, the five people returned the same way.

Arriving at the shore, Qin Lang summoned a small boat and threw the [N5 Ruins of the Ancient City] card on it, "Is the Snowland Treasure you mentioned this card?"

"Splash! Splash!"

The boat jumped excitedly, piercing through the ice on the shore, and then slowly let the card soak into the hull.

"Is this a real boat? Why is it acting like a pet? Let me see what this thing is..."

Although Wang Wu was a [First God], he had never seen such a strange means of transportation. While complaining, he silently used his magical skills to try to figure out the origin of the boat. As a result, he encountered a strong backlash as soon as he stretched out his hand, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

Everyone thought he was going to die.

"It's terrible, this boat... What on earth is it? With my First God realm, I don't even have the qualifications to know its name."

Wang Wu's hair exploded, and he was obviously terrified.

"Don't poke around with your fingers. How can a little [First God] like you peeping into my brother's secrets?"

Huang Long actually knew nothing and was simply teasing Wang Wu, but Qin Lang, who was standing by, nodded secretly when he heard it.

That's absolutely true.

This ghost ship, which has a thousand connections with the mysterious old man, must be extremely noble. In particular, it feeds on regional cards, which is very outrageous.

After a short rest, the route target was determined to be Star City. The next time, just wait and let the boat sail automatically.

Qin Lang remembered something, came to the deck, and patted the guardrail, "By the way, I forgot to ask you, what is the relationship between the regional card and my strength improvement? Didn't you say that this card is very helpful for my strength improvement?"


Qin Lang was answered by deathly silence, with only the sound of the waves.

The boat sailed quietly in one direction.


Qin Lang had a bad feeling and said uncertainly: "You...are you lying to me?"

As soon as he asked this question, Qin Lang clearly noticed that the boat speed had increased a bit.

Is this...guilty?


Qin Lang was furious, "Are you really lying to me? No, you are a boat, why are you lying?"

The boat was going faster, and there were obvious water drops on both sides of the bow.

"Old boat! You are sweating profusely!"

Qin Lang was so angry that he slapped the guardrail, "Tell me the truth, there is the card you want, we are friends, how can I refuse you, you really hurt my heart by doing this! No, you have to compensate me!"

The boat ignored Qin Lang and kept on going, which made Qin Lang even angrier. The noise on the deck attracted the attention of the four people who were playing mahjong in the cabin. Wang Wu leaned out and asked in surprise: "Boss Qin, what is this...?"

"I don't know."

Huang Long spread his hands, "You will get used to it slowly. I am not in a good mood sometimes."

"Damn, you are not in a good mood. Let's go."

Qin Lang rushed over and grabbed Huang Long's collar and threw him into the sea.

"Wow! Boss!"

"Ah, Anada!"


The voyage in the next few days was very smooth.

Three days later, on a sunny afternoon, the boat carrying five people landed, and the city built on the mountain peaks - Star City could be seen from a distance.

"Finally back, still with that familiar taste."

Wang Wu turned his back to the crowd and said with a laugh: "Come on, come on, we are in my territory. I must take you for a good stroll to let you know what the characteristics of Star City are and what must-do activities there are."

"Put aside the shopping and sightseeing, take me to buy rare earth first."

Qin Lang came to Star City not only to see the prosperity of a large city after the end of the world, but also to buy rare earth and cultivate small trees. Other than that, other activities have to be put on hold.

"Don't worry, there is absolutely no problem. I will take you to the market now."

Because Wang Wu was walking backwards, he bumped into a man in armor without noticing.

The man was furious, "Fuck you, don't you have eyes? Are you blind?"

Wang Wu turned around and narrowed his eyes, "What did you say? Say it again?"

"I'm fucking saying you are..."

The man was still raging a second ago, but when he saw Wang Wu take out a golden sign, he forced a smile and bowed, saying, "It turns out that the Lord God's Envoy is on a tour incognito. I am blind and don't recognize the great man. Please don't be offended. I am guilty, I am wrong, I deserve to die, I..." As he spoke, the man slapped himself more than a dozen times, and his face was swollen.

Obviously, Xingcheng is a city with very strict class divisions.

For a [First God] like Wang Wu, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is second to none.

"What are you, a patrol captain in the middle city area, doing in the lower city area?"

"Reporting to the Lord God's Envoy, there have been a series of murders in the lower city area recently, and the boss asked us to come here to investigate..." The [Immortal] patrol captain answered very respectfully.

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