Doomsday Rebirth: Stock up on SSS-level cards at the beginning

Chapter 415: The Beginning of the God War, Attack and Defense

Although Qin Lang has seen many hell paintings along the way, none of them have depressed him like today.

Because those who were slaughtered and polluted were not ordinary people, but the [First God] who had gone through countless bloody battles, desperate battles, and worked hard to get to where they are today. Any one of them would be the overlord of one party outside, but in the world At this moment, they have all become lambs to be slaughtered.

Seeing the futile resistance of these first gods, Qin Lang sighed in his heart, there was nothing he could do.

God must come.

No one can destroy it, not anyone.

"Ah! Ah!!"


Dozens of First Gods were entangled by the black energy and turned into mummies in an instant. Those immortal and immortal bodies were destroyed almost as soon as the black energy appeared. Their flesh and blood were pulled out of their bodies and headed towards the palace along the black energy. gathered somewhere within.

Even if some of the paths are similar to Qin Lang's, those who can surpass the level and kill the enemy cannot escape the pollution of death. They struggle hard and wait desperately for death to come.

They are alive, but they are actually dead.

Human beings are too small.


The Star King was radiating golden light, grabbing the guardrail with both hands and admiring the beautiful scenery below.

Sacrifice of life is a beautiful thing.

"Old beast! Go to hell!"

More than ten masters suddenly rushed out of the void and all displayed their unique skills.

"Huh?" Star King's pupils were slightly condensed, as if he didn't expect someone to escape the black air pollution and come closer, but soon his surprise turned into ridicule, because someone walked out behind him and called softly: "Dahe" The sword comes from the sky."

A sword flew across the air, crushing more than ten first gods into pieces.

Di Tian stood expressionlessly with his hands behind his back.


If you want to kill the Star King, in addition to fighting against the black air pollution, the elites on both sides also have to pass the level of General Di Tian.

"Xiao Mei is right. When we beat the white ape that day, this guy really kept his hand..."

Qin Lang was secretly shocked.

Di Tian definitely has the ability to kill gods. When the God descended incident occurred that day, he may have only demonstrated three or four out of ten of his abilities.

"We must unite to defend against pollution. If we fight alone, we will surely die!"

Someone in the crowd stood up and signaled for everyone to unite to resist black air pollution.

At the critical moment of life and death, people retreated one after another. The spiritual power released by thousands of first gods formed a powerful barrier. In this way, the spread of black energy was indeed reduced a lot. In some areas with particularly strong spiritual power, the black energy was It's even hard to get close.


The corner of the Star Emperor's mouth raised slightly, "I want to use this to resist pollution... naive! Di Tian, ​​let's do it."

"As commanded."

Di Tian glanced at him and ordered the elite around him, "Kill me!"

More than a hundred elites who were hidden in the palace and never showed up on weekdays rushed towards the crowd at the same time. They were extremely powerful and each had the ability to fight one against ten.

Lin Xiaomei and Qin Lang were naturally among them. They followed the elites and rushed towards the crowd to fight.

"That is Taoist Priest Wutian. Although he is immortal, he has the ability to kill gods. He is a good young man." Di Tian said with a smile.

Star King nodded, "It is indeed a good seedling and a good container. With such strong strength, if you sacrifice it, you will definitely be favored by the gods."

Di Tian laughed and said, "The woman over there, Lin Xiaomei, is also quite powerful. She should be considered the strongest among the first gods."


"And that one, Venerable Tiger Wolf..."

"Big-headed Buddha..."

Ditian calmly introduced the strong men in his lineup.

The corners of Star King's mouth were raised slightly, and his eyes kept scanning the crowd.

He is waiting.

"Hahahaha! If you go against His Majesty, you are seeking death!"

"The best thing to do is to surrender your flesh and blood!"

"Resistance without any objections! Go to hell!"

More than a hundred elites seemed to have stabbed a steel fork into the cake, leaving a major gap in the defensive formation, which gave the black energy an opportunity to take advantage.

"You...are helping the evildoer! Damn it!"

"Do you think that after killing us, the old beast won't sacrifice you?!"

"The best birds are hidden in the air, and the cunning rabbits are cooked by running dogs. Don't you even understand such a simple truth?"

"Stop talking nonsense, let's all die!"

Countless bright rays of light burst out. Faced with the crushing force of Star City's elite group that invaded the defense circle, several young first gods opened their eyes silently, with a ferocious smile on their lips, "It's not certain who will die. It's time to take action." ”

Woohoo! !

The sky was dark and the earth was dark, and three grotesque gods rushed out of the body of the young first god.

A god made of bones.

One is a one-eyed toad god.

One is a god with colorful wings.

Three gods are coming!

Before the elites could react, the white-bone god waved his big hand and crushed a dozen people to death. On the other side, the one-eyed toad god spit out his tongue and sucked several people into his belly.

"No, it's a god! Get back!"

No matter how strong the elites are, they are still humans, so how can they fight against gods, let alone three gods in front of them!

The god with colorful wings flew high into the sky and flapped his wings gently. Dots of light shone down, and everyone who was touched by the light showed a happy smile in the next second.

"Ah, it turns out it was all a dream."

"Great, it turns out there is no apocalypse at all, this is just a long dream. Mom, I miss you."

"Wife, you may not believe me, I dreamed that I became a god in the end of the world..."

The elites stood still and started talking nonsense.

At this moment, the bone god and the toad god both attacked and devoured them.

They were happy, at least, they died in a happy dream.

"Go, go, go!"

Some elites with unique paths and strong mental power resisted the phantom attack and chose to run away at the first time.

Qin Lang and Lin Xiaomei were naturally two of them. The two deliberately shortened the distance during the escape, and this behavior did not arouse Emperor Tian's suspicion.

Running for life is like this.

"Only three weak gods?"

Xinghuang shook his head and murmured: "Not enough... Not enough."

"Old beast, three gods are more than enough to kill you!"

The three men who summoned the gods became the backbone. They easily resisted the infection of the black air and approached the palace with the First God Army.

"Oh..." Star Emperor smiled playfully, "Then, should I be afraid now?"

"You are still acting weird when you are about to die, I will send you to the west!"

"Crack, crack, crack!"

The bone god opened his huge palm and grabbed the star emperor.

But at the moment of touching the star emperor, the god suddenly screamed, and a misty god appeared behind Emperor Tian, ​​and cut off the bone arm with just one sword.

"They, belong to me." The misty god spoke faintly.

"As you wish."

Emperor Tian smiled.


"No, the status of that god is obviously higher than ours..."

The three backbones were shocked. As the spokespersons of the gods, they could feel the fear of the gods firsthand.

But... it was too late!

The god in the fog surged wildly, and the three clones attacked the bones, toads and butterflies respectively.

The sword light flashed.

The three gods turned into corpses in the screams.

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