Doomsday Rebirth: Stock up on SSS-level cards at the beginning

Chapter 40 Meeting an old friend in a foreign land

Chapter 40: Meeting an old friend in a foreign land (1/2)

For the next whole week, the heavy snow showed no sign of letting up, and the temperature reached a terrifying minus 20 degrees. The snow outside was one meter thick. Looking from afar, the entire city was covered in white.

During this period, Qin Lang and Xu Yun's teams conducted two team hunts. The results were good and both parties were very satisfied.

This morning, Qin Lang was sleeping soundly in the warm RV. The cell phone on the bedside rang. Unsurprisingly, it was Xu Yun who asked him to go hunting again.

Just as Qin Lang was about to agree, he heard Xu Yun shouting from outside, "Brother Qin, the sun is shining on your butt. It's time to move around."

Qin Lang looked helpless, "Just wait for a few minutes. I'll brush my teeth and wash my face first."

Qin Lang yawned and went to the bathroom to wash up. Lin Wan'er said eagerly, "You three are going this time? Can you take me with you?" ?.????.??

"It's freezing and snowy outside, why did you go out and suffer that kind of misfortune?" Qin Lang said vaguely with his mouth full of foam.

"It's so boring to stay in the shelter. Look at me, I'm getting fat."

Lin Waner pointed at the number on the scale, which was infinitely closer to 50kg.

You must know that her weight can remain at 425kg before the end of the world.

Hey, who in the family would understand? When the apocalypse comes, she will gain fifteen pounds and her face will become round.

Qin Lang laughed loudly, "As the saying goes, if a woman is no more than 100 years old, she will either be flat-chested or short. What's wrong with being fatter?"

"That's what you are saying. You should be disgusted if he turns into a fat man." Lin Wan'er puffed up her cheeks and shook Qin Lang's arm vigorously, "Take me with you, take me with you. I promise not to hold you back."

Qin Lang thought for a while, this was just an ordinary hunting, and the possibility of encountering danger was completely negligible, so he agreed, "Since you want to go so much, then okay."

"Yeah!" Lin Wan'er cheered and quickly went to pack the equipment.

"Hey, Miss Lin is going with us this time." Xu Yun threw away the half-smoked cigarette with a smile and turned to get in the car.


r\u003e "Yeah, she thinks it's too boring to stay in the RV."

"Brother Xu, Sister Ding Yuan." Lin Waner greeted obediently.

"Wan'er, come on, sit next to me." Ding Yuan smiled and held Lin Wan'er's hand.

Here Qin Lang unfolds the map of Haicheng. Many areas on the map have been marked by him with red pens, which means areas that have been searched. As long as there is no "blood rain", these areas can be regarded as safe areas and there are no monsters. There are no supplies either.

"There are basically no supplies in the north of the city. What do you think of us heading to the west of the city this time?" Xu Yun pointed at the map.

"No problem, I don't care." Qin Lang nodded, hunting is the same wherever he goes, there is no difference.

"Before I go, I might have to waste some time. I want to go to the community first."


Qin Lang knew that during this period, Xu Yun would send supplies to the survivors of the community who had encountered corpses every three or five times.

The snow chariot moved quickly on the thick snow, as if walking on flat ground, and soon arrived at the community.

At that time, the mountains of corpses had already been covered with snow, and no one could tell that a bloody battle had occurred here.

Xu Yun took Ding Yuan into the community, but soon came out with a frown on his face.

"What's wrong?"

Qin Lang looked over.

"There is no one, and there are no bodies. They have all left." Xu Yun frowned. Where could a group of ordinary survivors with no fighting ability go in this ice and snow?

"If there are no traces of battle at the scene, then there is a high probability that

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Picked up by another shelter. "

Human beings are the most fragile and strongest race in the world. Even in this extremely harsh climate, there are still many people who survive, and there are not a few.

"Probably, there are several shelters in Haicheng." Xu Yun nodded and didn't take it seriously.

He has done what he can, and the rest depends on the fate of this group of people. ?.?????.??

Soon it was noon, and the four of them found a shop with complete walls on the roadside. After getting in and sealing the door, they set up the induction cooker and ate hot pot.

As the red oil hot pot soup begins to bubble, the indoor temperature rises visibly to the naked eye.

"On the hour."

Qin Lang took out two beer cards, tore them open, and distributed the cans of beer to the three of them.

"Brother Xiao Qin, you will enjoy it. I'll treat you to the next meal."

"Haha, eat and drink!"

A few people were chatting while eating. The atmosphere in the room was harmonious and warm, and there was no hint of the end of the world.

When the meal was almost over, the sound of tires grinding through the snow suddenly came from outside. When I went out, I saw three snowmobiles approaching. Seven or eight people got out of the vehicles. They were armed and wrapped themselves in snow. Like rice dumplings, everyone wears goggles.

"What did you do? You crossed the line, do you know?" one of them shouted, aiming his rifle at the four of them.

"We have no hostility, we are just passing by and taking a rest here." Xu Yun explained.

"Boss, their food is so awesome. They even have hot pot and beer. Damn it, it's so luxurious." Several of his subordinates got into the house and their eyes turned red with envy when they discovered the food in the house.

What kind of family dares to eat hot pot and drink beer in the last days? Why the hell are you just having a picnic?

"Wan'er, is this Lin Wan'er?"\u003cb


Just as the team boss was about to speak, someone behind him exclaimed.

"Ah, who are you?" Lin Wan'er was stunned for a moment, and only recognized him after the man took off his goggles, "Brother Feng?!"

Feng Yushu said excitedly, "Wan'er, why are you in Haicheng? You... why have you gained so much weight?"

Lin Wan'er "¥"

Meeting an old friend in a foreign land, Lin Wan'er was so excited that she wanted to cry, but she held it back.

The three words "you've gained weight" are undoubtedly very lethal to women.

It turned out that Feng Yushu was Lin Wan'er's agent and assistant. He was supposed to go to Xing City with Lin Wan'er, but the end of the world came without any signs, and he was trapped in Haicheng. Fortunately, he joined the powerful shelter in Haicheng and survived until today without any danger.

"So you're a family."

The boss motioned to everyone to put away their guns. "Since you are friends of Lao Feng, you are our friends. It's icy and snowy here, and there are so many monsters outside. Come back to the shelter with us."

Xu Yun looked at Qin Lang and asked for his opinion. After Qin Lang agreed, he smiled and said, "Okay."

"I didn't expect you to be in Haicheng too. It's great to see you." Feng Yushu couldn't hide his joy on his face.

"Where are Lili and Wenwen? Aren't they with you?"

These two are Lin Wan'er's exclusive makeup artist and foreign language teacher.

Feng Yushu sighed, "They were killed by monsters when they were fleeing."

"Alas," Lin Wan'er shook her head.

"By the way, Wan'er, you haven't introduced them yet. Who are these three?"

"This is Qin Lang, this is Xu Yun, Brother Xu, Ding Yuan, and Sister Ding." Lin Wan'er hurriedly introduced them.

"Hello." Feng Yushu smiled a little strangely. "

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